Ash put down the food in his hand and saluted slightly: "Hello, my name is Ash from Guandu, take the liberty to ask, may I ask what your

name is?" Princess Salupia replied: "My name is Salupia, from Sinnoh." It

seems that it just looks the same, Ash raised his hand and invited: "Then Miss Salupia, I want to invite you to dance, are you willing to appreciate your face?"

Under the teaching of the four souls, Ash, now his emotional intelligence is already very high, at least he will not be stunned to let a girl take the initiative to invite him to dance.

This is the second time that Ash has actually danced as a pas de deux with others, and he is a lot more familiar with the car. The two of them were dazzling in the center of the ball, and it was obviously a ball, but the dance of their two children attracted the people dancing on the side, and they were the center of the whole ball.

Girls tend to be a little more precocious than boys, let alone a princess. Under the light, Ash's gentle and mysterious temperament fascinates the princess.


Ash slows down and starts using the waveguide. As the waveguide probed, there was a spaceship over the ball, and he could sense a malice from there.

"Get out of the way!" Ash picked up Princess Salupia and quickly evacuated the people underneath the ship.

With a loud bang, the roof exploded. Fortunately, Ash had been warned in advance, so that there were no casualties, and Lucario was also stimulated by the power of the waveguide and gradually woke up.

A rope was lowered from the ship, and four well-equipped men slid off the rope.

The people who came down released the Pokémon as soon as possible.

A banjira, a leave of absence, a marula, and a tyrannosaurus.

The guards on the side rushed to hear the movement, and Xiao Zhi couldn't help but murmur: "Isn't it, the grand palace is so easy to break into

?" Erzhi: "Originally, today was a ball, besides, look at such a dark sky, who could know that they came from the sky?" Zhenzhi: "

It looks like people from some kind of organization, forget it, wait a while to drive them away, continue to play, it has nothing to do with us......".

Before he could finish his words, the group of guards released all kinds of Pokémon, but they were all defeated one by one, and even they themselves were swept away by the Tyrannosaurus's mouthful of water.

Wisdom smacked his lips: "My mouth, Ash fucked them." You're helping people protect this palace, and you're worried that they won't give you a scepter

?" Youzhi: "Are you sure it's not because you want to get the venue back?"

Ash planned so, and hurriedly called Pikachu and Eevee on the side back and stepped forward, the waveguide in his body faintly waiting to be released.

Princess Salubia saw Ash take a step forward, and hurriedly stepped forward to grab him: "I have seen their logo, they are Sinnoh's mercenary group, specializing in taking missions and collecting Pokémon, and they came here after eyeing my Pokébi."

"It's okay, the advantage of two against four is ours. "Xiao Zhi didn't want to talk to this group of weirdos, so he directly started the fusion evolution" on Pikachu. At

this moment, the circuit of fusion evolution has been presented in Ash's mind.

"Where's the little brat, get out of the way with your

yellow mouse!" "Who are you scolding for being a little brat?" "Pikapi Pikachu (who are you scolding for being a yellow mouse?!)"

"I'm going to use Straight Bear and Doron Baruto as fusion materials for fusion evolution" Ash folded his hands, "Surrender in front of absolute speed" Pikachu also turned into golden light and fell into a whirlpool.

Fusion evolution, a yellow squirrel with a slender body, a ring of gray fur around its neck, and a golden V logo on its head is born from the vortex.

After Pikachu completed entering the net, the whole looked very sharp, and his body floated after fusing the ghost attributes, and the human body was like a bow and arrow that was about to leave the string.

Sure enough, whoever saw this particular evolution for the first time was dumbfounded.

"Pikachu rushed to the side of the Tyrannosaurus with divine speed, followed by 100,000 volts" Ash used a waveguide to transmit information to Pikachu, and at the same time, the heterochromic pupil turned on to increase the transmission of energy.

Pikachu shot out instantly, hitting the Tyrannosaurus, and then, a hundred thousand volts came out of the Storm Dragon's mouth. Under the attack of Electric's fourfold restraint, the tyrannosaurus was blackened by electricity, and fell to the ground after popping out of the circle.

Then, under the guidance of Ash, Pikachu continued to swing at the nearest Mahula, and grabbed the electric dragon claws that emerged from both claws.

Maura on the side would not stand stupidly like a tyrannosaurus, and she also waved her claws with evil energy to meet them.

It was only after the Tyrannosaurus was killed that the four mercenaries reacted, and although it was only a second or two, Ash had already achieved a huge advantage.

Pikachu kept swinging his dragon claws and smashing them downward, and Marula was forced to block her claws horizontally, and she was smashed one by one, sinking into the ground.

