"hu~ ~~"

When Articuno rushed to Zebstrika because of the high speed, there was even a gust of wind. The short hair was blowing.

"So fast!!"

There was a hint of shock and throbbing in Xiao Ju'er's eyes. The shock was that Zapdos was too fast, faster than his Zebstrika, and throbbed. What moves is that this kind of battle is what she wants.


His opponent rushed over, Zebstrika yelled and jumped up, avoiding Zapdos' attack.


Looking at her Zebstrika avoiding, Xiao Ju'er was overjoyed, but soon disappeared, "Zebra!!" jumped aside Zebstrika who went there called out, the voice was very wrong, Xiao Ju'er realized that Zapdos still attacked Zebstrika.

I can't see it from her perspective, but I can see it with no difficulty from Lin Xiao.

Although Xiaojuer’s Zebstrika bounces quickly and has Agility’s acceleration, Zebstrika’s speed is increased to the extreme, but it is fast, and Zapdos is faster! ! Although Zebstrika had already jumped immediately, Zapdos' wings had directly slashed on its hind legs, and Zebstrika could be seen jumping away from Xiao Juer's direction, while Lin Xiao could clearly see Zebstrika. The foot was attacked.

Zebstrika has such a fast speed, undoubtedly relying on these four hooves, but if the foot is injured, the speed will be greatly reduced, then the strength of the Ray-Ban will be reduced and the Zapdos's wings will be injured. , It’s not the same as flying.

"The speed is good, but it's a pity." Lin Xiao gave Zebstrika a comment and shouted: "Zapdos steel wings!!!"

Taking advantage of Agility's lead The speed of getting up hadn't dissipated yet, Lin Xiao gave the order again.


Zapdos yelled, a huge spiky Normal-like wings moved towards the zebra cut away, and the wings turned into a piece of white.


Zebstrika felt that her feet were very uncomfortable and had not had time to react, Zapdos' attack came again.


Zapdos' huge wings were fiercely cut on Zebstrika's neck, causing Zebstrika to scream and make a muffled noise, and his body flew back directly. It fell heavily on the ground, smashing the Ground out of a small pit.

"Finally, Hyper Beam ends the battle."

After Xiao Ju'er gave an order from the beginning, he completely derogated the audience. It seems that the battle has nothing to do with him Normal.

"bang!!!!" The thick Hyper Beam sprayed out of Zapdos' mouth and hit Zebstrika's body, causing Zebstrika, who was still in a trance, to scream and fall to the ground. The circle that started has lost the combat capability.

Zapdos has reached the Elite level after his strength is approaching adulthood. With Lin Xiao’s command, and Zapdos's uncomfortable stomach, the battle is naturally very fierce. Under the attack of a violent storm, it is only Two or three Unique Ability Zebstrika of Xiao Ju'er lost the combat capability.

There is no ability to react and resist at all, the strength gap is too big, and the trainer's fighting style is different, Zebstrika put an Agility down and just like that.

"Your self-confidence seems to be a bit too high. If you can, take this out. If you wear it for too long, it will cause problems with your eardrums and decrease your hearing." Pointing to her ears, Lin Xiao reminded Xiao Ju'er and immediately turned to leave. Zapdos took a faint look at Xiao Ju'er and her Zebstrika, who had lost the combat capability, and followed Lin Xiao moved towards outside and continued walking outside.

Zapdos himself has a problem and needs to be released. Lin Xiao took Zapdos to prepare for this. The battle is too troublesome. Lin Xiao intends to use the old method.

When I came to the mountains outside Nacrene City, Lin Xiao looked at a huge rock on the side and said: "Zapdos use Thunderbolt against the rock."

The trouble of fighting has to use this method. So, as long as it releases all the electricity stored in its body and enters a weak state, this state should be eliminated after it is slowly repaired.

Dialga's strength is too strong, and against Zapdos, this guy will definitely come out with cuts and bruises. It is very difficult for Celebi to be treated without being around, so Lin Xiao vetoed this method. The old method is more reliable.


Zapdos flew down from the sky, facing the Rock in the distance, and began to use Thunderbolt and Thunder two Unique Ability to store it in his body. Electricity is consumed quickly.



The powerful current concentrated on the Rock, which was soon led underground, and Zapdos began to continue The strikes of Rock came, Lin Xiao sat aside smoking a cigarette, watching Zapdos continuously release the electric current in his body.

With the power of Zapdos today, even if you continue to use Thunderbolt against Rock, it will take a long time to consume all of it and enter a state of weakness.

Unique Ability is constantly released, so that the night is constantly illuminated, and the huge rock is constantly vented by the unique Ability of Zapdos with black smoke. Rock will directly lead the current into Ground, otherwise Rock will be blown to pieces.

On the other hand, Xiao Ju'er looked at Zebstrika, who had lost the combat capability. It was true that this was the first time he encountered such a strong opponent since he was a Trainer for so many years. The result of the battle was with her. The guess is that even if his strength is good, he can't beat Lin Xiao.

But she guessed the result but didn't guess the process. The battle was over and she was defeated as she imagined, but the process was a bit outrageous! ! Even she herself issued a command, Agility, after which Zebstrika had lost the combat capability.

Under the attack of Zapdos, the combat capability was simply lost, and there was no sluggishness at all.

Looking at Zebstrika dumbfoundedly, Xiao Ju'er took her Zebstrika back after a long time. Lin Xiao's strength exceeded her expectations, and she had become too much stronger. ..

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