"Why is this!" Xiao Ju'er, who was just picked up, was suddenly frustrated. Where can I buy the limited edition book? How can I buy if I don’t have any acquaintances with Kanto?

"Okay, you can consider things slowly, Zapdos can do it, let's go back."

Looking at Zapdos panting, Lin Xiao put it away directly , This kind of release can be done several times, there is no need to release all at once.

She put away Zaptos, Lin Xiao went back to Nacrene City directly, as for Xiao Ju'er, she will come back by herself, don’t have to worry about it by herself, but this world rarely happens because of you. The fancy weak girl will suddenly become a female Tyrunt. Of course, it does not mean that a person becomes a Tyrunt, but a little Pokémon suddenly appears. It is efficient to solve that if you are a little stronger and might not be strong enough, I’m sorry you wait. After the beating, Jun Sha will grab you to contact the relationship.

Back in Nacrene City, Lin Xiao did not forget to bring some supper to Toozi.

"Where have you been so hungry."

Sure enough, when Lin Xiao came to the hospital with supper, Too Zi cried out sadly.

When I was recuperating from a serious illness, I also had a lot of food for my appetite.

"Go out and fight with someone a little bit late, do you feel more comfortable?"

"Well, I feel a lot more comfortable, thank you, I don’t know if it wasn’t for you What should I do.” Too Zi looked at Lin Xiao, feeling uncomfortable. Of course, there is one very serious thing, that is, the money he owes Lin Xiao seems to be increasing. Need to pay Lin Xiao a large amount of densely packed figures, Too Zi was frustrated, where did he get that much money?

The cost of all kinds of tents, clothes, daily necessities is a lot, and the accommodation and meals, the more you calculate, the more you numb your scalp.

This caused Toozi to suddenly lose his appetite while eating.

Looking at Toozi's depressed face, Lin Xiao sat in a chair to say with a smile: "It's okay, when there is no money to pay, it will be fine to hire people."

"It happens that my son lacks a child bride."

"cough cough!!!"

Lin Xiao almost choked Toozi to death, and his voice went up a few degrees, "You Have a son?"

Lin Xiao shrugged and leaned on the stool, said with a smile: "Is it weird? I'm almost three years old when I beat my daughter, maybe I can still be you in a few years The younger generation will accompany you to travel with you."

"Uh, don't, I'm afraid we will both starve to death." Lin Xiao jokingly took it seriously.

The consequences of traveling together with two women who will not cook will be tragic.

But this kind of thing will not happen at all, because Kona has already planned that when the child is older, the child will start doing housework, otherwise don't think about the pocket money, snacks and toys will all stand aside , In short, at least cooking and washing clothes are necessary, and Mengdie basically has no chance to travel alone.

Lin Xiao has been determined. When the three little fellows will travel together, Mengdie is only one year late at most, which is more reassuring.

Although no one dares to bully them, children who are parents outside are always worried, of course, except for Lin Ying. When he is ten years old, Lugia will grow up in one sentence. Then he will not bully others. Even a good thing.


"No, you are too old. When my son grows up, you will be old. My son is too disadvantaged. No way. Absolutely no way." Under the chin, Lin Xiao began to talk to himself, his face flushed with anger, and he grabbed the spoon in his hand and would kill Lin Xiao if she could move.

"hmph!! Then I can be your daughter-in-law!!"

Panting with rage blocked Lin Xiao's sentence, and stared at him with both eyes, panting with rage Continue to eat, not to mention being so angry by Lin Xiao, Toozi's appetite returned, as if to turn grief into appetite, and ate all the food.

"Yes." Lin Xiao lay flat on two chairs and prepared for Rest, "You should save the province, I can't afford you, you should find someone else."

"Lin Xiao!!!"

Toozi is completely angry, what does this mean, he can eat very well?

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, you get old when angry."

Waving indifferently, Lin Xiao closed his eyes and said, "After eating, put the lunch box aside. I'll clean up tomorrow morning."

I was so angry that I almost didn't bite. Lin Xiao started Rest contentedly. This is because you listened to my advice and I was too busy. Consequences.

Lin Xiao woke up early in the morning on the 2nd day and stretched. Rest on this chair is really uncomfortable.

Toozi was still sleeping soundly. He reached out and touched it and the temperature dropped completely, and his face looked much better. Lin Xiao was completely relieved. He packed up the lunch box and threw it in the trash can, and went to the hospital cafeteria. Inside, I put some food on the table, and there is a small note telling Touzi to go to the museum by myself. When you wake up, I will eat breakfast and I will be back before noon.

The young Pokémons train very hard, and Lin Xiao plans to let them relax today, so they can go to read a book to pass the time.

The museum has the largest library in Yixiu Region. Average person cannot enter, but Lin Xiao has the right to enter.

When I came to the museum, I found that the museum was very deserted. Lin Xiao walked in and saw a very dark and fat woman, "Hello Miss Aloe, I want to borrow the library to view Here’s the information."

"You are..." Aloe is also the Gym Trainer of Nacrene City Gym. See Lin Xiao and I will enter the library slightly frowned. There are only special ones. The average person where people and challengers can enter is not open.

"Hello, my name is Lin Xiao." Take out his picket ID and put it on the table, Lin Xiao slightly smiled.

After seeing the certificate, Aloe immediately remembered, "It turned out to be Master Lin Xiao, please come with me, I said why it looks familiar."

"Trouble You are here, I need to find some information." Lin Xiao smiled nodded, followed Aloe into the museum, Aloe directly opened the library, Gao Fei walked in and began to observe the books inside.

"Master Lin Xiao came to travel?"

"Yes, and I will come back to challenge Gym in two days." Laughed Lin Xiao began to find something he was interested in Books. ..

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