Wear the earphones to block the loud voice that comes through.

According to Toozi's yelling, his ears absolutely can't stand it. Lin Xiao doesn't know whether Toozi's voice can bear it. Anyway, his eardrums can't stand it.

Wearing headphones, Lin Xiao idly took out the books he had bought before and looked at it. The three little Pokémon tasks that need training Lin Xiao have been assigned. Now he only needs to watch the little Pokémons train. Just pay attention. In addition to the training status of the little Pokémon, it is to prevent these little fellows from Slack Off.

Originally, those little Pokémons in the past would never Slack Off, but these three little fellows may be OK. Tepig is okay, but they don’t have too much autonomy. That’s why. Easy Slack Off is easy to bring out in the hands of the unearthly guy Fujifuji Snake and the bad boy Sandile.

Tepig, who is not too assertive, will naturally follow them, so they can be pulled into the water naturally, maybe they can be used as a shield to be a scapegoat!

"cough cough!! Hurry up and train."

Looking at the rattan snake, Lin Xiao lightly coughed reminded them not to Slack Off. Hard training will do.

The crooked idea was noticed by Lin Xiao before it came out, and Teng Teng Snake was a little depressed.

"Come on, Piggy, you did a great job!!!"

Tuozi's continuous encouragement and strength lure. Confused, piggy is hard-heartedly training hard.

The two of them spent the whole day in the training ground. Even the meals were delivered directly from the outside. If you can afford to open a private training ground, there is no shortage of that. When the money comes to build a restaurant, it can also one move, two gains, and boost business.

In order to reduce the trouble, the people who come to train directly live here and eat. By the way, if there is anything incomplete in the training, it is estimated that there is no place to treat the little Pokémon, and they need to go to the Pokémon Center.

"Is it still painful? Would you like to take some medicine?"

After roaring for a day, Lin Xiao found that Toozi kept holding his throat while eating at night. It was too long and hurt the vocal cords.

"No, I'm afraid of taking medicine. After eating, I go to bed early and drink more ice water."

When I heard about taking medicine, I looked ugly and determined. He refused to take it, Toozi refused to take the medicine, Lin Xiao had no choice but to follow her.

After the meal, the two returned to the hotel where they lived. Toozi, who had been tired all day, went directly to the room Rest. He didn’t even have the thought of taking a shower. Don’t underestimate how Toozi can persist all day. Lin Xiao has already opened his eyes. You must know that she is a little pig who follows her, running around and shouting at the same time, which is very tiring.

I was so tired that I didn’t want to take a shower. No one happened to grab the bathroom with him. Lin Xiao whistled, went into the bathroom and took a Scald bath to wash away the sweat, put on clothes, and watched for a while. TV has just started Rest. As for the content of TV, it is more interesting, the love story of Dragonite and Gyarados.

Lin Xiao didn’t know which director was brainstorming to shoot this kind of TV. TV and movies in this world cannot be separated from the shadow of Pokémon. Basic TV and movie Pokémon is the protagonist. Both men and women are only supporting roles.

The love story between Dragonite and Gyarados, thinking about it, can make people get goosebumps, but what Lin Xiao admired is that he actually finished it! !

What the story tells is that a powerful Dragonite named Thain travels around the world, looking for his kins in the world, but does not want to meet a beautiful mother Gyarados, Aling, so Dragonite is in love with it. This beautiful girl, who is sometimes gentle and sometimes irritable, has unfolded an evocative love story. Gyarados has its own training. Dragonite has tried all kinds of ways to keep close to humans, close to Aling’s Trainer, and in the end, the merit and perfection embrace the beauty. !

In fact, Lin Xiao thinks that the director can be more mind-blowing to film a love story that Li Yunlong and Wailord have to tell.

It doesn't matter if there are different types of fuck, can you be more reliable? Dragonite and Gyarados?

Gengar once liked Gardevoir and Lin Xiao’s brain was opened up. At least the size is not too exaggerated, but you tell me what about a Gyarados that is nearly ten meters in length and a Dragonite that is two meters in height. Living? No, it's en-en-e.

This is like some so-called brain-opening cartoons filmed on Earth in the previous life. The love between African elephants and ants is Normal, pure nonsense! !

The real Dragonite doesn't look down on Gyarados, which is similar to the little Pokémon. Even if you have a dragon in your name, it doesn't mean you are a Dragon Type little Pokémon.

Don't underestimate the Dragon Type Pokémon's demanding spouse selection.

For this kind of TV series Lin Xiao feels it is more interesting to watch while complaining, and it can kill time.

After watching TV for two hours to pass the time, Lin Xiao returned to his room to prepare for Rest, ready to challenge Gym tomorrow.

Turn off the light Lin Xiao and prepare for Rest.


Suddenly in the dark night, a slight moan and groan sounded. Lin Xiao not only face full of black lines, but what is Toozi doing?

I turned over and didn't think much about it. I felt that he was evil. Lin Xiao continued to Rest, but didn't want the voice to ring again, and he started to rush.

"does not !!"

Lin Xiao opens up the lamp, the feeling of something wrong, dressed to open the door in the wall of sleep knocked through sub-room door, loudly said: "Sub-permeable , Are you okay?"

It was quiet and no one answered, but his voice still felt a little bit of pain. (Those who want to face the wall for five minutes.)

"Toozi!!! Toozi!!!"

After the connection yelled a few times, Lin Xiao felt something was wrong and opened the lock. It was locked from the inside, and immediately pushed hard under Lin Xiao's tremendous strength, the door was immediately pushed open; Lin Xiao turned on the light and was helpless.

Through child lying on the quilt covered with reddish head full of Rehan, his face pale a look that is too long to call during the day and neck pain so drunk ice water fever.

"This girl." Looking at Touzi who was wearing her pajamas and her body was as red as charcoal, Lin Xiao had to take out a coat to wrap her up, moved towards the hospital and ran.

This is a past night, I hope the hospital hasn't closed yet.

Lin Xiao ran out of the hotel and ran towards the hospital. ..

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