I had breakfast before, and then ate two foods in Gym’s restaurant. Goofy didn’t know how Toozi’s belly was installed.

"Okay, have dinner, we will eat later."

Shook his head with a smile, flying high and carrying a good backpack, the two left Striaton City in this way, and soon The two left Striaton City and walked on the road. Gao Fei turned his head and glanced behind him. The Tepig did not catch up again, which made Lin Xiao relaxed and regretful at the same time.

At this time, it is not bad to conquer a little Pokémon Tepig, at least it can save yourself a lot of trouble and search everywhere for a good little Pokémon.

Before, Sandile was taken over because of the challenge of Striaton Gym. Although Lin Xiao will always breed Sandile, it has to be said that a small Pokémon like Sandile still cannot match the Starter Pokemon set by the Alliance like Tepig. If you train Of course, the Starter Pokemon or Wild Aptitude received are good, and they will become a Titan when they are breed.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the Dragon Type Pokémon, as long as every Trainer who gets the Dragon Type Pokémon is not stupid, then the status of breeding it will rise with the water.

It’s not that Lin Xiao looks down on Sandile, but Tepig’s breed value is higher than Sandile. Unfortunately, it’s someone else’s little Pokémon. Although Tepig is nearby, Lin Xiao doesn’t believe that a wild Tepig runs alone. When I wandered around the city, I didn't leave with myself.

Leaving Striaton City all the way, Lin Xiao and Toozi continued on their way.

"Ding~~The main mission has been released, please accept the mission as soon as possible!"

Lin Xiao was taken aback, opened the mission and glanced at it and couldn't help but laugh , It seems that system is more anxious than myself.

The task is actually "Please gather the six dragon gods as soon as possible, and buy a small Pokémon. If the task is completed, you will get fifty thousand gold coins!! If the task fails, fifty thousand gold coins will be deducted. If you don’t have enough gold coin, you will use a Thunder Shock as Punishment..."

I was thinking about gathering the Six Dragon Gods, but the system actually started to remind myself, let Lin Xiao didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The system is really great generosity this time. When you buy a Pokémon, you will get 50,000 gold coins. Needless to say, you need to buy a small Pokémon with enough weight to buy a Pokémon, which is the Six Dragon God. The two that are still lacking.

That's the time Dialga and the ghost dragon rider Latina, buying other little Pokémon will definitely not count.

The Six Dragon Gods only left them two. As for Ice Dragon, because of the evil habit of cannibalism, it is not included in this list. Otherwise, it would not be the Six Dragon Gods but the Seven Dragon Gods.

"Let’s take a break and leave after eating here. You can wash the dishes, I’ll go out and wait until I come back to cook."

Two people have With a clear division of labor, washing and cutting vegetables, Lin Xiao is only responsible for cooking the rice, leaving the rest alone.

"Okay! I'll wash it right away." Hearing the eyes shined through the meal, I immediately opened the backpack left by Lin Xiao and took out the same and the same ingredients to the side of the stream. Start cleaning.

Giving the task of washing and cutting vegetables to Toozi, Lin Xiao left the camp and moved towards the distance.

I already had the thought of buying Pokémon, but I don't want the system to just come to the task, so I just buy it, and I don't know what will happen after the six dragon gods gather.

Lin Xiao is very curious about this.

After walking far enough from the camp, Lin Xiao turned on the system and took over the main task in the system. Anyway, the main task and the purple Top Rank task cannot be rejected, instead of waiting for the system to give it to himself. If you press it down, you might as well take the initiative a little, and if you buy a Pokémon in this way, you will be left with 50,000 gold coins.

Be aware that the gold coin of the system is not easy to earn. Lin Xiao hasn't bought anything for a long time before saving it a little. It is still a hundred thousand or eight Norman from his ideal amount.

You have to know that you have to prepare a set of slates for Al Zeus in addition to gathering together in the Six Dragon Gods. This thing is not cheap.

I opened the system and looked at his gold coin. Lin Xiao was helpless. After buying a small Pokémon, the gold coin was about to shrink again. However, I haven’t seen the number of gold coins for a long time but I didn’t expect that there is already in the system. So many gold coins.

More than 800,000 full! ! !

Especially in the Lily of the Valley Conference in Sinnoh Region, there were a lot of one-time rewards. Every link of the competition will be rewarded a lot. In addition to the accumulation of various tasks in the past, those who win the battle are still rewarded. With the contribution of Gym, it has reached 800,000 in this year. It is not enough to deposit that many gold coins.

Buying a small Pokémon requires 500,000, and the remaining 300,000, and the reward for the task is 50,000, which is equivalent to the remaining gold coin of 350,000. Forget it. The number of gold coins Lin Xiao can only hope that the system will be able to do more tasks. Al Zeus sleeps for a while, at least he has to wait until he has enough gold coins. Otherwise, if Al Zeus wakes up, his gold coins are not enough, then It was shameful at that time.

Scratching his head, Lin Xiao had to pray that Al Zeus would wake up later.

After deciding to buy, Lin Xiao started to check it out. Which one should Dialga and Ghost Rider Latina choose?

Lin Xiao began to hesitate between the two Pokémon's avatars, which one should he choose?

After hesitating, Lin Xiao made a choice. Now that the space is available, Dialga, the god of time, is ready. He made up his mind and Lin Xiao clicked on Dialga’s head directly, "Host Are you sure to spend 500,000 gold coins to buy Dialga?"

Xiaowen’s voice sounded in her mind, leaving Lin Xiao speechless. If your uncle doesn’t buy it, you will have to deduct 50,000 gold if the mission fails. coin! Why not buy it.

"Confirm to buy!!"

"Congratulations to the host for purchasing Dialga for 500,000 gold coins. I hope that the host can make persistent efforts to make his own strength stronger and stronger."

"Ding~~Congratulations to the host for completing the main mission and earning 50,000 gold coins. I hope that the host can continue to complete more tasks and make his own strength stronger and stronger."

Isn't it tired to say twice? Lin Xiao complained weakly, but what about his Dialga?

As Lin Xiao looked around, he suddenly felt a wave of fluctuations in the space not far away, and then a huge figure rushed out from it. ..

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