At this time, this dance party came to a climax.

The host held the microphone and introduced loudly: "Next, I would like to invite our gorgeous queen of the Carlos region, Miss Yaxi." A

lady in a luxurious evening dress walked up: "Hello everyone, I'm Baxi, I'm here to test my student Ai'er, and I'm also happy to meet you." As

he spoke, a beautiful girl wearing a white performance costume with a pink ponytail walked out of the backstage.

Before the speech was finished, Kearney pulled Ash up and walked behind the stage. "What's going on?" Kearney, what are we doing backstage?"

"I have a friend here today, too, and he's Miss Elle's costume customizer at this ball. "

At the back of the stage, there was a girl who looked like Miss Ai'er, sitting alone.

Soul Space

"Okay, then Chizhi is out of this gamble without suspense, brother, then Xiaozhi's cultural class will be entrusted to you in the future, hehe."

"Congratulations, Mr. Chichi.

"Congratulations, congratulations. "

System: Since the host completes multiple flirting in one day, the host is hereby rewarded. First, the physique is strengthened and the body is light. Second, heterochromic pupils gain the ability to see through, the ability to attack mentally, and the top deterrent. 3. Give the host the card of the whole family of Fusion Evolution, 4. Obtain (Wisdom) Gathering and Evolution Items: Fossil Pterodactyl Soul Bead x1, Flame Horse Soul Bead x1, and 5. Obtain (Intelligent) Elemental Weapon Props - Wind Elemental Origin.

Ash: ?????Who am I?Where am I? What am I doing?Can a girl get so many rewards?

Erzhi: "Ash, that girl's name is Ma Xiu, and she will be the future master of the Gym who specializes in fairy cultivation." Also, watch her eyes.

Kerney introduced: "This is Ma Xiu, the young lady of the Aromatherapy City Gym. Also my friend.

"Hello Miss Ma Xiu, I'm Ash from Zhenxin Town, and it's a pleasure to meet you.

Ma Xiu stood up and turned around, and all she could see was jet-black hair and a pink dress. When she turned around, she was really stunning, her skin was as white and tender as mutton fat, the silky skirt set off her slender figure, and the pink butterfly headdress she was wearing, the whole person was like a butterfly fairy who had just entered the mortal world.

Rao is Xiaozhi, who has seen many beautiful girls, was stunned for a moment, and blushed for the first time. It's only for a while, but it's definitely red.

"Ma Xiu, this is Ash, a friend I just met today. "

Hello Xiao Zhijun, I'm Ma Xiu from the aromatherapy room. As he spoke, Ma Xiu raised her head. It was a pair of goblin-like eyes. The pupil is like a peach orchard, giving people a dream-like feeling.

Xiao Zhi obviously felt a mental trance, and when he thought of the reminder just now, he instantly understood that it was Ma Xiu's eyes that gave him a spiritual hint.

He didn't plan to let others invade his spiritual world, after all, there was an even more terrifying soul hidden in his soul!

Xiao Zhi instantly opened his heterochromic pupils, Ma Xiu obviously didn't expect Xiao Zhi to wake up, and at the same time, he was shocked by Xiao Zhi's threatening glance.

The moment he opened his heterochromic pupil, Ash also understood what it meant that heterochromic pupils had the ability to see through. This ability is similar to a kind of enlightenment through vision, for example, he has just analyzed Ma Xiu's eyes through heterochromic pupils.

The pupils of Ma Xiu can be called the pupils of the fairy. It's a natural, alien pupil that was obtained after being blessed by many goblin cells. This pupil is charming, sensitive, and can confuse others like a goblin.

Soul Space

"I really didn't expect it, this world is too different from the original book." "After all, we are in a different world, and it's normal to have differences. "I have a hunch that something very interesting will happen in a while. ".........

" Xiao Zhi saw that he was frightened, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Ma Xiu up

: "I'm really sorry, I scared you, right?" Ma Xiu was slightly stunned: "It's me who should say I'm sorry, I used these eyes on you without authorization." I'm so sorry. "

Ma Xiu has had such a pair of eyes that are very different from ordinary people since she was a child, so basically she has always been close to fairy Pokémon. Because she doesn't often interact with people, she prefers her hobby of making beautiful clothes.

"Miss Ma Xiu, your eyes are beautiful. Xiao Zhi scratched his head embarrassedly, it was the first time he had seen Ma Xiu's eyes like this, and it was also the first time he had praised a girl like this.

Ma Xiu's eyes also have the ability to detect lies, and it can be seen that Ash is genuinely complimenting.

The three of them quickly chatted together, and Ma Xiu also tried on a gorgeous performance costume for Ash. Its basic structure is made up of dresses, and when worn on Ash, it is like a male star, and it stunned the two girls.

At this time, an untimely voice came out, it turned out to be during a performance, and a group of people in strange uniforms broke onto the stage.

"I know them, they're fans of Miss Eyre, but they have extremely bad personalities. It's a bunch of out-and-out perverts. They've got in the way of an unknown number of performances. Ma Xiu said.

"It seems that there are such a group of people, I remember the news said that because they had several performances cancelled, right? Kearney said discouragedly.

