Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 12: Returning to town and selling

"Very good, Trumpet Ya, this is a reward for you to obey the order." Said Tianji took out a piece of elf meat from his backpack and gave it to Trumpet Ya.

"Moo? ω?" Hornja took it over happily and immediately threw it into his mouth.

This time, more saliva leaked from the mouth of the trumpet bud and fell to the ground.

"Speaker bud, pay attention to control your saliva! As long as you learn to control saliva, then learning the trick of dissolving liquid can be said to have completed the most important step!" Tian Ci saw that the horn bud was starting to lose control again, and immediately started to the horn bud. preach

"Moo, woo, moo... woo" Louboutin heard Tianji's words, and began to consciously control his saliva, and the green caterpillar meat kept stirring in his mouth.

After Tian Chi had cleaned up the body of this green caterpillar, Trumpet Ya had already finished eating and was waiting around him early, looking around and guarding.

Seeing Trumpet Ya being so obedient, Tianji couldn't help nodding his head.

Through these two battles, it can be seen that the trumpet bud respects Tianji as a parent, so his orders are also meticulously completed.

This made Tian Ci's uneasy heart gradually calm down. After all, in the wild, he did not enter the elite level, and his own safety basically depended on the elves around him, and the main combat power was also elves.

Moreover, the action of Louboutinya's stop and inquiring just now also made Tianji understand that Louboutinya listened to every word he said, and his orders came first, even if he had his favorite food.

After all, it is impossible for him to kill someone every time he fights, such as participating in an alliance game or challenging a gym. If Hornya directly kills him, he will be directly on the wanted list. For another example, he originally wanted to subdue this elf, but Trumpet Ya killed that elf directly, so where would he go to find more elves in the future.

So, how to deal with this after the defeat, Tianji and Hornya asked again and again on the road.

Fortunately, the trumpet buds have listened to it, and it is very good as an executor.

"Okay, Trumpetbud, let's find another green caterpillar." Tian Chi waved to Trumpetbud, and one person and one elf started to look for the next unfortunate green caterpillar.

"Woo, woo...woo" The green caterpillar in front of him let out the last low cry before dying, and another green caterpillar died in the sneak attack that the two became more and more skilled.

Tian Ci walked out from a little distance. As a rookie trainer, he was well versed in Gou's way. Except for throwing stones in front of him as an aid, he never appeared in front of his opponent's eyes every time.

After all, there is no rule that elves cannot attack humans in the wild. On the contrary, elves who have survived in the wild for a little longer know that as long as they kill the trainer, even if they can't beat the angry elves, they can find a chance to escape.

So without the protection of the second elf beside him, Tianji understood that he had to live.

Skilled in cutting the corpse, he took out the wire bag and put it together. Tianji looked at his watch and the sky. He decided that he could go back to the town.

The purpose of coming out this time has been achieved, there is no need to stay for a little more money.

Tianji opened the notebook he brought, and turned to the goal he had handwritten before, which read:

1. The main goal: to test the obedience of the trumpet buds and increase the combat proficiency through fighting and fighting.

Tianji ticked the back and nodded.

At this time, I was looking at the trumpet bud. Although there was no breakthrough in strength, the momentum was obviously different, and it obviously increased a bit of fierceness. Anyone who saw it would not think it was a pet elf.

2. Kill at least two green caterpillars to subsidize income.

Tianji also ticked the back, after all, they killed a total of four. Four wire bags can be sold for 2000 yuan.

The meat of the four green caterpillars together is about 20 kilograms. The average weight of the green caterpillar has been introduced in books, and it is about 2.9 kilograms.

If he sells it, he will probably make a profit of about 1,000, so the four green caterpillars have provided him with an income of a little more than 3,000! It's just the result of one afternoon they've wasted a lot of time looking for the lone green caterpillar.

"Trainers really make money!" Tian Chi couldn't help but sigh, he earned a month's salary for ordinary working class in one afternoon.

But Tianji didn't plan to sell the meat, he planned to eat it for himself and Lujiao.

In this way, it can not only save food costs, but also train the trumpet bud's dissolving liquid moves, and it can also increase his physical fitness. Although it is only a trivial amount, it adds up to a lot.

As for why he didn't accept the green caterpillar to sell it to get more money, it was because there was no shop that would accept such a bad street and low-quality elves.

Although the shop priced at 6,000 for a green caterpillar with ordinary and inferior qualifications, they didn't have any stock. If they bought it, they could just grab one and tame it in half a day.

The green caterpillars that are stocked in the store are the worst but also the most common and superior, and they are all descendants of the final evolutionary Ba Da Butterfly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Let's go, trumpet bud, we're going home" Tian Chi said to the trumpet bud who was still on guard

"Moo? ('ω')?" Trumpet bud nodded happily, and followed Tianci back together, his head still looking around from time to time.

When I walked back to the town, it was a pity that I didn't see Uncle Sam. Originally, he planned to give two sacks and ten pounds of elf meat as a thank you for helping him and pointing him.

Although he knew that Uncle Sam was the captain of the guard, at least the strength of ordinary high-ranking officers did not look down on him at all.

But people don't like it, and whether you give it or not is two different things! In his previous life, he didn't read much and didn't know much. When he was on the road, he inevitably brought a little villain's way of doing things, but he also knew the truth of what kindness would be repaid.

Besides, after giving this gift, it will be more convenient to contact him later. This is an ordinary high-ranking trainer, not just an elf. It is said that the main force of the Aberdeen seems to be breaking through the elite.

"It's a pity, I didn't encounter it. If I went to the door again, it would be too deliberate."

Tian Ji shook his head, put aside these messy thoughts, walked into the Elf Grocery with the trumpet bud, and directly sold the four wire bags.

He is not familiar with the boss here, but he has also heard people say that the guards in the town often purchase and sell the supplies here. They should have an official background, and they are not afraid that someone will greedy him for such things.

The transaction was very fast, and he took out 2,100 yuan. The largest green caterpillar had a relatively large sac, so he sold it for 600 yuan.

It can be seen that this store is relatively fair. He also plans to visit this store more in the future. He heard that there are also skill learning machines for sale. Although he can't afford it, he can also sell supplies to gain insight.


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