Since devouring the system that travels through the world. This system is floating, and he is so confident in speaking, and he loves to do things so much.

Xiao Xiaozhi felt the cold gaze behind him, and for a moment he didn't know whether to turn his head or not.

I couldn't help but ask for help: "Brothers, save me." I'm a million scared. In

the soul space

, Chi Zhi put his head to the other side and pretended not to hear: "........."

Er Zhi laughed so much that he had spasmed and collapsed on the ground, he experienced the joy of watching his brother being pitted in this day. At the same time, it was the first time he laughed until he fainted.

Wisdom and Yuchi drink tea while playing chess, and also express their powerlessness in response to Ash's request for help at this time.

In reality,

Ash (dimension) didn't bring his head back, and chased in the direction that Ash (original) fled.

"Brother, don't go, take me with you!"

but after all, he was a child, and he was still indoors, and his starting speed was a little slower. Although the reaction speed is quite fast, when the door is opened, he was still caught by the three Alola sisters.

"Lovely Ash, can you tell me why you're dancing with Miss Elle?" Lilia wrapped her arms around Ash behind her, and although she seemed gentle, her hands were actually tightly restraining him.

Shuilian and Ma Ao on the side also controlled one by one, and the other girls didn't care about Xiao Zhi (original) who escaped, and looked at Xiao Xiao Zhi in front of him with a kind face.

Most of them are girls who accompany Ash in every region, and they admire Ash in their hearts, but in another world, Ash's first dance is danced first with Ai'er, who only knows him, which stimulates their inexplicable desire to win.

"No, I said can you let me go first? I promise not to run.

"Do you think we're going to believe you? The one who just ran out was a lame excuse last time. When the women heard this, they were even more angry.

I was miserable by myself in this world, obviously I am not the little ash of this world, why did he run away?

Ash looked at Dark Wisdom pitifully, "My dear brother, can you help me?" I want to be a champion once in my lifetime."

Dark Wisdom refused without hesitation: "Being a champion is imaginary, running away is real." Young man, all this is an experience for you, and I believe that you will have a way to get rid of it.

Xiao Xiaozhi was extremely desperate at the moment But soon, the crying face on his face froze.

"Brother Dark, are

you from the world of rebirth?" "Yes, what's the problem? No matter which world I come from this experience, you have to do your best to deal with it, how can a manly man be born between heaven and earth and live under people for a long time, right?"

Looking at the serious nonsense in front of him, Xiao Xiaozhi, was very angry, but still reminded him very righteously:" I don't know why a manly man has to live under people for a long time, or why it has to be between heaven and earth, but I know that if you look back, it will probably explode. "

Dark Wisdom: ??????

what's the situation with this kid, he just can't save him when he sees death, why can't he curse himself to explode when he turns around? It seems that those four didn't teach him well.

Xiao Zhi looked at Dark Wisdom's strange expression and showed a look of pity: "Although I don't know what that means, I think you will be more pitiful than me." Brother, let's go.

At this time, Dark Wisdom remembered, isn't there a screen behind him? Could it be that he is about to be backstabbed by the system?

The screen behind him has been projected out of his side at some point, and the rebirth world is also equipped with another screen. The screen above is all reborn worlds.,Girls who like Ash.。

Each one is a live broadcast that

reflects that Xiaoxia is measuring the depth of the pool, and the narrator writes her inner thoughts: "Ash is really, even if it is another world, and there are connections with so many girls, why don't you find a place with him where there is no one and bury it together."

Salina is sharpening her knife, her eyes are dark, and a strange smile appears at the corner of her mouth, narrator: "Ash, Ash...... I like you the most, so I'll possess you alone, and I'll go and kill the sluts who get in our way!" Xiao

Yao's eyes were flushed, and half of the ribbon in her hand was held in the palm of her hand, narrator: "Why don't you keep looking for other girls and not coming to me?" It must be because we don't have enough fetters to get rid of them, by the way, just add things that can be exchanged with each other, hehehehe." "

Xiaoguang is fantasizing about getting back together with Ash, and the two of them can have a lot of children and do shameful things......... The more I thought about it, the more crimson and distorted my expression became, and there was the little thing after I wanted to tie up Ash.

Liliai's side united Water Lotus and Mao to reach a pact of shared wisdom. Three of them first find a way to trick Ash... After reaching Alola, tie him into the secret room, and the three of them take turns using it.

