"In fact, as long as you communicate with the little Pokémon and train and fight hard, it’s not difficult to get Badge, even if you use Starter Pokemon slowly You can grow up successfully."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, suddenly feeling that there was something behind him, turning his head to look at him, "Huh."

I don’t know when I looked behind him. There was an extra chubby little Pokémon, Gao Fei was surprised, which pig ran out without shutting it down? cough cough Which Tepig is not optimistic about running outside?

I don’t know when there was a Tepig behind him, Lin Xiao stopped and looked at Tepig strangely, and asked: "Hello, Tepig, where is your Trainer?"

This is a city. Lin Xiao doesn't think that Tepig will be a little Pokémon without an owner. Sometimes it is normal for Trainer to go out and get lost with Pokémon.

Especially the gluttonous little Pokémon.

With his head tilted, Tepig looked at Lin Xiao, blinked without saying a word, and looked at him curiously.

"Wow, it's so cute!!"

Toozi looked at Tepig and wanted to reach out and hug it, but Tepig jumped over and dodge hummed Toozi's hand. Very upset.

"hahaha ......." Looking at Tepig, Lin Xiao couldn't help but think of Tepig, who had become a completely fatty pig, and he was so fat that he had nothing to say.

Being rejected by Tepig, Toozi was immediately embarrassed, Lin Xiao haha ​​smiled, took out a few noodle treasures and put them on the ground said with a smile: "Eat, little fellow, after eating, go back and find yours. Master."

Seeing the noodle treasure on the ground Tepig stepped forward and smelled it, his eyes lit up, and after a few pounces, he ate the noodle treasure on the ground into his mouth and chewed it.

laughed Lin Xiao stretched out his hand to scratch it, didn’t expect Tepig to make no decision, little fellow was so cute that he was warm and eating, no wonder the previous life that many people like to keep a pig as a pet It doesn’t seem to be unreasonable. In fact, people’s impression of pigs is that they ate and slept, slept and ate, and were lazy. Their only purpose is to eat hard, and then let themselves grow meat quickly and finally be slaughtered.

Lazy and stupid have also become spokesperson of these two words in the minds of pigs in the world.

People usually like to say "You are a pig!" when they scold people for being stupid, but how many people know that scientists have come to a conclusion after a lot of tests that are actually very pigs. Smart, IQ no less than dogs, it's just that countless generations of life have caused them to become like that.

Scratching Tepig’s body, Lin Xiao stood up and said: "Let’s go, we should have separated from the master, and we will go back soon."

"How do you Knowing that it will go back to find its own owner without getting lost?" Too Zi curiously followed Lin Xiao and turned into a rare treasure, blinking two big lovely eyes to ask.

rolled the eyes, Lin Xiao looked at Touzi helplessly, can you still be cute? Although the sister of Attribute is very cute, don't you feel that you have always been so urge to make people crazy?

"It’s a little Pokémon, not a real pig!! And Tepig’s nose is very good. As long as the owner is not far away, he can find it with the smell, so don’t worry about it, let’s go. Let’s go!!"

Tugging Toozi’s clothes, Lin Xiao strode forward. As for Toozi’s white, tender and tender little hands, Lin Xiao feels it’s better to forget it, if she suddenly becomes neurotic and yesterday If you shout insults like heartbreaking at night, you really don't have to be a human being.

Blinking his eyes, Toozi said: "But I feel that you are not right!"

"Why?" Lin Xiao looked at Toozi and felt funny, could I be wrong? How can it be.

"Because it's coming with us again!" Pointing to Lin Xiao and moving towards Lin Xiao, he blinked his eyes and signaled that you were wrong!

Uh...Lin Xiao had a meal, turned his head and saw that it was exactly the same as Too Zi said, that Tepig followed again, and was happily spinning around him, no Those who knew it really thought it was Lin Xiao's own little Pokémon, where would it be connected with the little Pokémon who had separated from the owner.

Looking at Tepig spinning happily, Lin Xiao was speechless. He said that he was impossible to guess wrong, but you defeated my confidence, squatted down and looked at Tepig, Lin Xiao helplessly said: "Why don't you find your master, little fellow? Be careful that you are lost and your master is worried!"

"wu wu ~~"

Unfortunately, Tepig did He made a nasal sound and shook his head happily at Lin Xiao, as if he wanted to tell Lin Xiao something.

"Are you Wild's little Pokémon?"

Seeing Tepig shaking his head, Lin Xiao had to guess so, but didn't want Tepig to shook his head anyway.

"Then do you have a Trainer?"

Tepig shook his head and then hurriedly nodded, which made Lin Xiao face full of black lines. Is this true or not?

If you don’t have it, it’s easy to say, if you have a Trainer and take it out for a run, you might still be regarded as a Pokémon stealer.

"Is there any?" In desperation, Lin Xiao had to ask again, this time Tepig directly nodded and screamed happily.

"little fellow." Scratching Tepig's head, Lin Xiao once again took out a few noodles and put them on the ground to Tepig, said with a smile: "Don't be greedy and find your master quickly. Toozi, we should set off."

"Oh oh!"

Leaving Tepig, Lin Xiao and Toozi left Striaton City moved towards the place where the next Gym is. Of course, I choose the nearest Gym. During the impossible trip, there is another one to stay close and farther. Of course, sometimes it depends on the weather and environment. Some places are obviously close but the environment is very bad. Naturally, they will change places, such as deserts. Deserts are okay. , The most afraid of encountering is the swamp or the kind of swamp with no roads and no people. That is the tragedy and you don't even have a place to stay.

Take out the navigation and map and look at it. Lin Xiao asked: "Touzi, can you still eat? Or we will not eat at noon, and we will eat together in the evening."

It's almost noon. Lin Xiao feels that Toozi should not be able to eat anymore.

"Ah?! Not eating at noon?!"

Too Zi was surprised, and looked at Lin Xiao, as if to say what to do without eating, he would be hungry.

Lin Xiao looked up and down and finally Lin Xiao's eyes settled on Toozi's belly. ..

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