"Then I am looking forward to a battle with you." Any trainer who is actually powerful will inevitably want to fight someone stronger than himself, and fight an Elite. Such an opportunity may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

It is common for Aloe Vera to expect such battles.

Lin Xiao casually picked up a book on the development history of Yixiu Region and opened said with a smile: "Then you may be disappointed. My old little Pokémon didn’t bring it with him. All around are some newly acquired little Pokémon."

"hehe ~~" Aloe slightly smiled without answering, "Then take your time, I will take a look outside."

Normal people in such a library are naturally not qualified to come in at will, but Lin Xiao can, and it is anytime, anywhere. Of course, it doesn’t mean anyone who can come in and disturb others in the middle of the night.

Aloe Vera is a woman who has strong confidence in herself. She is a little fat and a little dark. Lin Xiao is curious about how she and her husband are put together? Yeah, the size difference is a bit huge.

It’s common for men to be taller or a little fatter, but for women like that.........when he thinks about the weight of a few hundred kilograms, Gao Fei can’t help but shudder. Don't have any interest in fat women.

Shaking his head and throwing his messy thoughts out of his mind, Lin Xiao began to read a book to pass the time. Toozi could not leave the hospital yet, and the TV series Lin Xiao with blood and brains on the TV If you don’t have any interest, you will feel tired after playing small games for a long time. It's better to read a book.

After spending a day in Gym's library, Lin Xiao did not return to the hospital until night began.

"Hmm~~Where did you go? I'm just coming back now, I'm so hungry, not delicious."

When Lin Xiao opened the door of the ward, he was speechless. Now, aren’t you already eating? Lin Xiao was so obsessed with reading that he forgot to give Toozi lunch, but when he came back with dinner, he found a person who shouldn't be there, Xiao Ju'er.


When Lin Xiao came back, Xiao Ju'er smiled and said hello.

Who is your companion? If you ask at the hospital, Lin Xiao is not surprised that Xiao Ju'er knows this kind of thing. Instead, he said strangely: "By the way, Xiao Ju'er, why are you here? ?"

"Didn’t you say that you plan to go back to the Gym after the matter is over?"

"I have already told my assistant in the Gym that I will travel outside For a while, as for the challenger, wait for ten days to challenge again.” Putting up an index finger, Xiao Ju'er said with a smile: “This way, I’m not afraid of others coming to challenge Gym and there will be no one. You can determine a fixed time. "

This is also good. Lin Xiao nodded thinks Xiao Ju'er handled it quite well, so that those challengers who come to challenge can go to other Gyms or train Pokémon in place to adjust their status. , Waiting for Xiao Ju'er to come back and directly issue a challenge, instead of waiting stupidly all day, looking through the limpid autumn water, I don't know when it will be a day.

This kind of waiting Lin Xiao has tried many times, especially when I met Melissa’s old woman in Sinnoh Region last year that made people angry. Fortunately, Melissa is basically gone. The same scenery as before, wherever you go, there will be little Pokémon or some inconsistent people coming to ask for trouble.

And the trouble continues.

Lin Xiao will never give up unless she really has nothing!

"Let's eat together?" After seeing that Toozi was eating, Xiao Juer wiped out the two foods she brought, and asked with a smile when she opened the food she had brought.

"Uh, okay." Xiao Juer's stomach is really hungry, especially looking at the sweetness of the food that Toozi eats, but I can only look at the taste, which is not Normal.

There are too many people to eat, and there are not many delicious things to eat if there are fewer people.

Opening all the lunch boxes, Lin Xiao handed Xiao Ju'er the thoroughly cooked rice, picked up the chopsticks and ate it.

Toozi has already felt satisfied after eating the food for two people, and continues to watch her own TV.

Lin Xiao is also eating, really hungry without eating at noon. Compared to the way he and Toozi eat, Xiao Ju'er is unintentionally shy when eating, just like a lady. Take a sip and take it slowly.

Don’t talk about eating slowly, Xiao Ju'er still looked at Lin Xiao, shook her head, making Lin Xiao startled, "Why are you uncomfortable?"

"You... ......"

Xiao Ju'er suddenly became angry, and almost fainted without being annoyed by Lin Xiao's words, she kindly shook her head to remind him that she didn't notice it! ! How slow is this to be! !

Flushing, Xiao Juer stared at Lin Xiao dissatisfiedly. Lin Xiao was confused. Did he say something wrong? Doesn't it seem?

Staring at the slightly red face, Xiao Ju'er looked at Lin Xiao for a long time before realizing it, saying with a smile: "Sorry, I was a little hungry for not paying attention before, so I prefer to have my belly first. Filled up, but didn’t notice that you took the headphones off."

"It’s okay to take them off. Wearing headphones for too long to listen to music will cause too much damage to the eardrum."

"hmph huh~~" Lin Xiao realized that he didn't wear earplugs, Xiao Ju'er grunted dissatisfiedly, and continued to eat, but she felt a little proud in her heart, she was not a fool or observant.

After listening to Lin Xiao’s advice, Xiao Ju'er took off the earplugs. In fact, Lin Xiao was not the first person to remind her. Before her ears were uncomfortable, she was wrong. It is recommended to remove the earplugs.

Because Xiaoju'er will wear earplugs when she is not listening to music, just like her underwear, whether she is resting or doing things, it is strange that her ears will feel comfortable if it takes too long.

So Xiao Ju'er removed the earplugs at Lin Xiao's suggestion.

Lin Xiao was surprised. Xiao Ju'er would take off the earplugs because of her own suggestion. Isn't she always there?

Lin Xiao, who looks at her sexy clothing, short golden hair, chews slowly and eats slowly, is slightly smiled, I have to say that she is a beauty, especially now she has a touch of pink on her face when.

"Why, am I beautiful?"

Xiao Juer looked at Lin Xiao directly and asked, Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Well, very beautiful."


"Thank you." Compared to some girls, Xiao Ju'er looks a lot more generous. ..

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