"You don't come out early, you don't come out late, you want to come out after I have restrained all the enemies, do you want to take credit?" Erzhi looked at the annoyed and angry Yulongdu, and couldn't help but joke.

"I seriously suspect you are using Pokémon for experiments right now, please come down and get investigated. Wataru looked at the evil dragon who instantly knocked down his trump card in the air, and his heart couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Speaking is about evidence, but I let it evolve in front of you, Ah Sir can't talk nonsense. "Erzhi is still smiling.

In this way, one side of the two sides did not dare to move, and the other side was too lazy to move, and the two sides were in such a stalemate.

Ash took Xiaoxia to run around, and as soon as he ran out of the riverside forest, he found that the original group of contestants and spectators were gathered there. Ash's waveguide clearly conducts out the Tyrannosaurus and follows behind.

Xiao Zhi quickly found the cherry blossoms in the crowd, and then quickly stuffed Xiao Xia in his arms, and said: "Xiao Xia will be handed over to you, the Tyrannosaurus has followed, I'll go and lead him back, you go first." There will be a period later.

Ash picked up Pikachu, who was already a little tired: "Pikachu, you hold on for a little longer, Brother Chizhi is in front, and we can rest immediately." At

this moment, the system's cold prompt sounded: There are still five minutes before the five souls return to the soul space, please get ready.

Ash's eyes widened in shock: "It's going to end so soon? I don't have the strength to evolve anymore now."

Ash thought, but the Tyrannosaurus was getting closer and closer, surrounded by branches broken by the Tyrannosaurus Rampage, and at this moment, Ash couldn't help it. I can only move at high speed and run towards the original lake.

Chi Zhi also cleared out all the large forces of Team Rocket that had come to support, and when he reacted, he remembered that Xiao Zhi was being chased by the Tyrannosaurus at the moment.

"Hurry up, over there, hurry. Chi Zhi quickly locked on to Ash's position with the help of the waveguide.

Ash pretends to fall in order to defeat the Tyrannosaurus, but secretly sends waveguides to Pikachu.

Seeing Ash tripping, the Tyrannosaurus roared and rushed over without hesitation, trying to bite Ash and the electric yellow-skinned mouse with his sharp teeth.

With the waveguide input, the sound of lightning collisions around Pikachu appears more and more frequently. A pair of small eyes like chocolate chips stared at the tyrannosaurus rushing here.

When the Tyrannosaurus was about five meters away from them, Ash threw Pikachu upward, and Pikachu responded with the strongest move it had learned so far—thunder.

"Pika Pika Pikachu—" Pikachu roared and dropped a thunderbolt on the Tyrannosaurus, the Tyrannosaurus obviously didn't expect that a Pikachu could actually unleash such a high-level move as thunder, and he didn't have the slightest defense, and he hit it at this shot and lost his ability to fight.

"Ash, don't just look at the Poké Ball. Chi Chi shouted.

Ash endured the pain from the scratched wound on his body that he had been scratched while escaping, and took the weakened Pikachu back into his arms, throwing the empty Poké Ball he was carrying.

As the tyrannosaurus entered the Poké Ball, the mediocre red and white ball shook slightly under Ash's nervous mood, and lit up with a red light representing the successful subjugation.

Ash relaxed, collapsed to the ground, and fainted. Chi Chi couldn't help it, he had to take Ash away immediately, and he didn't have much time.

While thinking about Chizhi, he carried Xiao Zhi to Kuailong and flew towards the Zhenxin Formation.

On the other side, Yulongdu and Erzhi are still reasoning.

Wataru: "You restore this dragon to its original state first, and then we will talk slowly." At

this moment, Wataru is especially afraid of this Pokémon that he has never seen in the sky, and the manipulator of this dragon also gives him a feeling of facing a cold abyss.

Erzhi no longer had the patience to talk to this dragon king who was wearing a cloak like him at this moment, and seeing that time was running out, he directly ordered: "Evil blood attack, use thorns to dance." "

Countless thorns appeared behind the Evil Blood Attack Dragon, with poisonous thorns, frantically whipping the fast dragon's body.

Originally, the fast dragon wanted to dodge, but at the moment before the attack, the evil aura emanating from the evil blood attack dragon made even the fast dragon, who had gone through countless tasks, feel terrified, so he hesitated for a second.

Erzhi stopped Wataru's actions: "Mr. Wataru, I have three suggestions for you. First of all, I don't have any ill will towards you, I'm just catching the bad guys in my own way, so please don't have any ill will towards me. Second, I didn't experiment with my Pokémon, he was able to become like this because I had a special communication with him, so that I could have this power. Thirdly, if you really care about the lives of these bad people, you should have dressed their wounds while they were bleeding, and if I didn't let the blood attack release the toxins of the hemostatic effect economically, then their blood would have dried up long ago. Alright, that's it, goodbye.

