Ash's soul space.

"It was so close that I almost didn't have time to send him back. Chichi breathed a sigh of relief, his main task was to protect Ash, but he was immersed in the battle and almost made a mistake because of his momentary desire to fight.

Er Zhi tilted his head and smiled evilly: "I'm also quite comfortable fighting, in the end, Xiao Zhi is still too weak now."

Machi continued, "It's not so much that he's too weak, but because of us, he's been through too much, and he's already had more enemies than he can meet. Dark

Wisdom said angrily: "It's not because you haven't taught him emergency measures, he can't beat him, and he doesn't know how to escape."

Yuzy couldn't help but interject, "Why are you embarrassed to talk about this? It's been a long time since you've called him something, and he's been learning from me how to make Xi energy cubes." You are just on the sidelines, except to sleep is to sleep. Just

when the five of them were about to quarrel, a powerful soul fluctuation suddenly came from the deeper part of the space.

The five of them were instantly alerted.

Chi Zhi glanced at the depths of his dark soul and said, "It's the thing that attracted us from our world, and it seems to be about to wake up."

Wisdom frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart, the depths were like an abyss, mysterious and terrifying.

Youzhi, who was the weaker of the five, had already broken out in a cold sweat at this moment, and Erzhi had already gathered energy to be hostile to it.

Dark Zhi didn't feel much pressure: "Hey, what about you?

True Wisdom also saw the clue: "It seems that the things in this are only for the four of us, and it has no effect on the remnant souls like Dark Wisdom who took the initiative to come in." Just

as the five were still in doubt, a voice came from the darkness.

A faint golden phantom appeared in the darkness, and his voice was even hoarse: "How did you end up here? Logically speaking, you should be in four different worlds."

Dark Zhi saw that the golden figure clicked on the other four people, but ignored him, his heart became unhappy, and the power of shadow and darkness in his hand rose: "Hey, hey, are you looking down on me? You'd better tell me why, otherwise we have the advantage of five to one." The

golden phantom turned his head disdainfully: "It's just an outsider, just a shadow, and I also want to turn over and be the master, wishful thinking." Then he raised his palm and pushed it forward.

The powerful repulsion slammed into the remnant soul of Dark Wisdom, causing the remnant soul of Dark Wisdom to be directly damaged and enter a near-death state.

"What the hell is this? I can't hold it anymore, be careful. "Dark Wisdom didn't expect that his own powerful strength would be instantly defeated. So, while his strength had not dissipated, he left some life-saving means for Ash, and reminded the other four to be careful, and then dissipated and returned to his main body.

Chizhi and the others saw that the phantom could easily destroy the remnants of the dark wisdom that were on par with them, and they all used their strength to blast over.

The golden phantom raised his hand casually and waved, and the five terrifying soul energies were frozen in mid-air, and then he said mockingly: "After all, it's still too weak, okay, let everything get back on track." Then he began to clench his five fingers into a fist, and as the five fingers fell one by one, the four souls could feel the space around them shatter, and they were being squeezed by this terrifying energy.

"No, each of them will leave their own means to Ash, and then escape!" Chi Zhi was the first to make a decision, decisively turning his means into red energy and entering Ash's soul.

The other three saw that there was no solution, and they all turned their means into energy and input them into Ash's soul body, and all they could do now was pray that this mysterious existence would not do anything to Ash.

The golden phantom looked at the scattered souls, sneered, clenched his fingers, blocked the space around him, and raised his other hand, and with the flash of golden light, the corresponding soul body was condensed somewhere in the four worlds of the dimension.

The Golden Phantom nodded in satisfaction, then locked the four souls in a space deep in the soul, and fixed the four of them to each other with strange chains, and separated a part of each soul into its body.

"Do you want to talk to me?" The golden phantom gradually turned into a human form, only to see a complete golden figure appear.

System: My great master, welcome to your awakening, and according to your meaning, I have pulled the souls of the remaining four events after death into this body.

The golden figure was silent for a long time, and finally just sighed: "They died too early, no matter how you say it, they are also the existence of my evolution, and the clone is the clone, okay, I have seen their memories, and they have indeed left their methods to the ontology." "

System: Do you need me to do something?"

the golden figure waved his hand: "It's okay for you to reveal this news to this kid and guide him to become stronger, I need to continue to sleep in order to recover myself." "

System: I see, Lord.