Bangira roared angrily and shot directly out of the destruction death light. And the king of leave was one step slower to use the earthquake.

Pikachu saw two moves rushing towards it, and after hitting it with one move, he directly shoveled down, and used the dragon claw to fly the shovel into the air, and then jumped up himself, blocking the destruction of the death light with Makula's body, and then turned over with a penny, and smashed it into the earthquake with an iron tail.

In this way, Matura was beaten by two of her teammates and lost her ability to fight.

The remaining two mercenaries were still not afraid, and they were still talking to themselves, "That Pikachu seems to be good, and I caught it and sold it for money in a while." "The one next to that kid doesn't seem to be in good shape, so let's take it with us." "

Hey, you're talking too loud, and I'm not going to let you take my friends. Ash's heterochromatic pupils began to glow.

"It's a naïve guy to say that Pokémon are friends.

"Originally, I just wanted to take the princess, sell his polk pen for a good price, and let her father pay some ransom, but I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain. "

Damn, what are you talking about, get rid of this kid quickly!" "

Damn boy, my tyrannosaurus!!"

Just when this group was chatting and still being blind, Pikachu had already used the iron tail to whip Bangira, Bangira was in pain, and slapped Pikachu with one paw

, the powerful giant claw and the steel tail collided together, rubbing out the spark, and then another vicious wave hit it, and Pikachu couldn't dodge.

"Pikachu's trait after the fusion is activated - rotation, which can be activated when it is about to receive a fatal attack, and the attack is automatically evaded, but after the evasion is completed, the fusion evolution is automatically removed. Pikachu's body glowed, and the two fusion materials left, helping Pikachu block the blow.

Pikachu quickly ran back to Ash after landing on the ground, waiting for instructions on his next step.

The two sides confronted each other, and neither dared to move first.

At this moment, the staff of the brave in Queen Erin's hand flashed and shook violently.

Chichi: "Lucario has woken up, the waveguide you sent just now woke him up, use your waveguide to break the seal." Ash

asked Pikachu and Eevee to stop Bangira and the Leave King, and pull the princess up to break the seal.

The leading mercenary: "Hurry up and stop him, there's something wrong with that burst of light!" The

four mercenaries were not too stupid, and they personally pushed away the passers-by and chased after them.

Ash condensed a small wave of missiles from his hand and threw them into the staff, a pure blue light flashed, and Lucario unsealed it.

A blue canine Pokémon appears with its eyes closed, and it agitates its own waveguide and discovers Ash's presence.

Regardless of the battle between Pikachu and Eevee, he ran madly in front of Ash and asked, "Lord Aaron, why? Why did you seal me, why did you give up? Tell me?"

Ash was about to speak, when a grumpy Bangira on the side threw a stone, and Lucario found that it was broken by a punch. This was followed by a wave of missiles.

With Lucario's waveguide bullets, the two Pokémon were quickly defeated.

Mercenary group: "That's the legendary Pokémon Lucario, withdraw first!"


After Lucario finished venting, Ash took his waveguide back: "Lucario, open your eyes." I'm not Aaron.

Lucario slowly opened his eyes. Looking at everything unfamiliar around it, it was very confused and ran out.

"Boy, can you talk to me?" said Queen Erin.

Ash saluted politely: "Hello, honorable Queen Irene. My name is Ash, and I'm from Guandu........." Ash

told her about it, but he just hid the test. After all, the test is your own business, and you have already exposed special evolution, and evolution can be explained by the power of waveguides, but the test is difficult to say.

"I see, but how do you know that?"

Ash took out the Flower of Time from the core of the World Tree and fed it into the waveguide, allowing the Queen to see how Aaron had put an end to the war.

"I have a few reasons why I need Lucario to go to the World Tree with me one more time. I wanted to borrow the Staff of the Brave directly from you, but something happened.

Queen Irene nodded: "I see, you go directly to Lucario, and bring it back later."

Ash thanked him, and then followed the waveguide to Lucario, took off the gloves in his hand, and handed them over.

"This is proof, Lucario, would you like to go to the World Tree with me?" Lucario

held his gloves and burst into tears. It had doubted more than once that Aaron had abandoned him and become a coward, but the truth was the opposite, his partner had saved the victims of the war with his own life.

Lucario follows Ash to the lookout and meets Queen Erin.

Queen Irene said, "The Hero of the Wave Guide has reappeared, please accept this Staff of Bravery, Ash."

Ash waved his hand: "No need, Mr. Yalang specially left a message, let me tell you to keep the staff of the brave, the staff of the brave is just an item, but the spirit of the brave needs to be passed on." Ash

and Lucario then left.

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