As the words fell, the time for their materialization also came, and the five people, including their Pokémon, dissipated together into points of light.

"Wait, you come back for me. Wataru quickly stepped forward, only to find that there was no trace of Ill Chi around.

Wataru released the fossil pterosaur to cut off the thorns with the rocks, and then arranged for Junsha and Joey: "Miss Junsha, please prepare handcuffs for arrest." Miss Joy, please see if their wounds are infected.

Joey looked at the wounds of all the members of Team Rocket, and now, as Erzhi said, all the wounds have been treated to stop the bleeding: "Mr. Wataru, they are indeed the same as the one just said, the bleeding has been stopped. "

Du:"For the time being, I can't be sure whether he is good or bad, let's clean up the battlefield first."

Junsha: "Okay, then I'll go find someone to escort these Team Rocket members away."

Wataru looked at the direction in which Erzhi had disappeared, and he still couldn't forget the humiliation and fear he felt when he was just ridiculed.

Xiaoxia also woke up at this moment: "Sister, sister." Ash, what's going on? I just saw Ash save me.

Sakura smiled faintly: "It's okay, he's already left, with Chichi and them." But they said they would see each other again. So don't think about it anymore. Peony

leaned up: "Since we can see you again in the future, don't be sad, let's go, let's go back."

Calamus didn't forget to joke with Xiaoxia at the moment: "What's the matter? Is our Miss Xiaoxia actually in love?" Xiaoxia

buried her head in Sakura's arms, hid her blushing face and retorted, "I didn't have it." Don't talk nonsense. "


area system: Everyone, Ash was also safely sent back to Zhenxin Town by Chizhi, so don't worry. The chat group will be closed after five minutes, so please leave one by one without crowding.

Du (Yuan): "Did I compare with Erzhi and them like that?" Du (

Chi): "I thought that Chizhi was already unparalleled in the world, but I didn't expect that Erzhi's strength was also quite perverted."

Ai'er (Zhen): "It's not just Erzhi, I didn't expect the power of Zhenzhi to be so strong."

Rukia: "Ah, yes, yes, the heroes you forced away are still so strong, how many cities do you have left that haven't been captured by those villains?"

Kona (true): "Old man, look at the talents you have buried." "

True world, Dama Lan smiled bitterly on the side, he knew that it was too late, and now they couldn't rely on the power of True Wisdom, and when the time came, they would have to give True Wisdom's parents a reasonable explanation.

Lilia (Chi) trembled and lay on the bed, at this moment, the mental climax made her miss Chizhi reach its peak, and she spoke in a groggy voice: "Chizhi, I will definitely get you, no one can snatch you."

Lan Ye saw this message and replied without hesitation: "Chi Zhi has already said it, you are just in the past for him, he and I are still good friends, and my chances of winning are more."

Xiaoxia (red): "Then I will also participate." Next

, Xiao Yao, Xiao Guang, Sha Lina, Zhu Lan, and Karunai all expressed their attitudes, and they all expressed their desire to recover Chizhi. After all, compared to the original world, Chizhi is relatively easy to recover.

Mikoli (original): "Then I'm in the world, do you want Youzhi to go back?"

Mikoli (You) replied, "Naturally, it's hope, but all the efforts made by that kid have been burned." Daigo

(You) comforted: "Anyway, let's give it a try, it's better than doing nothing."

Tsubaki (original): "Only now do I find out that all the ones they use are dragons."

Tsubaki (Red): "Of course, once Chichi used the dragon team to defeat Wataru in this world." That's why he is known as a trainer who stands at the top.

Du (Chi): "Please, don't pull me out and whip me again, okay?

In this way, after chatting for five minutes, the system forcibly closed the chat group.

Ash returned to his warm bed, and at this moment, he just wanted to curl up in bed and enjoy the warmth of so many intense and exciting adventures.

(Hello to all of you who are reading the novel, thank you very much for your support.) Here, the author hopes that you will vote, like the extra evolution of Chizhi 1, like the fusion of Erzhi evolution of the buckle 2, like the true wisdom network evolution of the buckle 3, like the evolution of the wisdom of the rhythm of the buckle 4. Like the buckle 5 of the dark wisdom. It's good to choose to leave a message directly in the comment area

.,Before you know it, the chapter is almost 50 chapters.,If I write something bad.,You can point it out directly.,Whether it's a typo or a plot, you can say it.。 )

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