Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 121: Cheats for Cultivation of Dull Flowers

After reading it, Tianzi thought about it. A mid-level energy cube was 400, a low-level energy block was 200, plus 2 pounds of elf meat, it was almost 200.

It takes 800 yuan for a meal to be spent, and 2,400 yuan a day!

"Sure enough, the strength is strong, although the money is fast, but the spending is also more!"

He still remembered that the first time he took the trumpet bud to go hunting in the wild, he seemed to have made 2 to 3,000 yuan!

Shaking his head, he continued to look down, and the next thing was the highlight.

"The development of basic instinctive moves of the mouth dumb flower: As we all know, in the trumpet bud period, as a plant elves, it is the instinct of their family to take root and absorb soil energy and photosynthesis to absorb solar energy!

However, this instinct that has not formed a move can only allow them to recover their own physical strength and energy very slowly without interference, and there is absolutely no way to achieve a rapid recovery effect in the battle.

This article will teach the basic development of these two moves. After learning, you can quickly recover yourself in battle according to the weather and field conditions. Generally, the combination of the two moves can restore between one-twentieth and one-tenth of oneself. It depends on the surrounding environment.

①.Development skills for rooting: rooting is to absorb the energy in the soil through the roots of its own channel, so why the instinct of the horn bud absorbs so slowly, it is because the absorption speed is not fast enough, and the channel transmission is too small reason.

After evolving into a dumb flower, although the root channel has expanded, the overall energy has also become larger, so there is essentially no speedup, and it has even become slower than the original trumpet bud period.

Is there any way to expand the channel and increase the energy absorption speed? Of course there is!

Here we use a grass-type basic move-Drain.

The absorption speed of absorbing this move is definitely much faster than the instinct of the mouth dumb flower. You only need to let the mouth dumb flower master the absorption, and then construct the same move energy circuit into your own roots, then you can quickly It robs the energy of the surrounding soil to quickly restore itself.”

Tian Ci's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he really couldn't underestimate the wisdom of this world!

Maybe the current civilians are overtaken by him, the transmigrator, because of their lack of knowledge and limited visibility.

But the big family in this world, the giants definitely have a better way than his own tossing.

"Looking at this trick, Duan Hua has mastered it very well. It shouldn't be difficult. It's awesome! This is equivalent to a 50,000-dollar rooted skill ball!"

Thinking of this, Tianji couldn't help but glance at Koudouhua, who was already asleep beside him. Originally, he called it because he thought that he might need to cooperate with verification, but after reading it, he found that it was not needed at all, so Tianji let his mouth be dumbfounded. Take a break.

Rubbing his eyes, Tanji continued to look down.

"2. The development skills of light and effect: This trick actually has the same place as rooting, that is, the speed of energy absorption, so it also uses the energy circuit of the absorption move, as long as the energy circuit is also stable and fast on the big leaves of the hands. Constructed to solve this speed problem.

Another difference is that the effect of light and light is actually to absorb special substances in sunlight and air. If it can be sensitive to this substance, it will greatly speed up the effect of photosynthesis.

During training, you can buy a solar spotlight, let the elves feel this special substance in an environment with air circulation and a lot of sunlight, and increase the elves' sensitivity to this substance. "

Tian Ci was stunned after reading it, and he was completely stunned because he had a low education in his previous life!

Sure enough, he couldn't compare it with the poor commoners. Compared with the secrets of the family faction, he instantly felt his own inadequacy.

After reading Kou Deng Hua's nurturing recipe, he immediately opened the nurturing recipe for the Little Fist Stone, which is an ordinary low-level recipe and comes with an evolution plan.

It is estimated that Qiu Ze's small fist stone is based on this evolution plan to evolve.

"There is someone out there... If Xiaoquan Stone has this secret book, it is not impossible to consider it."

After reading the cheat book, Tianji thought of Qiu Ze's small fist stone with a strong temperament and strong defense, combined with this cheat book, he couldn't help but think of something else.

"Forget it, it's almost 10 o'clock, so let's rest early! Let's make arrangements for Bibi Niao and Duan Hua, and think about other things! Get up early tomorrow morning to train and buy supplies!"

After looking at the time displayed on the computer, he thought for a while, and felt that it was better to arrange the two small ones first, and then consider the third one!

It was another early morning, and Kouduhua and Bibi Bird were already waiting in the open space in the backyard.

They have also adapted to the smell of the garbage station next to them. Fortunately, there is a garbage station next to them, so Tianji can have such a large open space to train elves.

"First of all, Bibi Bird, your training plan is like this

The first is to achieve perfect energy control, which requires you to release a lot of skills, but the following moves will also give you this opportunity! "

Tianji still put the newly evolved Bibi bird in the first place~www.wuxiamtl.com~ with special emphasis on energy control.

"Beep (_ Bibi Bird nodded, it won't hold back Tianci anymore.

"Okay, then you mainly have three moves, the first one is tornado, you are now scattered to form multiple small tornadoes, causing a large area of ​​damage.

What I'm thinking about is whether we can condense the energy of multiple small tornadoes into one tornado and turn it into a powerful single move! In this way, Bibi Bird, you have mastered a truly powerful killer! "

Tianji said, and showed Bibi Bird in the form of a picture.

"Beep beep ω" After hearing Tianji's thoughts, Bibi Bird nodded again and again, it felt very reasonable!

"The second is that your claws and beaks are tempered. Although the newly-born claws and beaks are stronger after evolution, there is definitely room for improvement. The illustration also says that you have strong claws. So we can't give up. This aspect of training!"

After speaking, Tianji took out a few boxes of bone-strengthening powder that he had just bought in the morning from his bag, and gave Bibi Bird a sign.

"Beep~(_ Thinking of hitting the tree madly again, Bibi Bird was no longer afraid, but she still showed a habit of crying and chirping.

"Beep (- was dismantled by Bibi Bird, and it was not embarrassing. As if this had never happened, he patted his chest and expressed his peace of mind! I must train hard!

PS: Give 10,000 points to book friends 20180628161559449 and add more!

The author went to bed first. . . There should be no more, I finally persuaded a big guy to go to bed first, and after writing at one o'clock in the morning, I found that a big guy gave a reward of 10,000 points, thank you! Let's post this chapter first!

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