While flying, Ash holds Pikachu and controls his body to go deep into the Initial Tree of the World, while releasing the waveguide to try to communicate with the living tree.

After the detection of the waveguide, the entire tree is equivalent to a body in the eyes of Xiao Zhi, and the organs in the tree are all available, but now the veins on this "body" seem to be blocked, and the energy circulation is very disordered.

As he delves deeper into the tree, Ash arrives at the core of the tree. The feeling in the dark is getting closer and closer.

Ash landed and stepped forward to see the core. Before he could stretch out his hand, he was hit on the head by something, and when he turned around, there was nothing.

Now Ash didn't think it was an illusion, so he closed his eyes. The power of the waveguide spreads, and he discovers that it is a pink kitten-like Pokémon snickering in front of him.

Ash also remembered that this is a dream, a unique Pokémon in the world, and it is closely related to this world tree.

Ash then greeted in the direction of Dream: "Hello, Dream." The

dreamy and cute "meow" was a little, but he was not afraid of life, so he stepped forward and picked up Ash's hat and played. After that, he turned into various Pokémon under Pikachu's call, and took Pikachu to tease Ash.

The three little things soon play together, and in the process of playing, the wings of the eagle that the dream has turned into accidentally knocks him to the ground, and inadvertently touches a flower of time.

The flower of time bloomed brilliantly under Ash's waveguide, and the miraculous light resonated with the waveguide, and a new figure was born in Ash's soul.

The brave man who quelled the war long ago, Aaron, was separated from the soul of Ash.

Aaron: "Hello, young man of the future. My name is Aaron, and I am your predecessor and your examiner. Ash

was shocked, isn't Aaron the legendary hero of the waveguide, how could it be related to himself, he had never seen him in his soul.

"Hello, I'm Ash, it's nice to meet you, what is my test?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know the specific test, because the test is determined by the World Tree. And if you want to start the test, it's not enough for me, you also need my Pokémon, Lucario. Aaron said apologetically.

Ash looked around: "Lucario, did you want me to find it? Where is he?"

Looking at Ash, who is still a child, Aaron persuaded: "Waveguide is the power that connects humans and Pokémon, and humans alone are not enough. To find Lucario, you need to rely on the power of "eternal memories". Ash

picked up the eternal memories on his chest", pondered for a while, and entered the waveguide into it, and soon understood what was going on.


With the help of Dream, Ash finds Aaron's token, the Waveguide Gauntlet, and travels to the city of Orudron to find Lucario, who is sealed in the scepter.

Ash manipulated the Wind Wings to leave the World Tree, and he learned from Aaron that because of the will of the World Tree, part of Aaron's soul was left in the crystal, which also made Ash not gain the full power of the waveguide, and Lucario is also Ash's future partner, so Ash must be tested to complete his power.

It's a long way, but Ash can sense Lucario calling to him. Aaron stood on the trunk of the World Tree, looked at Ash who was already far away, and muttered, "Please be sure to bring back Lucario, my afterlife." "

Is there something you're hiding from me?" Ash asked as he ran.

If so, I can answer that he is indeed your predecessor, and that his soul is indeed incomplete. Chi Zhi replied lightly.

Ash was silent for a while, then continued: "It's not about it, but I don't want to delve into it either, so let's talk about it when you want to." The

Four Souls: "............"

was tracked by the waveguide, and Ash ran to the city of Ouludron in this way. At night, Ash stroked Pikachu, who had been running with him for a day, and looked up to admire the beautiful starry sky.

It was the first time he had spent the night in the wilderness without any facilities, and for the first time he felt very lost. He never thought about why the four brothers came to his world and what they would do in the end, even though they never hurt him, but the feeling of being taken care of made him very upset.

Four days later

, Ash really ran to Ouludron City with two feet and a pair of shoes, during which he rarely spoke to those four, although he still entered the soul space training, and he did lose a little intimacy with those four.

Ash likes this kind of place very much, the architecture here is more classical than that of Zhenxinzhen, but it is full of lively scenes.

Fortunately, the currencies of each region are in circulation, and Ash found a restaurant, had a full meal, and began to inquire about the news of the Wave Leader Brave.


boss hurriedly put down the teacup and said, "Is the child a foreigner?"

