While everyone was still talking in the comment area, there was a change in the fishing competition at this moment.

With a loud "bang", a red tyrannosaurus sprang out from under the water. This tyrannosaurus is much larger than ordinary tyrannosaurus, its ambitious scales, baring sharp teeth, and fierce eyes all show its strength.

"Roar—" The glittering tyrannosaurus roared, and then, with a frantic dance, stirred up the entire river.

At this moment, the contestants were so frightened that they threw down their fishing gear and left. Ash was also about to leave the area with Pikachu first, but when he turned around, he saw that Xiaoxia was so frightened that she couldn't move.

At this moment, Xiaoxia's eyes were already stunned with fright, she remembered that when she was a child, she climbed into the mouth of the tyrannosaurus and was spit out, even now, she was scared when she heard the word tyrannosaurus.

When the tyrannosaurus was overturning the river and the sea, at this moment, a group of people wearing black uniforms with R patterns poured over from all directions.

At this moment, everyone in the audience also began to flee in panic.

Chi Zhi recognized the identities of these people at a glance, Team Rocket, he died with their boss in his last life, and naturally wanted to see one kill the other.

He gave the other four brothers a look, then pulled Sakura's hand away: "Good, let go." This group of people is very dangerous, you go to a safe place first, and I will save them.

Although they like to tease Xiaoxia very much, but the three sisters actually love their sister very much, she was about to rush up, but was pulled back by Chizhi: "But, but Xiaoxia she .........

" "It's going to be fine, I promise you, I will definitely rescue her, okay, hurry up and stay away from here." We'll take care of the rest. Chichi smiled reassuringly and touched Sakura's head with his hand as comfort.

Then Chi Zhi did not hesitate to release Kuailong to save Ash and Xiaoxia. And Sakura blushed at the moment, and only after Zhenzhi and Youzhi reminded them twice when they were evacuating the crowd did they react and pull iris and peony away.

Comment area:

Xiaoxia (red): "I really didn't expect it, it's Chizhi who is quite flirtatious, but can you save people first?!" Sakura (red): "

Oh, it's so good, I also want to touch my head."

Lilia (red): "Where are you now?"

Blue Leaf (red): "Position, say, I'll pick up the knife now." Dama

Lanqi (original): "I in that world, you don't persuade me? This is a crime." Dama

Lanqi (red): "A current champion of Guandu, and a daughter of the richest man in Alola, you have the ability to stop one."

Rukia (Er): "Two useless things, unlike my dear, who are still so handsome when they fight people."

Lila (Er): "He's not from your family." Pay attention to your words.

Dark Wisdom: "That's not the point, okay, then again, how can the distribution of these five people be so reasonable? Ash

(original): "Although it's not good to interject now, I want to ask, brother, I'm about to be caught up by my former partners, is this an emergency, can I summon you?"

Dark Wisdom pondered for a while: "No, I believe in you, as long as you are willing to run, you will definitely be able to get rid of them." Ash

(wear): "When is it, it's still poor." Now it's Team Rocket attacking, and then again, Team Rocket can't catch a tyrannosaurus, so it's really going back more and more.

Sakaki (Hara): "Fart! Isn't that a catch?" But you members of the alliance are not letting us break in.

Sakaki (Ma): "Harm, what are you doing with this group of rubbish? Like us, without Zhenzhi, the entire alliance is a bunch of rubbish Not long ago, I occupied a few base areas. "

Just like Sakaki of the true wisdom world said, after the death of true wisdom, the shortcomings of the alliance were exposed, and there were not many people who were really capable and willing to do things for the alliance or did it for a period of time and were picked on by all kinds of faults.

Not to mention the ungrateful world, the picture returns to the (primary) side of Ash.

Ash looked at the Tyrannosaurus attacking this way, and hurriedly ran over to hug Xiaoxia to prevent her from being swept into the river, and then ordered: "

Pikachu, 100,000 volts!" Although Pikachu was also afraid that it was too big for it to know how many times the Tyrannosaurus, in order to protect Ash, it used its suckling strength to burst out a strong 100,000 volts and bombarded the Tyrannosaurus.

Even Chichi, who came to support, was dumbfounded, although he also had Pikachu, but this was not a level. Which Pikachu can release 100,000 volts comparable to Lei Gong.

Ash took the opportunity to pick up Xiaoxia and fled frantically. Pikachu immediately fled as well.

The tyrannosaurus was short-tempered, and immediately went ashore to pursue, Chizhi was just about to catch up, but was stopped by five little minions, Chizhi was very angry: "Fast dragon, dragon waveguide." The

fast dragon condensed a colorful light wave, and as soon as the dragon wave was released, it blew up the area where Team Rocket was staying in an instant. It is estimated that when the smoke clears, there will be a slag left.

