"Come back Sandile, thank you for your hard work." It is normal for Sandile to make such a mistake just one day after taking over. Lin Xiao did not expect Sandile to be the same as his previous little Pokémon, then obedient.

"Then you are going to come out with the rattan snake!!!"

Since Sandile's battle has failed, then I can use the rattan snake to play the second game. Fortunately, although the time to get the vines and vine snakes is not long, but the Alliance received don't have to worry about being as stupid as Sandile and following Lilipup around, finally turning himself into a faint.

resulting in the direct loss of combat capability.

From the Poké Ball, Fuji Fuji Snake raised his head and looked at Chili and his Lilipup without putting them in their eyes, but Fuji Fuji Snake's character is just like that.

"Come on Lilipup!! We are going to take down this second battle in one fell swoop!!"

Lin Xiao sent his second little Pokémon, Chili Yelled was full of strong fighting intents, Lilipup screamed happily, jumped to Chili's body and stood ready to fight.

"Then Lilipup fights the vines and the snakes, the battle has officially started!!!"

The two little Pokémons are ready, and Cilan did not ask her younger brother Chili if he needs to replace the little Pokémon. , Gym Trainer cannot replace Pokémon, so it directly announced the beginning of the battle.

"Teng Teng Snake! Use Razor Leaf!!!"

This time Lin Xiao chose the first attack and directly let Teng Teng Snake launch an attack.

"shua ~~"

Several fast-rotating leafage flew out of the rattan snake, moving towards Lilipup and rushed away.

"Lilipup, jump up!!!"

Seeing the attack of the rattan snake, Chili yelled, let Lilipup jump up with the attack of dodge Razor Leaf, if the belt is hit The damage here is not small.

With a call, Lilipup jumped up and quickly avoided the Razor Leaf attack of the rattan snake.


Lilipup escaped the attack of the rattan snake, Chili yelled happily, very excited, his expression froze after seeing the next second At the end, the Vine Snake launched an attack, and Lilipup dodge Celebrate, who was as happy as himself, got up, but didn't want a Vine Whip to quickly rush through the halftime and reach Lilipup's head.

"The consequences of being self-conscious in the battle are very serious!" Lin Xiao grinned and shouted: "Tengteng Snake grabbed it and used it to tap!!"

I received Lin Under Xiao's instruction, the rattan weave of the rattan snake directly entangled Lilipup, raised the starting point fiercely's moved towards Ground and threw it.


With a loud bang, Lilipup was fiercely in close contact with the earth, and a scream was made. A big pit suddenly appeared in Ground. I know how much damage I need to bear.

The original good situation has become like this because of his self-absorption, Cilan but Cress feel very speechless, why does my younger brother (big brother ~) feel a little stupid? It’s amazing to get overwhelmed during the battle........

"Ah!!! How could this happen? The little Pokémon who hit Chili was attacked again."

"It's impossible!!"

Seeing that Chili's Lilipup was attacked, the women watching the excitement couldn't help exclaiming.

"Very good! Teng Teng Snake is coming to Razor Leaf again!!!"

After a hit, Lin Xiao waved his hand happily, and gave another command, Fuji Teng Snake I quickly recovered my rattan weaving and used Razor Leaf again.

Quickly rotating the formidable power Razor Leaf directly hit Lilipup's body, causing Lilipup called out pitifully to fall to the ground and lose the combat capability after rolling his eyes! !

"Yeah!!! The rattan snake did a good job!!!"

Lin Xiao didn’t know how long he hadn’t tried this kind of exciting fighting feeling, this is before using Those little Pokémon can't bring feelings.

The opponent that Lin Xiao can meet with the strength of Lin Xiao is really limited, and naturally there is no such exciting feeling in the battle.

But I didn’t expect that this kind of simple and ordinary battle could be very exciting. Lin Xiao suddenly understood that maybe he was too persistent before, so he trained the new little Pokémon and watched the little Pokémon grow slowly. , The slow battle feels very good.

"Lilipup lost the combat capability and Fuji Fuji Snake won, so this time the challenger Lin Xiao from Kanto Region won the battle!!"

Cilan announced the result , Received Lin Xiao’s compliment, Teng Teng Snake raised her head proudly, very cute.

"Yeah!!! I won, I won!!!"

Lin Xiao's victory means that the first Badge is in his hand. Touzi sat in the audience with excitement. Shouting, compared to Toozi, those women who helped Chili cheered on were disappointed and couldn't believe that the people they supported had failed.

"This is Badge, you deserve it. I look forward to playing against you next time. I won't lose to you because of carelessness next time."

Chili is a bit It's frizzy, but if you lose, you lose. He took out the Badge and handed it to Lin Xiao without forgetting to threaten it.

"Even if you are not careless, you are not my opponent, I won't lose to you, right?" Lin Xiao looked towards the vine vine snake, the vine vine snake raises a little The head, the arrogant and arrogant appearance made a few people couldn't help laughing.

"Then I will leave."

Badge arrived, Lin Xiao did not intend to stay and chose to leave, put away the vines and snakes, and left with Toozi After the Gym, moved towards Striaton City and walked outside, Badge got it, so it’s time to go to the next destination.

"Wow, you are so amazing! So I got Badge with no difficulty."

At this time, Toozi looked at Lin Xiao, both eyes were small stars. "When I set off, Nurse Joy said that every Badge is hard to get. Didn't expect you to get the Badge so easily. It's really amazing."

Stars admiringly stare at themselves, flying high and speechless, you would be arrogant and arrogant to keep complimenting me like this! But is Badge really that difficult to obtain? Doesn't it seem to be?

To be honest, even the newly acquired Pokémon Lin Xiao didn't feel that the difficulty of obtaining Badge was really the same as Tou Zi said. In fact, as long as you don't mess around, you can still win if you are well-trained. ..

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