Fortunately, although the speed is pitifully slow, Little Pig is still running very hard, although it takes a long time.

Actually, the piglets don’t eat a lot of food because they haven’t been trained, which leads to the fatter, more exercise and more training, the slower you can lose weight.

Lin Xiao somehow didn't know whether to cry or laugh, because the two of them had eaten a meal for nearly four hours! !

It’s not that the two of them eat so slowly because of Toozi’s little pigs. The training content that Lin Xiao got down is over in less than half an hour. Tepig is faster and used one. It took more than an hour to arrive at Sandile. It only took more than an hour for Sandile to arrive. What’s so frustrating is that it took four hours for such a small distance to end! !

This made Lin Xiao realize that Toozi’s piggy is not only overweight, but also too lazy to overdo it. In the time that Toozi got it, did the little fellow walk through... ....

"Come on, piggy!!" Toozi continued to cheer on his piggy for four hours.

The speed at the beginning is still running slowly. However, after about one-tenth of the journey, Toozi’s piggy began to lie down. The speed of running slowly turned into a slow crawl. He never gave up for eating. Although it took a long time, I never gave up.

Although it took a long time for Lin Xiao to wait for the piglet group to crawl back slowly and promise it food, the piglet passed out in words.

It seems that Toozi’s training is still very long. It needs to be done slowly. In the case of the piggy, training is not as difficult as Normal, but fortunately, the piggy is greedy and can use food. Carry out the task of attracting and distributing training to make it lose weight.

After Xiaozhuzhu has completed his training mission. Lin Xiao and Toozi set off directly and continued to move towards Nacrene City.

The two came to Nacrene City that night, but it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Originally, Lin Xiao planned to take a rest on the road and come to Nacrene City on the 2nd day, but Toozi was more impatient and simply left. section of the road, arrived at Nacrene City around ten o'clock in the evening.

"Why do I feel that this city is weird."

Walking into Nacrene City was because it was already ten o'clock in the evening and the streets became relatively deserted, but the streets of Nacrene City were weird It makes Toozi feel a little uncomfortable. There are graffiti everywhere in the city, but it is full of paintings and patterns. It may look better in the daytime, but it looks a little nonsense at night.

It's a bit gloomy, giving people a hairy feeling.

"Nacrene City is an art city, but here is the largest museum in Yixiu Region. You can see the elements of art throughout the city, but these arts look scary at night.,"

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Lin Xiao said with a smile: "As long as you get used to it."

"Let’s find a place to rest first."

Looking at the surrounding environment, Lin Xiao is not very sensitive to these things. It doesn't matter whether they are there or not. He is a person without any artistic cells.

The so-called art in the eyes of others is a waste of waste for Lin Xiao.

As for the paintings and calligraphy of Last Resort, Lin Xiao doesn't have the spare money to get it. Rather than spend money on those things, it is better to use the money to organize his estate.

Finding a hotel to stay, the two of them rested in the hotel after eating.

2nd day, the two got up, and after breakfast, they moved towards Pokémon Center, the so-called museum.

Nacrene City’s Gym is in the city’s museums. It is also a museum and a Gym.

"It seems that we ran for nothing."

The two came all the way to the Gym, Lin Xiao looked at the closed gate of the museum and the entrance to the museum, welcoming all guests. , Smiled and shook his head. What kind of luck is this. I just came to Nacrene City. Gym is actually closed. I just hope it won’t be long. ,

The sign did not say why it was turned off, nor did it indicate when it started to turn on.

"Then what shall we do? How about we go to train Pokémon?" Yesterday's battle made Toozi aware of his problem. Piglet must be trained! ! Lose it!

Seeing Toozi staring at himself with both eyes, Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Yes, it just happens that my little Pokémon needs training."

Tengteng Snake’s The training with Tepig is very hard and has reached the edge of evolution. Lin Xiao intends to double the training of the two Pokémon to complete the evolution in the last few days.

After taking the agreement, the two of them left the museum. Of course, they were also Gym. They came to a rental training field in Nacrene City and rented a training field with a good environment to start training.

Touzi continued to train his piggy and Lin Xiao's Pokémon was also training hard.

Not long after Lin Xiao left, Ash also came to Nacrene City. Of course, Ash, who cares about Gym’s challenge most, also came to Gym immediately. Unfortunately, he got the same treatment as Lin Xiao. The gate of the museum was closed. of! !

Originally, Lin Xiao planned to read a book in this museum after challenging Gym. The Last Resort in the museum of Nacrene City has the most books in the entire Yixiu Region, with a complete range of some very old books. This kind of place is not to be missed for Lin Xiao who likes to read books. Of course, it is useless to say anything now, because the museum has been closed for no reason or when it will open.

However, the museum itself is holding exhibitions, so I think it will open in the near future.

"Come on, little piggy, come on!!! You absolutely can't give up, you can, come on!!!"

At this time in the training ground, Lin Xiao felt speechless It’s Toozi who used a high decibel to cheer on the piggy. There is a horizontal line in front of the piggy. That is the first stage of its training. For other little Pokémon, it can run easily. In the past, it was extremely difficult to get to Xiaozhuzhu.

Is this cheering or pulling the hind legs? Lin Xiao looked at Toozi, a little speechless, because he saw that the piglet's body shook every time Toozi yelled. Obviously, he was lying on Toozi's high decibel voice.

Lin Xiao sitting on the side has already taken out his headphones! ! ..

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