
Looking at her, Pansear hugged her eyes and let out a painful cry. Chili knew that it was not good that her eyes could not be opened, and her eyes were stinging. In that case, his Pansear would not be able to attack and evade at all! !

Throwing mud Unique Ability successfully hit the opponent, Gao Fei raised his finger and pointed at Pansear loudly and said: "Sandile will use Crunch Unique Ability to end the battle!!!"

The battle is here. At this point, there was no much suspense. Sandile let out a roar, opened his mouth and rushed towards Pansear with a roar moved towards Pansear, "Pansear be careful!!" Watching Sandile moved towards his Pansear, he rushed over, Chili cried out in surprise: "Pansear, hurry up and avoid it!!"

Unfortunately, the order was given but Pansear is not a Psychic Type. The little Pokémon certainly does not have such strong sensitivity and sensitivity. He clearly knows that Sandile is from It came from somewhere, I was bitten in my head with a bite, and after a scream, my two eyes popped up and lost the combat capability.


The Crunch's unique voice sounded, Sandile contentedly let go of Pansear, who had lost the combat capability, and walked towards Lin Xiao with a hum.

This is how the low-strength Pokémon fights. It loses its combat capability in a few strokes. Unlike high-level battles, you come and go, and a battle often lasts for a long time.

"Pansear lost the combat capability, Sandile won!"

Pansear lost the combat capability, Cilan immediately announced the end of the competition.

"Ah, did you make a mistake that Chili-sama actually lost..." Chili failed in the battle, and the women immediately started to make noise, fortunately, they complained about these women. They didn't have a fever in their brains and rushed down to make trouble.

"Come back, Pansear has worked hard for you."

The battle is over. Pansear has lost the combat capability. Chili is not someone who can't afford to lose and will lose the Pansear of the combat capability. I got up, took out the Poké Ball and threw it out and shouted: "Then it's you, Lilipup!!!"


Lin Xiao gave him a surprise for a while. I have never seen a little Pokémon named Lilipup. Which type is it?

Looking at the Poké Ball flying on the sky, the Poké Ball quickly bounced off, Lin Xiao suddenly understood that it was not that he hadn’t read the materials and books, but that this kind of little Pokémon was a bit unremarkable, leading to forgetting .

Lilipup, the ordinary little Pokémon looks a bit similar to a little poodle, and is also small and cute. Of course, the strength is also a bit weak and pitiful. No wonder I will forget it.

Two screams of joy, Lilipup exchanged a few sounds around Chili and then stood in front of Chili with a serious expression, ready to fight.

I glanced at Lin Xiao and saw that he didn't mean to replace Pokémon loudly shouted: "Then Lilipup vs. Sandile, the battle officially begins!!"

"We're going to go! Lilipup! Use Agility!!!"

Lilipup is a small Pokémon of ordinary Attribute. It is very fast. After receiving Chili's instruction, it happily called the Tail Whip. This is very similar to Growlithe. . . . . . . . . Although it is a little Pokémon, he still retains the dog's habit.

After receiving the instruction, Lilipup sent Sandile moving towards Lin Xiao at a very fast speed, rushing towards Sandile, quickly turning around Sandile, finding the right opportunity to attack.

"Sandile, don't look at the other person!!"

Sandile has not been trained, and all the battles are based on instinct. Seeing Lilipup revolving around him, he immediately started The figure who was distracted moved towards Lilipup looked at it, which caused Sandile to spin around in place.

Lin Xiao gave the order in time. Let it not follow Lilipup, but Wild’s little Pokémon just conquered the untrained contradiction.

The Starter Pokemon received will definitely obey Trainer's words, but Wild Pokémon is prone to this kind of problem. The Starter Pokemon received is educated, but Wild Pokémon does not.

Along the way, Lin Xiao has just conquered Sandile for a day without training. Without the effort and time, he didn't think that something went wrong.

After receiving Lin Xiao's instruction, Sandile couldn't help but not look at Lilipup, but Lilipup kept turning around by his side, causing Sandile to feel a sense of irritability, and couldn't help but look at it.

Sighed shook his head. Lin Xiao looked at Sandile a little helpless. The commanding ability is good, but Pokémon needs to follow and obey the command. Pokémon with a bad temper like Sandile can easily get distracted by the opponent. Annoyed, when encountering such a situation, he will follow the opponent and forget the instructions given by Trainer.

Moreover, I will turn more and more dizzy, and finally get down without the opponent attacking myself.

Looking at Sandile following Lilipup, Lin Xiao was speechless. Haven't encountered this situation in a few years?

Rookie Trainer is helpless when encountering this situation. The same is true for the same high-level Trainer. The little Pokémon does not obey orders. How strong is your commanding ability?

This is like a driver who has good car skills, but the car is dead. No matter how good your technique is, can you keep the car running at speed? Unless you can repair a car and have parts to replace, just watch yourself fail with your eyes open.

"wu wu wu ~~"

Sandile, who has turned a lot quickly, feels his mind is constantly spinning, as if the entire world is turning with him, and suddenly can’t hold on , Fell to the ground with circles in his eyes.

This is the typical so-called self defeated.

For more than a year, I haven't tasted the taste of failure. Watching Sandile fall, Lin Xiao showed a helpless expression. It's not that he didn't work hard, but Pokémon was too young.

"Yeah!!! Won!!!"

Chili was stunned and then yelled happily. He originally just wanted Lilipup to use Agility to attack someone earlier. The little Pokémon who knew the opponent was stunned! ! I lost the combat capability and ended the battle without paying as easy as pie.

"hahaha is great!!"

In excitement, Chili picked up his little boy and happily circled around, while Lin Xiao looked at his Sandile somewhat Helpless, but it seems that the taste of failure is not difficult to accept, it seems that a lot of training Pokémon.

Lin Xiao shook his head with a smile and took out the Poké Ball. ..

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