Looking at Xiao Ju'er who is full of confidence, Lin Xiao helplessly said: "Well then, let's fight a game, everyone is False Swipe."

Although the data shows that Xiao Ju'er's strength is very good, Gao Fei is not very optimistic about her playing against her own Zapdos. If not, Pokémon will be seriously injured.

Looking around, Lin Xiao said: "Let’s go outside, it’s not suitable for fighting."

The underground training center of the hospital is too small and there are fewer people at night Lin Xiao I will come here, but it’s very difficult to start a battle, not to mention that the little Pokémon with Flying Type like Zapdos can’t fly at all. The battle is not fair at all. What Xiao Juer wants is a real battle. Not a battle to take advantage of.

It can be said that if Zaptos cannot fly, its strength will drop a lot.

Zapdos can't stand on land if it can't fly.

"No problem!!!" Putting Poké Ball away confidently, Xiao Juer walked out of the hospital with Lin Xiao, curiously asked: "But why are you in the hospital?"

"The traveling companion is sick in the hospital. I am a nurse. I will wait until her condition improves to challenge Gym and leave to go to the next destination." Lin Xiao shrugged and walked in front moved towards Nacrene City and walked outside. .

It’s already night. If you want to fight, it’s best to go outside the city. Being in the city will easily affect the rest of others.

The two left Nacrene City and came outside one after the other. Lin Xiao felt fortunate that all the crazy fans of Xiao Ju'er went home to rest at night, otherwise they would go everywhere. It was strange that a large group of people screamed.

"Let’s go here."

Leaving Nacrene City to the outskirts of Nacrene City, far away from the city will not affect others, Lin Xiao stopped and took out Poké Ball threw it out and shouted: "Then it's you, Zapdos come out."


With a tweet, Zapdos rushed out of Poké Ball. , I flew to the sky with a trace of thunder and lightning on his body, like a golden sun illuminating everything around him in the sky.

There was a trace of envy in his eyes, "Sure enough, no matter how many times I look at it, it is so dazzling." Xiao Ju'er took out the Poké Ball and threw out and shouted: "Then it is you, Zebstrika, stand. Go under the fluorescent light!!"

Xiao Ju'er also threw the Poké Ball along, making Lin Xiao stunned. The fluorescent light? Are you afraid that you are getting too many fluorescent lights? Here are the lights from the outskirts, all around are dark and the only illuminating item is the flashlight in the hand and the Zapdos in the sky.


Zebstrika screamed out of Poké Ball. Four hooves slapped the Ground a few times, and the two big closed mouths Spit Up. The heat came, staring at Zaptos between Lin Xiao and Sky, not afraid of the powerful energy in Zaptos, but full of fighting intents.

"Uh, sorry, sorry." After Xiao Ju'er finished speaking, she was stunned that there were no fluorescent lights here. It was just a catch phrase.

However, many times the mantra can make people embarrassed, and it is not the embarrassment of Normal.

For example, as a buddy of previous life, I got used to some mantras such as "fun than~" and so on. As a result, I went with my girlfriend to meet the future father-in-law and mother-in-law. The family was very happy and sat together. During the meal, the mother-in-law also mentioned some embarrassing things that the old father-in-law had done to make everyone laugh, but didn't want this buddy to shake out the words, "You are so funny." As a result, the whole situation was embarrassed. .

His old father-in-law almost didn't chase him with a kitchen knife in a dark face, and his girlfriend ignored him for a whole week, so that he never said the word funny.

It is estimated that he is the only one who dares to describe his father-in-law with funny words...

"Then the battle begins. There is no rule for one side to fall. The other side wins."

When the two were fighting one-on-one, Lin Xiao did not say any messy rules. After the battle, the two went their separate ways, and they had to go back and see how it was. What's the case, there is also help her to bring some late night snacks back, no need to guess that the girl is absolutely hungry and shouting when she goes back.

"Okay, no problem!! Zebstrika is about to start, let's break out a dazzling battle!!!" Xiao Ju'er smiled and raised his hand, confident in the battle.

Zapdos’ electrical system, Unique Ability, is destined not to cause too strong injuries to Zebstrika, and Goofy does not want Zapdos to be charged into Zebstrika as a Charge device, which will do a lot of damage to the Thunder Horse squad.

"Then it is Agility." Looking at Xiaoju'er's Zebstrika, Lin Xiao raised his hand to let Zapdos use Agility. Since they are all Pokémons from the electrical department, unless Zapdos releases his strongest power , Otherwise it’s useless, but doing so is too much, it’s just a simple duel, it’s not worth it.


Zapdos yelled, and his body quickly turned into a golden Zapdos moved towards Xiaoju'er's Zebstrika and rushed towards him.

"Agility?" Xiao Juer lifts the head and looks at Zapdos slightly smiled in the sky, with a beautiful smile.

Zapdos Normal’s electrical system Unique Ability is useless to Zebstrika. The same Zebstrika’s electrical system Unique Ability has no effect on Zapdos. This is still Zappos. If Lin Xiao gets Zekrom out, then Xiaoju You don’t need to fight anymore, there is no meaning to fight.

It's the same as fighting with Ho-Oh and Rexiram with your Normal Flame Pokémon. It doesn't make any sense.

"So fast!!"

Looking at the rushing Zapdos, Xiaojuer said with a smile: "Then let's use Agility too! Come on, Zebstrika."

If you can’t use Unique Ability in the electrical system, you need to use other types of Unique Ability. Xiao Juer and Lin Xiao use the same Unique Ability. The difference is that when you activate Agility, you are attacking and the other is dodge.

The two little Pokémon immediately took action after receiving Trainer's instructions.

Zapdos really turned into a golden Zapdos. The huge body exploded with incredible speed, moved towards Zebstrika, and Xiaojuer’s Zebstrika also used Agility to run fast. Moved. ..

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