After a long time, Xiao Ju'er put her Zebstrika away, and thought about it or moved towards Lin Xiao.


At this time, Zapdos is still training hard, Xiao Juer stepped forward and looked at Lin Xiao's profile, opened the mouth and said: "Is this training method effective?"

Xiao Ju'er was not frustrated or disappointed when he lost the one-on-one battle. It's just a battle. If you lose, you lose. What excuses I can find is that my strength is not good, and I will work hard and try to win the next time.

Lin Xiao will challenge Gym so he will have the opportunity to fight with him.

"The effect is there but it is too slow. In the case of Zapdos, it takes more than an hour to release the electricity stored in the body. It enters the period of weakness and waits for it to slowly recover without power supplement. It will calm down after a while."

Lin Xiao didn't hide his explanation, Xiao Ju'er said with a smile: "Then I want to study?" Xiao Ju'er smiled very well, beautiful The big eyes narrowed like two small crooked moons.

Lin Xiao rolled the eyes, this can solve the zapdos riot, but it doesn't mean you need to learn.

"Yes, but you have to wait until you can conquer a little Pokémon that is powerful enough to clean up a city's electricity at once like Zaptos."

Shrug your shoulders, Lin Xiao also bluntly told Xiao Ju'er to use the basics of this method.

That's how little Pokémon is, Norman, your thunder and lightning horse class, don't even think about it.

It is estimated that a city’s power stations can be connected to Zebstrika's body to allow Zebstrika to be charged, instead of absorbing all the electricity like Zapdos, and paralyzing the entire city.

"And this city refers to a big city, not a third-tier city like Nacrene City, which is neither too big nor too small. In addition, I remember that the Yixiu Region does not seem to have a small Pokémon like Zapdos. "

The meaning is to remind Xiao Ju'er, wait for you to subdue to Zapdos first, but Yixiu Region does not have such a small Pokémon.

"Uh..." Xiao Ju'er looked at Lin Xiao with a wonderful expression, to subdue Zaptos? Just kidding, this kind of little Pokémon appears in Kanto, Orange Islands and Johto Region, and the number is so small. Many Trainers want to meet them once in their lives without a chance.

Even if you can conquer with your own strength?

"Isn't there still Zekrom?" Yixiu Region does not have Zapdos but is more powerful Zekrom, isn't it? Zekrom is stronger than Zaptos, isn't it?

Slightly unconvinced, Xiao Ju'er immediately moved Zekrom out.

"cough cough!!!"

This caused Lin Xiao to almost accidentally swallow the cigarette butt in his mouth, "Zekrom?!" Turning his head and looking at Xiao Ju'er in shock, Lin Xiao Stupidly asked: "Zekrom needs a Charge?"

"Isn't it?"

Although there are some records but the information is not complete, the love is finally from the electrical department of Pokémon. Xiao Ju'er will naturally check Zekrom's data, Pokémon, the most Peak Level electrical department.

Although Zekrom is more often planned in the Dragon Type Pokémon, but she who likes the electrical department Pokémon naturally planned it in the electrical department, which is a preference.

Lin Xiao's eyes widened, watching Xiao Ju'er coughing and asking: "Have you not seen Zekrom's information? This kind of little Pokémon will not be the same as Normal's little Pokémon. It does not need to be absorbed. Electricity, because it itself is a minefield, it can produce electricity instead of absorbing electricity."

"In fact, those legendary Pokémons with electrical attributes are only Zapdos and ordinary small Pokémon. Like Pokémon, it absorbs electricity everywhere, and the Thunder Emperor, one of Johto's three Sacred Beasts, whose strength is similar to it, does not absorb electricity......."

Xiao Juer's saying that Zekrom absorbs electricity. Lin Xiao was so soft on the outside and the inside. Fortunately, I have Zekrom and I am very familiar with this kind of little Pokémon, otherwise I might be fooled by Xiao Ju'er.

"Ah!!! This is so!!!"

Xiao Ju'er was dumbfounded, and of course she was embarrassed. With so little information, where did she know so clearly, she was just one Ordinary Trainer, there is no Zekrom, nor is it that researchers are extremely familiar with these little Pokémon.

Lin Xiao’s face turned red when she looked at Xiao Ju’er, Lin Xiao helplessly said: “You can buy a copy of Professor Oak’s introduction to the legendary Pokémon. There is a lot of information on Zekrom. Is there any introduction to Yixiu Region? In addition to Zekrom, there are a lot of introductions of other legendary Pokémon, from lifestyle habits, gender of Pokémon, residence Region, Characteristic Trait, etc., provided that you can buy them. "

Old Master Professor Oak grabbed Lin Xiao and kept asking and researching himself. Last year, he wrote a book about the legendary Pokémon. Lin Xiao is a natural treasure house. ! !

Books were sold madly in Kanto and Fangyuan Region as soon as they came out. As for Johto Region Banmu talked with Lin Xiao several times before starting to sell them.

The publication of this book allowed the masses to learn more about the legendary little Pokémon. At the beginning, Lin Xiao almost didn’t talk about the little Pokémon given by the system and threw it to the Old Master, but after thinking about it, Forget it, so as not to expose too much.

It contains detailed information on the introduction of the legendary Pokémon owned by Lin Xiao. Of course, there are also some introductions that Lin Xiao does not have.

Kanto and Fangyuan are selling crazy, Sinnoh Region has not been released yet, as for Yixiu Region, it looks a bit unsettled.

"There is actually this kind of book!! How could it be possible! I don't know!!" Xiao Ju'er was shocked. If she knew there was such a book, she would have bought it a long time ago, but it was a pity that she hadn't heard of it. Haven't seen it before.

"Sinnoh Region has not been released yet. Of course, Kalos and Yixiu Regions farther away have not yet been released. To release these books, it is not easy to log in and view the release report on the Internet. In the middle It’s a lot of trouble, so I guess it’s a bit slower, but if you’re in a hurry, you can find someone to buy from Kanto and then mail it."

"Not online?!"

"No, Because it's limited." Shaking his head, Lin Xiao didn't say that the person who made the limit stipulated was himself. ..

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