Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 11: fight again

"Speaker bud, take a rest first, and help me guard the surrounding area by the way."

"Moo (??.?? Trumpet bud nodded, put its roots into the soil, began to absorb energy, and looked around with big round eyes.

Seeing that the trumpet buds started to be alert, Tianji took out a knife from his backpack and walked towards the green caterpillar's body.

"Hey! It's miserable, but the elf's body is really tough. It's a little hard to scratch with a fruit knife. It's still dead!"

Tianji took a fruit knife and made an incision on the green caterpillar's wound, then put his hand into his body and groped for something.

"That's it." After he touched the wool pattern, Tatsu took it off with force.

"This is the thread sac of the green caterpillar." Looking at the large mass of woolen-like objects stuck with green blood, Tianji couldn't help sighing at the magic of nature.

"Selling this to a grocery store is estimated to earn 500 yuan. It's a huge profit."

"If you sell corpse meat in a butcher's shop, it will cost 50 yuan a pound."

Tian Ci works as a part-time worker in a butcher's shop, and has also seen the butcher's shop owner handle elf meat. Among them, the green caterpillar, the unicorn, the carp king, and the little Lada, which are generally low in strength and qualifications, are the most common.

The butcher shop sells at 40 yuan a pound for King Carp, 60 yuan for a green caterpillar, 70 yuan for a unicorn, and 80 yuan a pound for a small Lada.

After all, elves have energy in their bodies, and of course the price is much higher than that of ordinary farmed animal meat, which made him think carefully more than once.

It's a pity that the business of the elf meat is handled by the boss himself, and he has no chance at all.

"But this green caterpillar is to be eaten by the trumpet sprouts, some internal organs, skins, etc. are removed, and the meat is also 4 or 5 kilograms. It costs one or two hundred yuan. I have to work odd jobs in the butcher's shop for several days! Sure enough, the trainer makes money quickly, and spends money quickly," Tian Chi couldn't help but sigh.

Saying that, Tianji began to dispose of the green caterpillar's body according to the method of the butcher shop owner, cut the edible meat into pieces, packed it in a fresh-keeping bag and put it in the backpack together with the sack.

Then Tian Ci went to the front of the trumpet bud, put a piece of insect meat in front of it, and said to it

"Horn bud, eat it"

"Moo" trumpet bud nodded. Although he had never eaten a green caterpillar, his natural instinct told him that this one was also delicious and full of energy.

"Ah hoo ah woo" Louboutin swallowed the meat into his mouth, and the habit of the Huanba clan like eating bugs instantly made him fall in love with the taste.

The mouth begins to secrete corrosive saliva to help it digest the worm's flesh

"Tick, tick, sizzle..." The first time Trumpet Ya ate insect meat, she couldn't control her saliva very well, and it dripped onto the ground and corroded the grass.

"Sure enough, it's corrosive. It seems that after slowly feeding the horn buds with insect meat, after letting them get used to it, they should soon be able to learn the killer trick of dissolving liquid." Tianji thought of the saliva dripping on the grass.

"Have you finished eating the trumpet buds? Let's continue after eating" Tian Chi said to the trumpet buds with a smile.

"Moo? ('ω')?" Trumpet buds tasted the sweetness, and their enthusiasm is very high

"Then let's find the single green caterpillar and deal with it in this way!"

"Moo? ('ω')?" Trumpet bud nodded, it didn't feel anything wrong, although it was the first time to use sneak attack on elves with lower strength than it, which made it feel a little shameful at first.

But this method made it easy to defeat the opponent. After all, after eating the delicious elf meat, it felt that the energy in its body had improved a little.

"So why don't you and Tianji easily turn your opponent into your own energy, face is only worth a few pieces of meat." Lou Ya thought of the elf meat, and the saliva dripped down on the grass in an instant.


"Okay, keep your saliva under control. This saliva is also related to your trick. It's called a solution. It's not just for you to eat. We have to learn this trick these few days." Tian Ci drooled again. The excited trumpet bud preached the snack.

