"So, can Miss Champion trouble you to admit defeat? After all, I don't like to beat girls. Erzhi stuck out his tongue and grimaced.

"It seems that it is indeed not a person, but can there be such a big difference between a person's personality and personality?!" Karunai's mood was very complicated, she was molested by a child, but not the child she knew, this feeling was very strange.

The battle continued, even if Geng Ghost had just suffered a goblin attack, he was still at ease at the moment.

At this moment, the purple pupils that originally represented Erzhi began to dim, which also meant that he would soon be replaced with Ash.

"Beauty, it looks like the game can end here. I choose the material from my own soul. Come on, Absoru, Crystal Lamp Spirit. Hide your strange form in the midst of the terrifying calamity, burn the embers with the flames from hell, merge and evolve, come out, Tyrant Geng. "

As Erzhi's hands clasped together, the Geng Ghost evolved, and it looked a little similar to the Glitter Mega Geng, but it had the devil's horns on its head, one long and one short. Moreover, the pale body bears the runes of ghostly fire, and the two claws that float in the air are made of white cold fire.

At this moment, Karunai and Shanado felt as if their throats were being choked at the same time, and they fell into a kind of fear of death.

"Can't you stand it at this level? Sure enough, it's a pampered champion, but well, when you still need to evolve later, you have to keep it" At this moment, Erzhi's face was gloomy, as if it wasn't him who was joking just now, "Geng ghost, be careful, don't beat people to death, the minimum power evil fluctuation." As

the words fell, the battle ended.

Ash also took over his body at this moment, and the Geng Ghost dissipated. Xiao Zhi knows very well that Erzhi's hands are neither light nor heavy, because every time the cultural class ends, he hits the heaviest and the most. Ash's head said, "I'm clear about that."

"Miss Karunai, are you okay?" At

this moment, Karunai couldn't hear what Ash was saying, he had fallen into a deep fear, who was Erzhi? What he advocates is hegemony, and what he relies on is to use strength to suppress everything.

And fear is his main strength, due to the long-term use of the power of fear, it also leads to his personality is a little weird and ugly, and his whole person is a crazy critic.

Ash stepped forward to help Karuna take back the Poké Ball from the seriously injured Shanado first, but Karuna, who was immersed in fear, fell directly to the ground and pushed Ash away to help her.

System: Host, Violet Perfume can soothe the mood, heal you want to be Chi Zhi to come.

When Ash heard this, he immediately let Chizhi possess him. Karunai also noticed the change in Ash, so she crawled backwards in fright, and grabbed a stone and threw it at it.

Chizhi shook his head to avoid the stone and explained: "Don't worry, my name is Chizhi, that bad guy has gone back, I'll help you treat Shanado first." As

he spoke, he used Tokiwa's power to heal Shanado and put it in and snatch it from Karunai...... Ahem... Borrowed Poké Balls.

"I'll go back first, and Ash will explain the rest to you. Ash

, hand the Poké Ball back to Karuna's hand, take out the Violet Perfume, and Karuna settled down under the scent of the perfume.

Miss Karunai hugged Ash tightly, she was scared, really scared. I'm afraid that this gentle aura of Ash will suddenly turn into that evil aura or that scorching aura again.

"Miss Karunai, if you still trust me, I am willing to explain everything to you. Ash put his backhand around Karunai, and with the other hand, he ran Karuna's hair and repeatedly learned from Hanako to soothe Karuna's emotions like he had done when he was a child.

After a long time, Karunai's mood gradually calmed down, and she nodded lightly, indicating her trust in Ash.

Ash took the "Eternal Memories" in Karuna's hands, closed his eyes, and pressed his forehead against Karunai's.

Soul Space The space that belongs to Ash alone

: "They're coming. Erzhi, remember to apologize to others for a while. Erzhi smiled but said nothing.

Ash took Karuna's hand and introduced her to the four souls that lived in her body.

When Karunai saw Erzhi, he quickly determined that he was the one who beat himself to autism, and Erzhi waved at her: "I won against you, remember to keep your promise."

This frightened Karunai and hugged Ash tightly.

Chichi: "You're so disproportionate.

Wisdom: "That's right, apologize!" Youzhi: "

You don't have to worry too much, we won't let him hurt you in this space." Erzhi

: "One by one, what are you talking about, am I so bad in your eyes?"

Except for Erzhi: "Isn't it!" Erzhi:


After talking, Karunai also understood the situation, and she also knew that if she didn't help, she would turn against him in these four minutes.

"I'll say okay first, I'm just looking for the Evolution Stone to help Ash...... "Oh, isn't it because of the bet?"

