"roar! !!!"

This little Pokémon that rushed out of the dimensional space is Dialga. The huge body came out of the dimensional space, excited lifts the head roared at the sky, the huge gem in front of him suddenly lit up, and suddenly there was a violent wind. Inexplicably, a thick black cloud appeared in the sky, and the thunder and lightning came down quickly, and it looked like It's going to rain Normal.

Not far away, who was humming a little song to wash the vegetables, was startled, lifts the head in astonishment and looked at Sky.

I don’t understand why the sky suddenly becomes like this?

Dialga's emotions and energy are a bit unstable when coming out of the dimensional space, much more violent than when Palkiya appeared.

Among the two little Pokémon, Dialga's character is indeed much hotter than Palkiya.

Looking at the huge Dialga and feeling the strong energy bursting out of its body, Lin Xiao slightly smiled, there is no white flower in these 500,000 gold coins.

"Okay Dialga, you can stop."

Looking at Dialga's huge body, Lin Xiao feels very satisfied that it is much stronger and bigger than the one from Sinnoh Region I was satisfied, but Lin Xiao didn't want to get caught in heavy rain here because of Dialga's excitement. If Dialga doesn't control his emotions, a heavy rainstorm will definitely fall.

Received Lin Xiao's prompt, Dialga put away his roar and controlled his energy, but what made Lin Xiao helpless was that the clouds and rolling thunder in the sky did not disappear.

It's just that the rain time has been eased, and it should not fall for a while.

"Master!" Stride forward Dialga slightly lowered his head, Lin Xiao touched the bone on Dialga's head, sharp horn said with a smile: "Good job, come in and rest first." Take out a Master Ball and put Dialga away. Lin Xiao does not plan to experiment with Dialga's Unique Ability and strength.

Dialga’s Unique Ability Lin Xiao is very familiar, but there is no way he can do it, because Lin Xiao comes to Yixiu Region and there is not even a small Pokémon in the town. All the small Pokémon are there. In the manor, several of them went to outer space with Rayquaza, otherwise Zekrom’s actions would be regarded as provocations due to his little Pokémon’s temperament when he first arrived in the sleeve region. It would be possible to fight directly, and there would be no reaction at all. .

Lin Xiao was a bachelor when he came to Yixiu Region. He brought some Poké Balls and a Pokémon egg. I don't know what little Pokémon will hatch from the Pokémon egg.


Lin Xiao put Dialga away first, ready to stay, but didn't want a huge lightning flashing across the sky, and suddenly felt speechless, it seems You don't need to go, you can stay and rest.

Now the surroundings of Striaton City and Striaton City are enveloped by this dark cloud. A heavy rain is inevitable. If Yanuo and Yalei are there, it will be fine. It can be dispelled directly, Lin Xiao Slowly miss the days of traveling with them and brother.

When it rains, you have to prepare meals quickly.

Moved towards the camp quickly, Lin Xiao took out the two tents and set up immediately before he could say more.

"wu wu ~~"

Suddenly a small red figure ran to Lin Xiao and grabbed his trousers and pulled him twice, making Lin Xiao who was setting up a tent startled. Turning his head to look, his mouth opened wide, "Tepig?!" Isn't this guy looking for his master? Why did you keep up again? I just praised it for its good sense of smell, and it can track the smell and follow it. Who knows why it doesn't follow its owner and follow itself?

"wu wu~~"

After pulling Lin Xiao's trousers a few times, Tepig was very happy, and turned around him.

You little fellow, Lin Xiao suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Looking at Tepig, he didn't know what to say.



Lin Xiao just wanted to speak, but didn't want a thunder to sound again , Lin Xiao’s words were interrupted lifts the head. Seeing sky Lin Xiao was helpless, so he had to throw Tepig aside beforehand and quickly set up the tent, shouting: "Have you washed and cut all the vegetables? "

"It's all set, I even cooked the rice, I'm smart!"

Toozi lifts the head, and there is a lot of black and gray on his face , Should be made when the fire was built.

"Very good," Lin Xiao praised, stepping forward to prepare the stir-fry, I have to say that it is convenient for someone to help.


But when Lin Xiao rolled up his sleeves to prepare cooking, he was dumbfounded, "What's the matter?" Too Zi looked strangely. Looking at Lin Xiao, isn't this all washed and cut? Why have you changed your appearance?

"My God."

Lin Xiao patted his forehead and looked at everything in front of him with a tearful heart. Toozi accidentally did a good job, and the dishes were all washed. They are all cut, even the rice is cooked, and it is cooked well. It can be said that if you study thoroughly, you will definitely be a qualified housewife, but why all the vegetables and meat are washed and cut?

Can you finish it? There are also some dishes that are not washed, but they are easy to break after washing.

Patting his head, Lin Xiao looked at Toozi, "Don’t you know how much to eat and wash?"

"No!" Toozi shook his head in confusion:" At home, I wash and cut everything, and then I can use it directly when cooking, which makes me not lightly tired." After washing so many vegetables and meat at one time, I must cut and sort them, which is undoubtedly tired. .

Toozi is also sweaty, but Lin Xiao faces full of black lines, "That’s because there is a refrigerator in the house that can be stored for a long time and the taste will not change. We don’t have it. It will not only break easily after washing, but also The taste of the cut dishes and meat will dissipate..."

"Ah! What if I accidentally forgot?!" Toozi then reacted, cry out in surprise.

"You can only eat it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be wasted. Let’s cook less food and eat more food today and tomorrow."

Looking at Lin Xiao, who looked annoyed, laughed, This girl is really not Normal's cuteness, let alone cute.

It has become useless to complain like this. Lin Xiao quickly started cooking, and then asked strangely: "Touzi, you cut vegetables so well, why don't you learn how to cook?" ..

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