Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 13: trim

"Let's go, Trumpet Ya, let's go to the blacksmith's shop" Tian Chi shouted to Trumpet Ya who was still reluctant to part at the door.

"Moo (?_? Trumpet bud was enamored with the green crystal above the grocery store counter, but after hearing what his trainer said, he still followed behind Tianji.

"The trumpet bud is called the crystal of the leaf. It is a companion product of the leaf stone. It can also be said to be an incomplete leaf stone. There is also a lot of grass-type energy in it. You are still young, and absorbing so much energy too early will cause Your foundations are shaky."

Tianji explained to Trumpet Ya, after all, Trumpet Ya now looks like a child who saw a favorite toy in a previous life, but his parents didn't buy it for him.

"But I can't afford it either. Now, although it's not as good as Ye Zhishi, I still need 50,000 Alliance Coins." Tian Ci couldn't stop complaining in his heart, but still explained to the trumpet buds patiently.

Of course, what he said was not a lie. He was just entering the growth stage, although after a few days of training and fighting, his strength was really solid in the middle of the freshman.

But it definitely still has a lot of potential to tap. Although absorbing a lot of energy too early will make the elves make breakthroughs in a short period of time, the subsequent promotion will definitely be more difficult.

"Okay, I promise you, after we work together to break through to the ordinary level, we'll just buy a piece, after all, what we earn will be more fragrant, right?"

Tian Ji looked at the trumpet buds who was still turning back frequently, and finally stopped, and used his trump card to draw a big cake.

This is the trump card used by parents to deal with entangled children in the shopping mall in his previous life. They usually say to the children, "If you get 100 points in the next test, I will buy it for you."

This will either stop the children's thoughts, or stimulate the children's interest in learning.

He believed that the trumpet buds would surely ignite the spark of battle.

"Moo (???_??)?" Lou Ya made a gesture of cheering herself up and shouted firmly.

"Okay, let's train and fight together, and strive to break through to the middle of the ordinary level as soon as possible." Seeing the firm appearance of Trumpet Ya, Tianzi also touched the head of the speaker and encouraged him.

"After all, around the middle of the ordinary level, it's almost time to evolve. I originally planned to buy one to improve my qualifications during evolution, and now it has stimulated the training heart of the trumpet buds. I'm really a genius, hahaha!" I silently gave myself a compliment.

When he walked to the blacksmith shop, he pushed the door and entered. There were all kinds of iron objects on the walls and all around.

A middle-aged man with a naked upper body came up to meet him.

"Hello, what do you want, our Tieshi family's ironware is the best!"

Tian Chi turned his attention to those short flying knives and daggers, walked up, looked at the sharp edges of the knives under the light and asked.

"What level of elves can these flying knives damage at the highest level, and the daggers next to them?"

"This guest, at first glance, you are someone who knows the goods. These flying knives are made of refined iron. Don't look at the slightly thin edge of the blade. It is to reduce the sound and increase the speed, so that the highest damage can reach the normal level. The body of the elf, of course, is a non-defensive elf." The strong man also picked up one and showed it to Tianji.

"Hey!" The sound of breaking through the air was really not loud, and the flying knife instantly plunged into the target not far away.

"How about it, it only costs 50 yuan a piece. As for the dagger, you only need to buy 10 throwing knives and I can give it to you."

"The flying knife is good, but the thin blade also means saving materials. The durability is not very good. I bought it for 400 yuan." Although Tianji was quite satisfied with this flying knife, he still haggled the price habitually.

"Deal!" The strong man immediately picked up the throwing knife and dagger to put it on for him

"Damn, it's still expensive." Tian Ci scolded secretly, paid the money, and walked out of the store.

"Welcome to come again next time!" The strong man sent Tianji away enthusiastically.

After all, this set of flying knives has been out of stock for two months. Not every rookie trainer will take the time to practice it. More trainers think that the battle should be handed over to the elves, and they can be hidden by themselves.

"Okay, Trumpet Ya, let's go home and make something delicious for you."

"Moo? ω?" Louboutin, who was obediently following Tianji, nodded happily, the elf meat being grilled was even more delicious.

Back in his dilapidated little house, Tianji went to the kitchen to prepare to cook the elf meat.

Trumpet Ya took the initiative to go to the open space at the back door and practiced her vine whip trick.

Seeing that the trumpet bud was motivated by himself, Tianji nodded with relief, and praised his previous method.

"It's time to eat, Trumpet Ya!" Tian Ci held a bowl of fragrant braised pork on the table and shouted to Trumpet Ya who was still training.

"Moo (づ●─●)づ" Trumpet immediately put down the stone he was holding, put away the rattan whip, and trotted over. He actually smelled this fragrance a long time ago, and he exercised on an empty stomach for a long time, also for the sake of more Eat some meat.

"Don't take the trumpet buds with the bowl. Leave some for me, hello!"

"Moo, woo... woo..."

"The last piece is mine"

Trumpet bud and Tianji were fighting over the dinner table, and this atmosphere made Tianzi feel the feeling of family after a long absence.

For the next few days, they all used elf meat as their staple food, and after resting for a while, they began to repeat the previous exercise.

Of course, Tianji, who bought the flying knife, also went to the black market and bought 2 bottles of special paralysis powder.

Thinking of spending another 200 yuan~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Tianji can't help but grit his teeth and look at the trumpet buds who are training

"Originally, this money could be saved, but Trumpet Ya hasn't learned it yet, and let others earn this money in vain. Remember that Sanfan doesn't need to be very strong to understand it from the bloodline inheritance."

Thinking of Bai Hua's two hundred dollars, Tian Chi couldn't help staring at the trumpet bud again.

The trumpet bud, which was taking root and resting, felt a chill behind him, and hurriedly seized the time to absorb energy and pull out the roots from the soil.

But at this time, the trumpet bud suddenly felt that its roots were charging its body with energy all at once, instead of slowly injecting it as before.

"Moo?" Trumpet bud wondered for a moment, it now feels that its body is full of energy, and it feels like it has reached a new level.

It used the vine whip to hit the tree, and found that the vine whip seemed to be thicker again, and its power was obviously greater.

Tanji, who was training flying knives next to him, also noticed that the big tree was shaking even more.

"The trumpet buds continue to see"

"Moo (???_??)?" Horn Bud nodded, it felt good now.

Immediately, he took the vine whip and slapped it with all his strength.

"This is another breakthrough in strength? Could it be that my trumpet bud is still a genius! After just a few battles, I will understand something!"

Tianji watched Trumpet use the rattan whip. The power of the first few times was stronger than before, but the power was weakened later, and it finally became the same as before.

"Moo?" Lou Ya looked at her hands suspiciously, and it also felt that the energy was fading.

"It seems to be a growth trick, congratulations, you have learned another skill." Through observation, Tianji knew that this was a temporary gain skill - growth.


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