Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 111: betray

"Well done, Tian Ci!" When he heard Tian Ci's retelling, Ashu was obviously excited. He didn't expect 100 points of merit to be so easy!

"Then let's take a photo from a distance, this camera is hanging on Bobo's neck, it's very simple to let Bobo press the switch with his mouth and the photo will be taken!

Of course, the flash will definitely be discovered by the Rockets, but it doesn't matter, I will let Ba Dahu stay away and accompany Bobo. After the photo is taken, Ba Dahu will use his mind to imprison the person for a moment, you remember to let Bobo directly electro-optic As soon as we dodge back, we can run straight away! "

As expected of a trainer who has been active in the field all year round, Ashu immediately came up with a feasible plan.

"If Qiu Ze hadn't rebelled, this operation might have been successful."

After listening to Ah Shu's plan, he had to admit that Ah Shu as the captain of the three is really a bit predictable!

"Unfortunately, this plan will not be implemented at all." Tian Ci quickly flashed this thought in his heart.

Sure enough, before he could answer, Qiu Ze next to him refused impatiently.

"No, I mean, since the opponent is just a Rocket soldier, then we can completely imitate the previous hunting Abo monster, use the powder-spraying tactics to weaken the strength, and then the three of them work together to capture the Rocket soldier and ask for the location of the base. !

That's 200 points of merit! Ah Shu! "

Maybe he felt that he was too eager, so Qiu Ze explained immediately, took out the prepared speech, and finally added a double merit.

"En~ Aze, what you said makes sense, how about Tianji, do you want to give it a try?"

Ah Shu touched his chin, and it could be seen that he was very moved, but he still turned his head to ask the second team member's opinion.

At the same time, Qiu Ze also turned his attention to Tianji and persuaded.

"Okay, let's give it a try then!" Tianji nodded as if he had been persuaded to succeed.

"Okay, then let's go to catch the Rockets!"

Seeing Tianji who nodded and agreed, the two were very happy, but in Tianji's view, Ashu was happy for his exploits, and Qiu Ze was happy for his prey being caught.

The three started to get close to each other according to the original plan, but Tianji began to move closer to Ashu consciously, in order to be able to pull Ashu for the first time.

If there is any change in Qiu Ze!

"It's really still harvesting materials! There are only gas eggs around! Don't miss this opportunity, tactical action of dusting!"

Ah Shu, who didn't know anything about all this, looked at the black figure in the telescope and was very excited.

He immediately released Ba Dahu and started making powder.

"Koudouhua, you can also make paralysis powder.

Bobo, you still control the wind and send fans as before. "

When Tian Ci saw this, he could only let Koudouhua and Bobo cooperate with him.

"Shashasha ~ Shasha" But what surprised Tianci was that the enhanced version of the paralysis powder really enveloped the Rockets soldiers and the gas egg.

"Noah~!!!" In the eyes of the three of them, the gas egg was obviously stiff, with a painful look on its face.

As for the Rockets soldiers next to him, they also slumped on the ground with a look of pain.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy! Ba Dahou, use all your mind power to control the gas eggs and that Rocket Team soldier!

Lada! Flash kill, go directly to solve that miscellaneous soldier! Just save a life! "

Seeing that the powder seems to be working, Ah Shu decisively asked Ba Dahou to cooperate, and added a heavy mind control insurance, let Lada kill the electric light + kill the front teeth, and try to solve it with one trick!

In Ah Shu's mind, he has already figured out the goal of this mission. He has completely captured this mission goal, so this reward can't be distributed according to 433!

"I want to get 70% of the 200 points of merit. Tianji is a scout and it's a little bit useful, and it's 20%. Aze just took a mission, and it basically didn't play a role in this journey, but who made him my good As for my friend, give him 10%!"

Just when he was thinking happily about what to exchange for his merits.

The sudden roar and the huge thrust that suddenly appeared behind made him fall into the abyss!

"Gas egg, self-destruct!"

"I'm sorry, my friend Ashu!"

"Longlongshi, catch them! Blow yourself up!"

These were the last few words Ah Shu heard, and then he lost consciousness in the huge scorching heat!

Of course, in Tianji's eyes, it was the Rockets soldiers and gas eggs who had been pretending to be recruited, but after Lada got close, they immediately stopped pretending.

The soldier's figure quickly retreated back, and this speed is definitely not the speed of ordinary human beings.

At the same time, the gas egg was obviously abnormal, its eyes were red, and it burned all its own vitality and exploded!

As for Qiu Ze next to him, at the first time, Long Long Shi suddenly grabbed Ashu and Ba Dahu who were beside him, and then ran directly to the self-destruction point of the gas egg, and he blew himself up too!

"However, the self-detonation of the rumbling stone obviously only burned all the energy. The explosion power and range are much smaller than ordinary low-level gas eggs!"

The terrifying scene of the double self-destruction just now began to appear in Tianji's mind, who was madly fleeing, and he was still afraid for a while.

That's no different from a high-yield explosive!

Originally, when Qiu Ze let Longlongshi catch Ashu, he had already taken out two other Poke Balls in his hand, and wanted to release the Big Stinger and Abo Snake to deal with him.

Fortunately, he had been on guard early, and the first time the Rockets soldier made a sound, he let Kou Dahua and Bobo shoot at Qiu Ze.

He himself also threw out the flying knife that was useless for a long time, so he made the first move. When Qiu Ze only released the big needle bee, and before he could give the order, he killed him first, and also let the mouth Daohua tied the stupefied Big Needle Bee and threw it into the self-destruction range!

Although he won this sneak attack, he also reminded himself that before the elite level, in the face of any battle, he must take the most careful protection as soon as possible.

He was able to make a sneak attack because when the three of them approached to observe just now, in order to look carefully, they put down the helmet and mask, and before it was time to pass, Ah Shu launched an attack directly!

Tanji estimates that Qiu Ze is also planning to release the giant stinger and Abai snake to attack his face!

Otherwise, with the intermediate protective clothing, it is not so easy to solve the trainer himself~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This speed is too fast! "

Tian Ci turned his head to look at the gradually growing figure behind him. He knew that he couldn't outrun the remodeled Rocket Soldier at all!

"I knew I wouldn't be greedy for those two backpacks!"

He is now carrying three backpacks, one is his own, and the other two are Qiu Ze and Ashu's.

That's right, Ah Shu's is also in place. It should be Qiu Ze who had already instructed him when he let Long Lung Shi start. When he grabbed it, he ripped off the backpack and threw it on the ground, and then he picked it up. chance!

It was also because he went to pick up these two backpacks that he wasted dozens of seconds, so that the Rocket soldier saw the direction of his escape after the dazzling light, and then kept chasing after him.

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