Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 112: interview

"md, it seems that's the only way to go." Tian Ci looked at the figure that was getting closer, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"Come out, Bobo, dumb flower!" He released both elves and waited for the figure behind him to enter the attack range.

"Oh, boy, you still want to do a dying struggle!

Come out, Aberdeen! "

The figure in the back was obviously very cautious. When he was still 30 meters away from Tianci, he stopped and released an Abo monster that exuded a fierce aura.

"Exactly!" The big snake shouted as soon as it appeared, and then looked at Tianji covetously.


"md, it turned out to be an ordinary high-ranking Abo monster!

They're all team captains of the Rockets, right? You are so powerful, what are you pretending to be a soldier!

And this Arbo monster has eaten people! ! ! "

As soon as the Aboriginal came out, Koudouhua sensed that the Aboriginal had a higher energy level than her, and immediately told Tianji aloud.

"Why, boy, don't you run?" As the distance approached, Tianji also saw the appearance of the Rocket Team captain.

He looks about 40 years old, his eyebrows are thicker, his eyes the size of a pair of copper bells reveal playfulness, his mouth is open, showing a few yellow teeth, and he looks at Tianji with a mocking expression.

"Bang!" At the same time, the squad leader threw out another Poké Ball.

"Quie~" Another fierce big armor appeared in front of Tianci.

"Moo-moo" Kou Dianhua sent a message to Tianci sadly, saying that this big armor is also of ordinary high-level strength, it will definitely not be able to beat Bobo, they will try to hold it back, Tianci, you have to run quickly !

"Boom~Boom!" Bobo also showed a look of death.

"Oh? Your two elves are well trained."

This middle-aged strong man didn't rush to do it, but looked at Kou Deng Hua and Bobo with great interest.

"There is a turning point!" At the juncture of life and death, Tianji's mind turned very fast, and he could see that the team leader of the Rockets in front of him did not necessarily want to kill him.

"Yes, the Rockets obviously just came here and may need to replenish their manpower, so Qiu Ze was absorbed by them!

Then Qiu Ze can enter, why can't I enter! "

Thinking of this, Tian Ci immediately rolled his eyes and smiled at the strong man in front of him.

"Cough, this handsome, wise and wise...the captain of the Rocket Team! The little one has figured it out clearly. I want to join the Rocket Team. Do you know if you can work for the adults?"

When he opened his mouth, he first praised the strong man in front of him. After all, as the saying goes, it is good to wear a thousand clothes, but no flattery!

Then, at the end, explain what you want to trust.

"Hahaha, you kid is a bit funny." This brawny guy obviously liked this, and he didn't necessarily want to kill Tianji.

"However, our Rockets don't accept members who only look like goods. You killed that guy named Qiu Ze by sneak attack, so it doesn't prove that you are better than him!

So if you want to join, you can choose one of these two, as long as I think you are stronger than him in the 1v1 battle! Then I will accept you. "

After speaking, the strong man waved his hand and motioned for Tianji to choose one as his opponent.

"Bobo's flight type is the insect type that restrains the big beetle, but it is a big level worse!

Moreover, the grass type of the mouthless flower is restrained by the insect type of the big beetle.

My strongest is the dumb flower! "

Tian Ci began to look at the Abo and Dajia in front of him. He actually found that the Dajia had fewer scars on his body, and Koudouhua also secretly told him that Dajia's energy was weaker in comparison. .

After thinking about it in his mind, he made a quick decision.

"My lord, I choose Abo Monster!"

"Oh, wise choice, judging from your previous performance, I know you're not an idiot!"

The strong man nodded when he heard the words, and took the big armor back.

"However, if you're just an idiot, then you're going to feed my Abo!

Come on, you go first! "

"That's cool!" After the strong man finished speaking, the Aberdeen also threatened with a **** mouth!

"Okay, Koudouhua uses the thorn poison whip - paralysis!"

As soon as Tianji opened his mouth, he went all out. He knew that he couldn't win. Even if he could win this one by taking this opportunity 2-on-1, he couldn't win!

After all, you don't know how many ordinary high-level elves are still in their hands, and they also said in advance that it is 1 to 1.

If he wants to play tricks, it is likely that he will be buried in the belly of a snake. It is better to go all out to show his worth.

"Oh! This trick is a bit interesting! Boy, are you a member of the family?

Abbott bear it and see! "

The strong man held his hands and stood aside with curious eyes, and asked Aboguai not to hide.

"Crack! Pah!" Two sturdy vines with poisonous thorns slammed into Abo Monster's body.

"Exactly!" Pain! it hurts!

Aboguai was hit very painfully, and felt a little numb in the place where he was beaten.

"Hey - this power! It even has a toxin effect"

The strong man was obviously shocked. The snake skin of his Abo was specially honed, and it was actually pierced by those wooden thorns. This shows that the power of the thorn and poisonous whip of the dumb flower has definitely reached the ordinary high level. !

"Sir, I'm not a child of the family, I'm just an orphan civilian with more ideas, and this move is not over yet, the dumb flower continues to be tight!"

Seeing the shocked face of the strong man, Tian Ci secretly laughed in his heart. In fact, when he was waiting for him to approach, Tian Ci let Koudouhua use the growth to strengthen his fighting power!

However, on the surface, he remained calm, and at the same time responded to a question from a strong man, pointing out his helpless identity.

"Moo-moo-" Kou Dianhua heard the words and immediately controlled the vines that were still near the Abo Monster, and tied the Abo Monster.

"Cha~Cha!" Abo, who was still in pain, was immediately restrained, and the poisonous wooden thorn also pierced its skin and pierced it!

It wanted to struggle out, but the thorns were firmly binding it in the vine!

"Oh! It's interesting, this is equivalent to increasing the strength of the restraint in disguise"

When the strong man saw it, he nodded. In his heart, he actually planned to accept this kid!

However, he still needs to see how strong his future boss is, so that he can control it!

"Above, escape the acid bomb!"

"Bang! Bang Bang!" Abo Monster immediately opened his mouth wide, and blobs of unstable green solution protruded from his mouth, which exploded immediately after touching the vine.

"Hi~" The tied vines were also directly dissolved by the highly corrosive acid!

"Abo Monster~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The big snake stares!" Seeing the Abo Monster who escaped, the strong man immediately ordered.

"That's right!" Aboguai immediately stood up straight, highlighted the pattern, and made a threatening gesture at the same time!

"Moo-moo~" Facing the unavoidable rigidity of Koudouhua's body.

"Rush over, Flaming Fang ends the battle!"

"Shhhh~shh" This Arbo monster swam quickly in the grass, and at the same time, red flame energy appeared in its mouth!

"Koudouhua, hurry up!" Tian Ci knew that the battle had been lost, but he couldn't admit defeat. After all, the interviewer asked you to make a move and you were beaten, so why not let the interviewer call you back.

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