Although there are still many such pictures that I haven't seen, Rao is dark wisdom who has already seen the world can't help but feel chills in his heart at this moment.

What the hell is this system doing, hey, it's okay to watch the show and see yourself. Forget it, anyway, I can't go back now, let's eat Xiao Xiaozhi's melon for a while and then think about it, anyway, now I know what the result will be when I go back, anyway, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and it is a step to take a step.

Although Xiao Xiaozhi on the side couldn't figure out the meaning of what the girls said on the screen, he instinctively felt frightened by those words. At the same time, he also has to deal with sending propositions.

"You can see it, too, I just went on stage to make sure that the show could go smoothly. Out of the desire to survive, Xiao Xiaozhi has put on a flattering expression.

Sarina leaned forward: "Then you go to the Carlos area, why don't you go to me first, but go to Kerni first?" Although the tone was very gentle, this one couldn't say that he was forced to go to Soro City, after all, there were still those things that happened later.

But I'm afraid of what's coming, system: that's because he looks at other people's fruits.

What kind of system is this cheating people, can you not say half of what you say, is it okay if you are forced?

What has come to this point?

Ash hurriedly explained, and although it was explained clearly in the end, they tied it tighter. And I already feel a trace of killing intent, in the end, I am not the little ash of this world, it seems that what happens has little to do with them.

"I think we can sit down and have a good talk, there's no need to talk in such a strange way. Ash forced himself to calm down.

"Okay, what does the little pervert want to talk about?"


This is completely a sentence blockage, Xiao Xiaozhi is very helpless, he really doesn't want to stay here anymore, and he has to run away.

"System, you can't die without help! By the way, force each world Ash to return to their respective worlds!" Ash suddenly remembered that he seemed to be the host, and he could give the space-time transfer command.

"Ahem, ahem, what's the matter? No, wait, I'd like to stay a little longer, wait, wait, don't. "

Dark Wisdom is stunned at the moment, he eats a melon and eats it well, why do he suddenly have to go back? The key problem is that he doesn't seem to be able to block the space-time teleportation, and sure enough, after the system is strong, it floats.

System: Thanks to Mr. Dark Wisdom for his help, he gave Mr. Dark Wisdom the power of shadow and the ability to escape into the shadows. Of course, if the next time we meet, you are still alive, you are still welcome to travel through the world to play.

Dark Wisdom: "You're waiting for me to finish with you." In the end, I couldn't change it, so I returned to my own world and faced the sick strategy of SSS-level difficulty.

Back in his own world, Ash lay on the ground, panting wildly and was so terrible that he didn't even dare to breathe just now.

In fact, what should really be pitiful is the dark wisdom that returned to his own world, because the system was transmitting, and after he went back, he also "warmly" notified those girls, he went back, and gave an address.

Ash stood up and picked up Pikachu, and his heart settled down a little. It seems that he has a shadow on girls, and secretly swears that he needs to be cautious in making friends.

Xiao Zhi looked around, it was still a strange place, wait, why use it?

In the soul space

, "You all showed me, a group of unrighteous people, their younger brothers are suffering there, and you are actually playing cards here." It's just too much!" The

four souls pretended nothing to happen, and Chi Zhi explained: "It's inconvenient for us to meddle in this kind of thing, by the way, Ash, you look at the scenery here is still very beautiful, don't be angry." "

The system also helps: that is, don't be angry, I'll send you a few good things. Congratulations to the host for completing the movie viewing task for the first time: Wind Wings (can change size with the host), any fusion material x5, sprinting shoes (can change size with the host), gather any evolution orb x5, and obtain the power of Tokiwa Max.

Although Ash is still angry with them, it is imperative to figure out where this is the first priority.

It is surrounded by a forest with large trees on the side.

"What is this......... The Tree of the Beginning of the World!" Chi Zhi's face was solemn.

"This is the abode of dreams, and if the memory is correct, there are still those flowers. Erzhi also changed his old banter.

"It should be here, yes, the place where the brave die. Machi remembered something and fell silent.

"Ash go inside, but be careful, the Pokémon inside are very strong. Wisdom asked Ash to put on the gear and use the Wind Element to bring it up.

At this time, Ash's spirit was a little trance-like, but the four souls didn't care, because this is the place where the soul of Ash in every world will go, and this is the place where Bird inherits, every Ash has come here and received the baptism of Bird, and now this Ash is also coming here, this is the inheritance, and it is a test.

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