Ash was also very unwilling, at this time Youzhi: "This is a good performance, didn't I teach you, even if there is an accident in the performance, we, as actors, must deal with this unexpected situation and bring smiles to the audience."

Ash thought for a moment and said to Ma Xiu, "Miss Ma Xiu, can you lend me this dress for a while?" "No problem, but what do you want to do?"

on the stage

, "Miss Ai'er, we are your avid fans, sign us!" "Miss Ai'er, please accept our love!" "Miss Al, Mo Mo" .........

Ai'er has a lot of fanatical fans, among which these three are the most perverted. Although I really want Miss Junsha to arrest them, it is not illegal to chase stars.

The long-tailed fox also stopped the show and watched his master wait for orders. The audience and judges in the audience were also very unhappy.

At that moment, the lights suddenly went black. Just when everyone was confused, Ash had already appeared on the stage in a gorgeous performance costume, and he opened his arms: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome everyone to my show, and then, Miss Ai'er and I will partner with these three fans to complete the performance."

As soon as this statement came out, some viewers were skeptical. Ms. Baxi looked at it with interest, he knew very well that this was not a show, and he just wanted to know what this boy who suddenly appeared wanted to do.

Ash came to Ai'er's side and leaned into her ear: "Miss Ai'er, please cooperate with me next, it's troublesome." This

scene directly angered the three perverted fans, and they directly released their Pokémon. To say that perverts are perverts, and being able to break through the defense line of security also proves their strength. Their Pokémon are a strong needle bee, a monster power, and a hypnotic tapir.

Ash also released Pikachu and Eevee, but unfortunately, time was tight and he didn't have time to dress up the two Pokémon.

The two sides quickly fought each other, "Big Needle Bee, use needle!" This big needle bee is obviously much faster than the normal big needle bee, but he is facing Ash's Pikachu.

Pikachu used the iron tail to connect to the electric flash. With that, Ash took Miss Ai'er's hand and began to dance. Ai'er was startled, but still followed Ash's rhythm.

At this moment, Eevee is fighting with Eevee at this moment, and he is fighting with the hypnotic tapir while he is fighting.

Although it seems to be fighting, it is actually Pikachu and Eevee who are always playing with those three Pokémon. Ash whispered, "Trouble command to use jet flames, please use all your strength."

"Long-tailed Fire Fox, use the Jet Flame!" Powerful

flames shot out of the sticks towards the five Pokémon, and just when everyone thought the flames would devour the five Pokémon, an accident happened.

Ash put his arm around Ai'er's waist, and his other hand was close to Ai'er's palms to face the audience, like a couple in love, but there were words in his mouth: "O elegant wind that lives in the world, please listen to my call, bring freedom to the creatures of this world, and evolve with elemental arms, and the divine spirit wearing the clothes of freedom is born here - Wind Chime Eevee!".

Ash's heterochromatic pupils opened, but no one noticed it except for his beloved. Suddenly, the whole stage was violently windy, and those winds that had no substance suddenly condensed and turned into a blue gentle wind. In this gust of wind, Ash completed his first elemental evolution, and Eevee's body became more and more softened with a blue-blue garment-like hair, and a pair of energy-formed wings appeared behind him, and a silver wind chime appeared on his neck.

At this moment, the audience exclaimed, and everyone's eyes converged on the new Ibu who appeared. The gentle beauty makes people's hearts feel as if they have been washed.

"Use the Divine Wind. "One of the commanded wings and feathers fluttered beautifully, forming a tornado of the originally ferocious flames, in which the five elves danced, and the original flames became the wind's dance partners.

The perverts still didn't give up, and after the dog barked: "Let him go and keep attacking!" The three Pokémon released their skills as soon as they stabilized their bodies.

Ash was not used to them either, pulled up Ai'er, and circled around the moving tornado, which made the already good dance more beautiful, "

Pikachu 100,000 volts!" And in the tornado, Pikachu released 100,000 volts, and the violent current hit the three Pokémon accurately under the guidance of the wind, Pikachu and Eevee didn't take them seriously at all, seeing that the three Pokémon had no room to fight back, and also danced a double Pokémon dance in the wind.

The long-tailed fire fox danced together while adding fire, and the whole battlefield became a performance.

After a while, Ash's lips leaned close to Ai'er's ear: "Okay, it's time for us to wrap up." "

I, use Geraora and Zoroac as fusion materials, and in the dark night, turn into thunderous light, fuse and evolve, and Screaming Pikachu!" Two cards flew out in the system space, forming a vortex in the tornado, and Pikachu evolved into a thunder rat with a black veins and a light body.

"Pikachu uses thunder, Eevee uses wind dance!" "

Woo and Eevee held hands and spun around, jumping out of the tornado, and at the same time, attacking the tornado, the powerful thunder energy and whirlwind energy threw the three Pokémon and their three perverted masters.

Later, the three Pokémon sent the tornado with three powers to the sky, forming a beautiful fireworks to end the curtain.

Ash and Ai'er's dance also happened to end, and two people, three elves, completed a perfect performance.

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