
Growl, who was wrapped in a coat, let out an uncomfortable cry. She wanted to tear off her coat. The face and neck are all red, not just these places, the whole body is slightly red at this time, Lin Xiao is speechless, "You don't believe it, let you drink less ice water, is it fun now?"

Shaking his head Lin Xiao ran to the street with Toozi in his arms and moved towards the hospital.

This world hospital does not mean that it will not be closed 24 hours a day. Except for the larger hospitals, the small hospitals close very early.


Holding Toozi and ran to the first hospital, seeing the closed door, Lin Xiao couldn't help but cursed, holding Toozi moved towards Nacrene City He left the city hospital. It was late at night and there were no vehicles on the street. It was really troublesome.

Lin Xiao's physique is relatively strong, and if he is an average person, he will be tired.

Holding Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao rushed all the way and rushed into the city hospital and shouted: "Doctor! Excuse me, my partner has a high fever, and the situation is a bit serious."

Regardless of the fact that it is midnight, Lin Xiao hugged his body and sweated and almost didn't smoke above his head. The look pale and ugly Toozi yelled.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Nurse, who is on duty, walked out and asked Yawn. Lin Xiao said anxiously: "My companion is sick, very serious, please trouble you Heal her immediately."

Nurse on duty was taken aback, and hurriedly stepped forward and touched Toozi’s forehead anxiously: "The fever is so serious!!"

"You put her on it ." Pointing to the distant hospital bed, hurriedly took out some ice cubes, wrapped them in a towel and handed them to Lin Xiao, "You can help her to cool down and put it on her head. I'll call the doctor on duty."

The temperature of a person is too high, but it is fatal.

Nurse hurried to wake up the doctor on duty.

The two rushed over in a hurry. The doctor on duty checked and said: "Your friend's condition is very serious and the temperature exceeds forty degrees. You need to get a drip right away."

" Please wait for a while."

The doctor on duty and Nurse hurriedly pushed the bed into the emergency room and began to hang Brine.

"hu~~~" Watching Toozi enter the emergency room, Gao Fei only relaxed, forty degrees, people's consciousness at this time is all confused, and the ice water that Toozi drank is still It's really exciting, she doesn't dare to drink water after she wants to come here.

Wiping the sweat from my head and running around the city with a person in my arms is really tiring.

Putting on his coat, Lin Xiao walked to the door and lit a cigarette, touched his stomach and had to get something to eat first, he needed a protracted battle.

At forty degrees, it means that Touzi will basically lie down in the hospital for more than five days, and as a partner, she can only take care of herself.

I went to the cafeteria of the hospital and got something to eat. Lin Xiao just came back.

"Hello, please register, and pay for medical expenses." Lin Xiao just came back and heard good news.

Toozi's gross cents are not worth mentioning. Needless to say, this money needs to be paid up by herself. It seems that this girl owes herself more and more money.

Various expenses and living expenses, shook his head, Lin Xiao picked up the form to register, and wrote down the travel partner in the column of relationship. The family members filled it in, and the parents could not be contacted when traveling.

"Okay, please swipe the card, I don't have that many cash."

Take out the bank card and swipe it to Nurse.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Nurse picked up the form and looked at it to make sure that there was no problem. After pulling her name, she picked up the bank card and swiped it.

"The application has been completed, thank you for your cooperation."

After processing, Nurse handed the card to the reporter and asked: "Do I need to visit the patient in the ward? What about the patient? It has been stabilized, and the injection is normal, and I will be discharged in five days."


Lin Xiao nodded walked into the ward and sat on a chair and looked at the look pale. But Toozi, who had cooled down, was helpless, and the time was almost five days as he had budgeted. Looking at Toozi's pale face, Lin Xiao said to himself: "You will dare not listen to persuasion in the future!!"

Before, if I listened to my own medicine, it would not be like this with warm water, but this girl has something to do with absolutely no medicine. If she doesn't take medicine, she will drink ice water. Now it's fun.

Spending money is a trivial matter. Lin Xiao doesn't care about the money, but he is about to suffer. It feels uncomfortable to lie down in the hospital for five days.

Sitting on a chair, Goofy patted his forehead and knew he had brought the computer. The days I was waiting were uncomfortable, but I had to go back and get it tomorrow day.

Overnight slowly passed, and the situation gradually got better with some drips.

"cough cough!!!"

In the early morning, a cough awakened Lin Xiao who had just fallen asleep on the chair, lifts the head and looked at Touzi, eyes slowly opened. Around, the voice is hoarse, "Where am I?"

The eyes are all white, and there is a strong smell of potion, and why I feel weak and uncomfortable.

"This is the hospital, Eldest Young Lady."

Lin Xiao stepped forward to help pull the quilt up a little bit, and asked: "Do you feel more comfortable? I'll get you something to eat?"

"cough cough!!!"

Coughing, Toozi was a little dazed, "Hospital......"

"Of course it is the hospital. You have a high fever. The ice water is delicious. Let me hold you for most of the Nacrene City in the middle of the night. I just broke into the door." For the broken door lock, Lin Xiao has no choice but to go back and absolutely must compensate, but it’s okay if people are fine.

"I'm sorry, I don't know it will be like this." There was a red on Too Zi's miserable face. Sorry said.

"Hey, your task now is to recover well. If you think sorry, you can wash my clothes together in the future. I just hate washing clothes." Lin Xiao smiled and added to Toozi. Live for nothing.

It is reasonable to say that this is not kind, but Toozi who is usually confused at this time knows very well that Lin Xiao wants to rest at ease, and don't be sorry for spending a little trouble.

As for washing clothes, she just found comfort in her heart.

"En~~" Toozi showed a pale smile, nodded, "I'm hungry..."

"I'll get some food, You can lie down in peace, but don’t think about it, let me get some meat porridge."..

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