This unexpected performance caused applause from all the audience.

Ash took Ai'er's hand like this, bowed in thanks, and left.

Ma Xiu chuckled and said, "Xiao Zhijun is really amazing, not only solved the conflict perfectly, but also completed a perfect performance."

Kerney was also excited: "Yes, you are really amazing." "

Ash doesn't dare to be proud, because this is the knowledge that Youzhi taught him, if he dares to come down today, then Youzhi will practice him tonight, this is a lesson that hurts to the blood in the bones.

Xiao Zhi sneered: "Everywhere, this is thanks to Miss Ai'er's good dancing skills, otherwise, how could this show be so smooth, and I would be a supporting role at best." So what, I... I'm going to change clothes first.

Ash was a little hairy by the two women with glowing eyes, and hurriedly made an excuse to leave.

Youzhi: "Well, I'll just say, what I've taught must be useful." It's already two, so I won this bet. Erzhi

: "Are you so sure?" Youzhi: "

Look at the time, today is about to pass, do you think there will be new ones coming out?" Obviously, Youzhi

still underestimated Ash's peach blossom luck.

Ash changes back into his original dress and Kearney and prepares to return to the Sara Gym. But as soon as I arrived at the door of the gym, I found that there was a car parked there, and in the car was Ai'er's teacher, Ms. Baxi, and sitting next to him was an elegant and dignified short-haired girl.

Yaxi was the first to speak: "Your name is Ash, right

?" Ash: "Yes, do you have anything to do with me?"

What do you think?" Everyone

present was shocked, Queen Carlos wants to take in an apprentice? Doesn't this mean that Ash can become Ai'er's partner.

But Ash doesn't eat this, he doesn't chase stars, he doesn't care who you are, who am I? You can't care what you want? What's more, you still want me to be your apprentice's foil, dream.

Ash is now very polite under the teaching of the four souls, so he also refused: "I'm sorry, my goal is to become the pinnacle of the Pokémon Battle Match, and my performance is also from Fengyuan's Gorgeous Tournament, and its style is also based on battles to create gorgeous performances." If it's just ordinary dancing, I'm not really good at it.

Baxi was not annoyed: "Indeed, your style is based on Pokémon's moves, and I don't plan to force it, if you change your mind, you can contact me." Here's my contact information, and I'm going to look for you next. The

short-haired beauty on the side spoke: "Hello, Ash, my name is Karunai, and I am the new champion of the Carlos region. "

Champion, although I have always longed for it before, but since I saw the strength of those four people in my soul space, I suddenly feel that the champion seems to be nothing.

Ash greeted politely, "Hello, Miss Karunai, what are you looking for me?"

Karunai: "That's right, Ash." In addition to being a champion, I am also a debut artist. I'm going to go to the gateway tomorrow to film, but there is a character who can't come temporarily during filming, so I want to ask you for help.

Ash thought for a moment, "Okay, I'm just about to go back, but I'm not going to do it for nothing."

Karunai was a little annoyed, because Ash had been staring at her chest, so his tone was very unkind: "What do

you want?" Ash pointed to Karunai's neck and said, "Promise me a bet, that keystone around your neck, this proves that you will be super evolutionary, right? I'll make a bet, after I help you, you use mega evolution to fight me, I won, you want to find a way to help me find a super evolution stone, I lost, I'll give this to you." As he

spoke, Ash took out the system reward he had just given from the system space.

One minute ago, the system: Congratulations to the host for helping Erzhi complete the bet to attract three women, reward keystone x1, fusion evolution materials and then three pieces, violet perfume x3, reward Erzhi can carry the second elf.

That's right, the reason why he made a bet with Karunai was because Erzhi promised him that he could play.

Karunai was a little speechless for a while, he thought Ash was staring at her at first, Ash, now she was embarrassed to tear out a three-bedroom living room.

Everyone fell silent, and Ash thought that his requirements were too high, so he hurriedly said, "I can reimburse the travel expenses myself." It

was Karunai who couldn't stand this atmosphere in the first place, and hurriedly agreed to come down and tell Xiao Zhi that he would come to pick him up tomorrow, so he walked away, without even glancing at the perfume handed by Xiao Zhi.

Only Ash and Kerney were left at the scene, looking at each other and saying nothing all night.

The next day, Ash left a bottle of perfume for Kerney and flew to Kanto with Karunai's helicopter.