Although he didn't hear Trumpet Ya's heartfelt voice, he knew from the way he looked now that he would no longer resist his sneak attack method.

"Moo Moo" trumpet bud closed his saliva, and pulled Tianci with his leaf hand, as if to say that I know, hurry up and find the next one.

This time, the trumpet bud was very active around, sneakily looking for the trail of the single green caterpillar.

During the period, I found a small Lada alone, and the trumpet bud was eager to rush forward.

But Tianji grabbed the trumpet bud in time to stop its impulsive behavior.

After all, this is the first time they have come out to fight the elves, although that little Radha seems to be about the same strength as the trumpet bud in the middle of the newborn.

But the little Radha reacts much faster than the green caterpillar. If there is too much movement, it would be bad to attract other elves to be fishermen.

"The slow green caterpillar is easier to bully. Besides, the little Lada is not much more expensive than the green caterpillar. Why should we fight it to death? It's not good to kill two more green caterpillars with this physical strength." Tian Ci confronted The trumpet buds that still seem unwilling to open up

"Moo (??.?? Trumpet Ya nodded as if enlightened

So why do the elves of the evil organization help its trainers to do these bad things?

Because the world view of the elf is instilled by the trainer, in their opinion, what the trainer said and taught it is right.

Like the kind of elves who have been with the poaching group and the Rockets for a long time, the three views have basically been formed, so after the alliance catches people, the main elves on them are usually killed directly.

"Let's go, trumpet bud, I found it." Tianji used the telescope to see through the gap in front of him and saw a green caterpillar on the branch ahead leisurely eating leaves

"Moo? ω?" Trumpet bud hurriedly pulled Tian Shiyao forward

"Wait, get closer, let me see if there are any other elves there."

"Moo" trumpet bud nodded

After one person and one elf crept forward, Tian Chi picked up the binoculars and looked around the tree.

"Well, there's only one, trumpet bud. You lurk and move closer. I'll see if I can knock it down. If I can't knock it down, I can disturb it, so you can take the opportunity to knock it down with a cane whip."

"Moo (???_??)?" Trumpet Ya nodded, and slowly moved forward a short distance.

The plant-like body of the trumpet bud can be said to have a layer of protective color in this jungle, but Tianji can't.

"This distance is a bit far, let's try it out and see the trick." Tian Ci made an estimate in his heart, and UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com quickly threw a stone

"Boom!" The stone hit the green caterpillar, and the branch it hit shook a little

Sure enough, he is an ordinary person, Tianji shook his head, and immediately whispered to the trumpet bud.

"Vine whip, trumpet bud!"

"Ugh?" The green caterpillar looked around in panic, ready to escape

"Boom!" Trumpet Bud's vine whip shot instantly

"Crack!" The huge force instantly hit the green caterpillar's body, knocking him into the air

"Woo! Woo!" The green caterpillar was so painful that it lost its focus in mid-air, and its panicked body squirmed for a while.

"Speaker bud, beat it down with the vine whip with all your strength, then tie it up, swing it up and smash it on the ground, remember to block its mouth as well."

"Moo" trumpet bud heard the order and immediately began to act

"Hey" a rattan whip shot down the green caterpillar from mid-air and hit the ground. Before the green caterpillar could recover, another rattan whip tied its mouth.

"Uuuuuuu..." The green caterpillar, which was already in unbearable pain, could only make a little uuu sound.

"Boom, boom!" Trumpet Bud actively implemented Tianji's orders, hitting the green caterpillar to the ground again and again


"Moo?" Looking at the green caterpillar whose eyes were swirling again, Trumpet Ya called out to Tian Zi in confusion.

"Continue to smash, don't stop, just kill it" Tianji coldly gave the order to continue.

"Moo" trumpet buds immediately continued to move

In the end, this green caterpillar filled Tanji's backpack.


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