Dark Wisdom followed the direction they came from to find the factory of Team Rocket, and he found that there was a device that emitted strange radio waves, and it was estimated that this tyrannosaurus was a flash spirit formed by artificial mutation.

Dark Wisdom was about to command the Flame Ace to make a move, but saw a large group of minions running out of the passage.

Dark Wisdom looked at the group of little Karami in front of him, who didn't know the height of the sky, and threw out another Poke Ball: "Big Steel Snake, Earthquake!"

True Wisdom and Youzhi assisted Miss Junsha and Miss Joy in evacuating the crowd.

As Team Rocket approached, the more he watched, the more annoyed he became, and asked Yuzy to take the people away first, and he took out a new Poké Ball.

Zhenzhi waved his hand away, and his eyes showed a faint blue coldness: "Come on, scum." Prepare to die. In this cold moonlight, the villains will usher in the violent beating of "justice".

On Erzhi's side, he was admiring the fleeing Team Rocket that was beaten by the three evil dragons under his command, and thought: "Really, it's obviously not easy to have parent-child time with Ash, I'm really unwilling, by the way, it's rare to have an opponent, so let's have a grand show."

Erzhi made up his mind, and then stood upright on the top of the huge rock beside him: "Good evening, all the spectators and friends present! The destruction of the rare fishing activity should make everyone Yaxing completely ruined, so let me improvise a beautiful picture for everyone to enjoy." Everyone

present followed the prestige, only to see Erzhi's eyes, which turned into two different purples, one side was purple red, and the other side was dark purple. In the cold moonlight, Erzhi personally looked both bewitching and mysterious.

"In the dark night, show a fierce gaze and capture the sharp fangs of the prey," Erzhi raised his left hand, and a purple Aba monster card appeared, turning into a phantom of the Aba monster.

"With the Bloody Mouth that uses the sweet aroma to trap creatures in the quiet jungle," raised his right hand, a dark green flower eating card turned into a large flower eating phantom.

"The two will be turned into nourishment and enter the body of the three-headed tyrannosaurus, turning into a new power of fear" With the chanting, Erzhi folded his hands between his chest "Merge and evolve, born from the law of blood, prey on the prey you are targeting, come out, evil blood attacks

the dragon!" With Erzhi's call, the two phantoms and the three evil dragons fused, and a dark purple dragon with a body like a withered branch appeared in the moonlight. Its other two heads were gone, replaced by claws with fang-shaped armor.

The Dragon's stout body was covered with wingspans that resembled withered grass, and its purple-black body lines were dark purple and dark green.

"Evil blood attacks the dragon, use the Crazy Thorns!" Erzhi commanded with a crazy evil smile.

The Evil Blood Strike Dragon cracked open its slender maw, letting out a gloomy and terrifying roar, its yellow vertical pupils flashed with a fierce light, the purple and green patterns on its body glowed, the ground began to shatter, and black thorns appeared in the sleeping column to bind the people and elves of Team Rocket.

There are also strong Pokémon such as King Nido and Queen Nido in Team Rocket, but the appearance of thorns is thicker than the body of these Pokémon, and it is easy to catch everyone.

"Damn, this bastard, who the hell is the villain?!!" Some of the members of Team Rocket couldn't help but complain, at this moment, they felt evil fear in Erzhi.

"Then the painting begins, assault!" With Erzhi's order, the spikes on the thick black thorns bulged, and although they didn't hurt the bound people or the Pokémon, they still caused those Pokémon and minions to bleed scarlet blood.

"Stop, you're going too far!" But most of the crowd was evacuated, but the soldiers and Joey remained, and they couldn't help but cry out as they watched the hellish sight.

"You can rest assured that I have only added a little paralyzing poison and will not hurt their lives. It's not that Er Zhi is kind, it's that he really doesn't want Xiao Zhi, who hasn't fled yet, to see this bloody scene in advance.

At this time, one of the members of Team Rocket who had escaped by luck suddenly jumped up and released a fast dragon. Under his command, the fast dragon unleashed a flaming fist and struck at the Evil Blood Attack Dragon.

It's just that the evil blood attacked the dragon Zizi lightly, not only dodged the attack, but also stretched out black thorns from his body and knocked it down.

This person is none other than the Dragon Heavenly King of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Guandu Alliance. He has been undercover in Team Rocket, originally he saw someone stopping Team Rocket and planned to solve this matter naturally, but seeing that Erzhi was too ruthless, he had to stop it.

"Oh, I said who actually had the courage to attack the evil blood, it turned out to be the dragon king. But this doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?" Erzhi looked at Wataru who had taken off his disguise, and persuaded coldly.

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