Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 113: join in

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It's a pity that this Aboriginal's swimming speed is so fast that Koudouhua can only open his big mouth with flames and bite it on its face.

"Moo! (?_?)?" I saw Kou Dianhua cried out in pain, and a scorched black tooth mark appeared on his face, and he fell to the ground in a short while and lost his ability to fight.

"Koudouhua!" Although it was expected, this move would definitely be uncomfortable, but seeing the miserable mouthpiece, Tianji still shouted anxiously.

"Boy, you are qualified, take this medicine for burns!"

The strong man looked at the anxious Tianji, and thinking of the performance just now, he nodded and threw a bottle of burn medicine.

"Thank you, Captain!" The anxious Tianji heard that he had passed the test, and immediately picked up the burn medicine and began to treat the wound to Koudaihua.

After he dealt with Kou Dianhua's injury, he took it back, leaving only one Bobo as a warning.

"Let's go, boy, I'll take you to join the Rockets, and you'll join me in the future. My name is Okamoto, you can call me Captain Okamoto, or you can call me Captain!"

Seeing Tianji who was on standby in front of him, the strong man nodded. He was very satisfied with this newly recruited subordinate and immediately introduced himself.

"Yes, Captain Okamoto! My name is Tianji, and I will definitely serve the captain well in the future!"

After listening to Captain Okamoto's introduction, Tanji immediately bowed and introduced himself.

"Haha, okay, Tianji, let's go, I'll take you to the base!"

Seeing the respectful Tianji, Captain Okamoto was obviously very satisfied, patted Tianji on the shoulder, and let the Abo Monster drive to the base in front of him.

"Okay! Captain!" Tian Ci was overjoyed. Originally, he was going to hand over the two stolen backpacks, but he didn't expect that the boss he just recognized didn't mention it. It seems that people shouldn't like this thing !

He immediately followed behind Captain Okamoto, and at the same time began to inquire about information.

"Captain, I actually wanted to join the Rockets when I was young, but I searched the town for a long time and couldn't find any signs of the Rockets. Now, my childhood dream has come true!

Captain, can you explain to me about our Rockets? When I arrive at the base, I can't understand everything, and I will lose your prestige! "

"Hey, what you said is a bit interesting, then I'll tell you!"

Okamoto was obviously flattered by Tanji's flattery. You must know that he is also a squad leader in the Rockets, only one level higher than the handyman and the soldier! And it was the first time he really heard that it was a dream to join the Rockets!

You must know that the Rockets are now listed as the number one reactionary organization by the Alliance, and they are terrorists among terrorists!

Usually, when they recruit new blood, they can only find orphans, fugitives, and down-and-out civilians. Of course, in order to attract these people to join in, the Rockets will also give a gift package to the newcomers.

"First of all, after you enter the base, go to drip blood, take fingerprints, and swear a video! Only then can you truly join our Rockets. If you do something unfavorable to the Rockets, these things will appear in the In the police station, you can understand the consequences!"

When he said the back, Okamoto turned his head and gave Tianji a threatening smile.

"Don't worry, Captain, I will definitely play for the Rockets and for you!"

Hearing this joining ceremony, Tian Ci immediately dispelled Xiao Jiujiu, who was in his mind, and hurriedly began to show his loyalty!

After all, how could such a number one terrorist organization not leave behind the means to control its members!

According to the attitude of the alliance towards the members of Team Rocket, he is a civilian with no background. If he is discovered, he must be killed without mercy!

"Don't worry, after you really join our Rockets, you can also get a newcomer gift!"

Seeing Tianji who was frightened and showing his loyalty, Okamoto nodded and started throwing red dates.

After all, he has been a team captain for so many years, and he knows the truth of one big stick and one jujube.

"What! There's a newcomer gift package! As expected of our Rockets! We have a lot of money! It's completely different from the League of Sou!

Captain Okamoto, can you tell me what the newcomer ceremony is? "

Hearing that Tianji had a gift bag, his face was very surprised, and he immediately turned the Rockets into us.

"Cough, you are lucky, our Rockets are preparing to make a comeback in Aoki Town, and we have just regained our footing here!

Therefore, when there is an urgent shortage of manpower, the ceremony for your newcomers is higher than that of other branches! "

Seeing the eager Tianji, Okamoto first explained the reason before, and then slowly said the newcomer ceremony.

"You have several options in this situation. The first is to pick an elf from the elf library, just like the new ordinary people. If the aptitude is the worst, it is also ordinary and medium, and it is best to have good and inferior aptitude! Level! They are all freshmen, and most of them have already been tamed.”

"What kind of spirit is there?"

Hearing that Tianji, who could choose an elf at will, immediately asked, if there is one that he likes, it is not impossible to cultivate a third one.

"In terms of species, they are basically the ones that are common in the forest: Little Lada, Little Fist Stone, Supersonic Bat, Abo Snake, Gas Egg, etc."

Seeing the bright-eyed Tanji, Okamoto didn't sell anything, and directly stated the type of elves.

"Oh, so that's it, Captain, tell me about the next choice!"

Hearing these types, Tianji immediately lost interest and asked about the options later.

"It seems that you have already thought about your third elves, but our Rockets are not the only elves. As long as you work hard and accumulate contributions, you can change even if you are a well-qualified alliance royal family. !"

Seeing Tianji who had lost interest, Captain Okamoto did not immediately talk about the second option. Instead, he first emphasized the strength of the Rockets before talking about the latter option.

"The second option is to give you contribution points. You can exchange what you need yourself, no elves. New members have 100 contribution points!"

"The captain, what can I exchange for this 100 contribution points?"

Maybe it was because he was also interested in seeing his own captain, so Tianji simply asked completely.

"This contribution point is similar to the Alliance's Merit Point. However, even if you have enough Alliance Merit, you can't change it without a background.

And our Rockets are different~www.wuxiamtl.com~ As long as you contribute enough points, you can get anything! Whether it is an evolutionary breeding program, various rare elves, or even quasi-god cubs!

And some knowledge and information resources, our Rockets are much cheaper than the alliance, generally 20% off the price of the alliance!

So boy, as a civilian alone, if you work hard in the Rockets, you will definitely have a way out than the Alliance! "

After speaking, Captain Okamoto patted Tanji on the shoulder encouragingly.

"Yes! Captain! I will definitely play well for the Rockets!"

Hearing Tianji who was 20% off, he couldn't help but straighten his body, and immediately responded firmly.

He also understands why the Rockets have not become weaker under the siege and suppression of the league for many years, but have become stronger and stronger!

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