The filming location is the Pokémon School near Dead Leaf City, and Ash clearly remembers that if his fate hadn't changed, he would meet a girl named Yuto Sundae here, but he didn't have to think so, because he wanted to meet him or not.

The movie Kalunai acted in this time is called "The Maid and the Young Master", which is about a powerful Pokémon trainer who becomes a maid after failing, and the young master she serves happens to be very talented. One day, a group of robbers understood their family's treasure, and the two fought against the robbers.

The most demanding in the whole play is the little master, because what is required in the play is that the young master has a strong talent and can command Pokémon to fight, so that a large group of people will be brushed in terms of age and talent. Originally, he had already found one, but unfortunately he didn't pay attention to it.

At this time, Ash appeared, so he was brought in to be an actor.

Ash just happened to have his own Pokémon, and at the same time his strength was also very strong, coupled with the training foundation of Erzhi and Youzhi, it soon reached a climax.

The maid played by Karunai was tied to the lava, and the young master played by Ash pretended to be calm and saved the maid through stratagem. In the meantime, both his acting ability and expression management have performed very well.

With the superb acting skills of the two, the scene was quickly filmed. Karunai also wanted to fulfill his promise, but then the unexpected happened.

A beautiful girl dressed in your group walked up and shouted, "Just because you want to challenge for the championship too, stop daydreaming, look at Miss Luna." Allow me to deal with him. Looking

at this child who looks like a messy young lady, see if it is a blessing or a curse, it is a disaster that cannot be avoided, Xiao Zhi is tired for a day, and he is unwilling to hold his breath in his heart: "What is wrong with me? What does it have to do with you, no one has said anything, don't you look down on me? Come and compare the two of us with Pokémon?"

Two minutes later, Ash used a Pikachu to abuse three of Youten's Sundaes.

"Impossible, my three Pokémon are obviously ground attributes, why can't they compare to your Pikachu?" At this moment, Yuteng Sundae's heart was very broken, and Ash's tactical ability and skills were far beyond her calculations.

"If you were willing to treat people equally and not look at me with contempt, you might have been able to hold out a little longer, but your blind arrogance will hurt you in the end.

Ash didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore, so he walked up to Karunai and played a word game: "Miss Karunai, I just said that if I win, I'll find me an evolution stone, but I didn't say which one it is."

Karuna nodded, though confused.

"Although I don't know what you mean, but come on, as long as you defeat my Shanaido, I will count you as a winner, and as a matter of fairness, I will let you use three Pokémon. "

Obviously, Karunai didn't realize the gravity of the matter at the moment.

Erzhi possessed: "This is what you said, the beautiful Ka-Lu-Nai-little sister." The tone was full of teasing.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm his other personality named Erzhi, and I'll fight you next.

It's not that Kalunai doesn't understand what personality means, it's just that she didn't expect such a young child to have a personality change and this personality tone is so bad.

Erzhi didn't care what she thought, "Bring untold fear to the enemy in front of me, my servant." He

didn't care what the champion in front of him wanted, and he even looked down on the champion in front of him, and just sent the ghost and poison ghost to fight.

Although I don't know why, I am obviously a champion and have seen a lot of winds and waves, but in the face of this strange little knowledge in front of me, I do have an inexplicable fear.

That's right, it's a sense of fear that will take your life. He didn't dare to relax at the moment, and began to attack after releasing Shanaiduo.

Even if they cooperate well, they can communicate with just one look, but in the end, they can't compare to Erzhi and Geng, who can directly connect with Pokémon.

Whether it is strength or speed, Shanaiduo is a little worse than Geng Ghost every time, in fact, even this subsection is released by Geng Ghost.

In the end, Karunai couldn't help but undergo a mega evolution first, and Mega Shanaiduo, who was like a bride-to-be, was born, and after her strength increased, she directly used the moonburst to strike.

The attack power of the move is very strong and fast, but what he is facing is the Geng Ghost who has devoured thousands or even tens of thousands of lives. The level of brutality and power is beyond human imagination.

The pink light with the moonburst dissipated, and the Geng Ghost was only a little bruised. Erzhi, who was commanding on the side, also smiled contemptuously.

"Alara-ala, Miss Champion, come on, I'm looking forward to you beating me.

"Who the hell are you, Ash?"

"Didn't I say that? I'm not Ash, my name is Irchi." She's a champion lady with a bad memory, and she's going to be punished by spanking her ass.

With Erzhi's frivolous words, the champion felt a sense of fear welling up like never before.

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