Ash was not in a hurry, and slowly said: "I'm very interested in the rumors here, especially about the waveguide, uncle, what do you know?"

The uncle became interested when he heard it: "If you want to say that this waveguide, the most famous is of course the warrior Aaron and his Pokémon Lucario, who once saved here, both of them have a waveguide." A long time ago......... "

Soul Space

True Wisdom:" Ash, it seems that he hasn't taken the initiative to talk to us in the past few days.

Erzhi: "Relax, at least Ash is still Ash, and now he seems to be very eager for power and truth."

Youzhi: "In the end, we don't know what will happen in the future, we can only say that something will happen in the future." This hunch is estimated to be bad nine times out of ten.

Chizhi: "This child has begun to grow up, and no one can figure out what the future will be, so let it be."

An hour later, Ash inquired about the whereabouts of the scepter and headed for the palace with Pikachu. The scepter has always been kept and carried by Her Majesty the Empress, so the Empress's permission is required to release Lucario.

Halfway through, I happened to meet the empress's procession in a procession.

"Uncle, may I ask. Is there any special event today?How can there be a parade?" Ash pulled the passers-by who were watching.

"It's not an uncle, it's an older brother. It's not a big deal, I heard that there is a nobleman from Sinnoh who has reached a friendship with us, so the princess from there came here for this grand event, and you can also go to the palace for a ball in the evening. The uncle said proudly.

"So that's the case, uncle, is there a limit to participating in this ball?"

"It's said that it's not an uncle, forget it, the dance party starts at night, if you don't have the right clothes, you can go there and rent one."

After listening to his uncle's words, Ash decided to ask for a borrowed scepter again in the evening, so he took Pikachu to find a hotel to rest.

"Guys, please come out. Ash said lightly. "Brother You, teach me some aristocratic etiquette, it's troublesome.

Youzhi: "No problem, are you okay?" "

I'm totally fine, don't worry." Ash smiled, but the sense of maturity that appeared in his tone had already exposed Ash's heart.

True Wisdom: "Ash, don't hold on to anything, you and us, the strength of one person alone is not enough to change everything." Ash

: "Thank you, Brother Zhen. I want to learn something from this test, I've always relied on you, I'm never going to grow, so this time I'm going to try to learn to solve problems on my own.

Erzhi: "We watched my brother start to grow up, and I'm very optimistic about you."

Ash smiled cheerfully and gave a thumbs up, "Of course!"

Ash quickly picked out a Bodao Warrior's COS costume and participated in the dance party after putting it on. He also just has a hobby for dancing, and after four days of running, he now just wants to eat and rest at the same time. As for the scepter, wait for it to be asked for near the end of the ball.

Ash just leaned to the side, wearing a blue COS suit against his body, the overall look was very good, the deep eyes under the hat made people feel mysterious, and the well-proportioned figure and the childlike face of junior high school said that he was eight or nine years old.

On the main stage

, the queen said to the princess who had come here, "Salupia, the ball is so lively, let's go and play together."

Salupia replied respectfully: "Thank you for your kindness, but there are no people my age here, so it is inconvenient to dance together."

"How's that little boy over there? He doesn't look like a local, but he looks very handsome. How about trying to invite him?" Queen Irene is very interested in this princess, after all, Sinnoh is so far away, it is rare to be able to establish a friendship.

In fact, Princess Salupia also noticed that there were few boys of her own age in the audience, but she needed to be by the queen's side due to etiquette.

"Since you've said so, then I'd better be respectful.

Ash casually glanced around, thinking that it was actually good to rest while enjoying the food. In the afterglow, he saw a blue-haired girl wearing a luxurious dress running towards him.

He didn't care too much, after all, he was not the only child eating here.

"Hello, can I dance with you?"

"........." didn't think he was talking to his own Ash, and didn't react much, still eating the food in his hand by himself.

Erzhi: "Ash, people are inviting you. "

Xiao Zhi almost choked, how can he get into trouble anywhere, he doesn't seem to have done anything this time, why did he provoke others, and this girl is like the little light at the beginning. Could it be that Xiaoguang is actually the princess of Sinnoh?

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