"You shut up" The three souls scolded Er Zhi at the same time.

All in all, that's probably the end of the story. Miss Karunai will also keep the matter a secret.

It's just that Er Zhi smiled evilly before they left: "Hehe, do you know what it means to be slept together?"

Later, when they woke up, they realized that after the battle, Ash and Karunai hugged each other tightly. The battle between Geng Ghost and Shanaiduo alone had already been noticed by others, and when they came, they saw that the two of them were already firmly holding there, and they couldn't pull it away.

At the same time, Ash also understood that he was still too weak. Just the coercion emitted by Erzhi's body, if he could bear

it, because the two of them woke up late at night, and they couldn't be separated, they were arranged in a tent.

Ash: "Miss Karunai, thank you so much, it's clear that I let Brother Er's hand move, and you're still willing to help me."

Karunai squeezed past Ash and teased, "How so, they're part of you, so if I lost this bet, you don't have to blame yourself, Ash." Okay, go to sleep. You're leaving tomorrow, so I'm a little reluctant to say it. As he spoke, he really hugged Ash and fell asleep, and said in his mouth: "This is our secret." "


The next day, Ash didn't dare to stay long, after all, it was too embarrassing to sleep together or something.

But it was precisely because Ash felt that it would be embarrassing to separate, so he got up very early. After saying goodbye to Karunai in a hurry, he set off towards Zhenxin Town.

But he forgot, even if he had a compass, he was essentially a road idiot. The four of them hadn't woken up in his body yet, so he went on the road alone, how dare he?

By the time the four souls woke up and asked him what he was going to do next, it was too late. Because they walked into a foggy area, and in this foggy area, none of the four people knew how to get around this place.

In the final analysis, this can't be blamed on others, and the bitter gourd you grow must be eaten with tears in your own eyes. Ash walked aimlessly in this fog.

Due to the urgency of coming out, Ash didn't even eat breakfast, and only brought a little dry food on the road. But with just such a little dry amount, where can a developmental child be full.

At this time, his nose smelled a very fragrant smell of rice, and Ash followed the fragrance all the way until he saw a house not far away. In front of the house, there was a young woman cooking porridge.

Ash, who was really hungry and couldn't stand it, took Pikachu forward, hoping to beg for some food.

The woman in front of the house was about 20 or 30 years old, beautiful and elegant, with a phoenix ornament on her dark hair, thick orange oil paint on the sides of her eyes, and her clothes resembled a shrine maiden costume, and the whole dress was white with a pattern of flames.

Ash greeted, "Hello, may I ask, how to get to Zhenxin Town?"

The woman slowly raised her head: "Child, you have finally come here, come on, eat some porridge."

Xiao Zhi scratched his head and asked suspiciously: "Miss, do you know me, but I don't seem to know you, may I ask who you are?"

The woman looked at Xiao Zhi's stunned appearance, felt a little cute, covered her mouth and smiled: "I have seen you when I was a child, as for the title, you can call me Aunt Feng."

Aunt Feng gave Xiao Zhi a bowl of porridge: "Come on, child." Drink a bowl of porridge first.

Ash felt that the lady in front of him was so kind, just like his own mother, even so, Ash still asked his four elder brothers for their opinions as soon as possible. But no matter how much he called those four, it was as if he had cut off contact with him, and even the system didn't respond to him.

Ash didn't bother to think about it, so he took the bowl and ate it. While eating, he praised the woman who called herself Aunt Feng: "Thank you, Aunt Feng." I still don't have much of an impression of you, but you give me a mother-like feeling. By the way, you can also try Pikachu, it's delicious. Soul


Erzhi: "It's okay, at least remember to ask us before eating."

Zhenzhi: "Did we tell him what the mythical beasts are?"

Youzhi: "100% of the time, because I told him." And I've said it no less than three times, but I don't blame her for painting it like this, who recognizes it.

Chizhi: "All in all, she has no ill will towards Ash, and we don't have to worry about it, just watch quietly." Although

it was the first time we met outside the space

, Xiao Zhi always felt that Aunt Feng had an inexplicable familiarity, not deeper than familiarity, it should be said that it was very cordial, as if the two of them were relatives.

Aunt Feng took Xiaozhi to visit her home, which is a building, which is very tall and quaint. Here, Ash felt more calm than ever, as if this was heaven, and it was intoxicating.

I don't know how long it rained outside, and Aunt Feng took Xiaozhi to sit on the straw mat opposite the door, listening to the sound of the rain while eating snacks.

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