As the two left Ash's space, Ash, who was sleeping, also felt something at the moment, and sat up suddenly, feeling empty in his heart. It's like you've lost something.

He subconsciously called his five brothers but found that none of them responded to him, he thought it was just that his brothers were busy, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and continued to lie down and sleep.

At the same time, the souls of the other four dimensional worlds also entered their own bodies.

Red World.

Chi Zhi looked at everything around him and found that it was so familiar, with the announcement of the system, he could be very sure that this was his original world, he lowered the price at the moment, and the people who returned to the other three worlds in this world

were also surprised, although they didn't want to go back, but they could be regarded as having their own bodies.

System Announcement: Due to your emergency escape, this system can only forcibly repatriate the host back to their respective worlds, but at the cost of weakening 1/3 of each soul's combat power, only 12 Pokémon are allowed to be brought back.

Erzhi looked at his own world, which was still like scorched earth, without any emotion in his eyes, and even said that he was a little disgusted: "Damn it, you actually let me go back to this kind of garbage dump." Forget it, let's find a place to settle down.

Zhenzhi also saw the announcement at this moment: "Is the original world? It's really troublesome, forget it, I'm still a wanderer, my home or something, it's long gone." As he spoke, he put on the hat that came with his blue sweatshirt, touched the Poke Ball on his waist and began to search for his location.

Yuzhi didn't think about his situation for the first time, but found that although he returned to the original world, the soul origin was trapped in the depths of Ash's soul with the other three brothers, in other words, the four of them could still communicate, and when Ash's emotions reached their peak, they could form a connection with Ash, and they were also relieved.

System Message: Ask the souls of the four hosts and hosts to leave a message for the ontology host.

Chi Zhi looked at the message that popped up in the system, and his heart was mixed, he finally gained the spirit and wanted to start a new life, but now, a dream is back to before liberation.

Thinking that he would have to face those difficulties and obstacles alone with his lovely younger brother in the future, even if he was reluctant to give up, there was no way, so he began to leave a message.

The other three souls were also in a similar situation, but they also knew that as long as they were alive, they would definitely see each other again one day in the future, and they also left messages on the letters given by the system, but everyone's message was automatically skipped over the fragment of the mysterious person.

Ash also read the message left by his four brothers in a dream at the moment, I am you, he tried his best to understand the content of the message, but he still didn't understand why his brothers left suddenly, and he was very confused at the moment, he didn't know how to make up for his shortcomings at this stage, he had to become stronger in order to get them back.

System: As the four souls leave the host, congratulate the host and activate all the items used for special evolution. It is up to the host to understand and use.

Ash leaned on the edge of the bed, looking at the moonlight outside the window, holding the "Eternal Memories" in his hand, recalling the bits and pieces with his four brothers, and at the same time secretly determined to become stronger and reach the strongest.

At this time, the three eggs that had not yet hatched also reacted when they were still in the soul space, and the reaction was not very violent, but stopped after a slight shaking.

Red World.

Chizhi didn't plan to go home immediately after confirming that he was in Alola, after all, Dama Lanqi and the other Four Heavenly Kings in Guandu would definitely find a way to inherit a position for themselves to continue to work for the alliance.

So instead of going back to the home where I didn't know what was going to happen, I still preferred to stay in Alora, my second home.

But it was already dusk when he returned to Alora, and since he was penniless, he had no choice but to cheekily come to a restaurant.

The restaurant is very simple, but even at the end of the day, there are still many people dining, which shows how popular the food in this restaurant is.

Chichi hid in the corner, knowing that if he found himself, he had to find the figure, Ma Ao.

Eighteen-year-old Mao is slender and slender, with his hair tied up in balls, a hearty smile on his face, and he is tidying up the table in a very simple dress and a white apron.

Seeing that the former partner in front of him had unknowingly turned into a big beauty, Chi Zhi was a little stunned, because he had been away for a short time, maybe he hadn't paid attention to them usually.

Chi Zhi felt very guilty for this, and this time he had to ask someone for help, but now he can't manage so much. So he found the time for Mao to throw out the garbage, hid behind the bushes and shouted softly: "Mao , Mao , please come here."

Ma Ao's body trembled as she listened to this familiar voice, which reminded her of the man who was silent but always helped everyone.

Mao followed the sound across the bushes and found a handsome man in a familiar cap standing there (self-irely) looking at her with affection.

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