put on the clothes Lin Xiao walked out of the tent and looked at the sighed sighed who was squatting on the ground around the fire and soaking in the rain, "Don’t you know that there are a lot of things you need to prepare when traveling?"

I didn’t have the basic tent, and I didn’t have a phone call. I just took a small bag and a few clothes and a little instant noodles. Lin Xiao didn’t know where Touzi got his courage.

"Does anyone know that this kind of thing would happen?" Toozi was very aggrieved. She just ran out of travel and lost her wallet. Even cooking noodles can be boiled. What's more tragic is that there is no tent in the back, but God is very disappointing. When it started to rain heavily, Touzi felt like a grass in the rain of Hurricane Normal no one to rely on.

"Come on, you will catch a cold in the rain, and no one will take care of you then." After looking at Toozi for a while, Lin Xiao still let Toozi come into the tent. As for the so-called It’s better for men and women to accept it if they are unclear. Do you care about these things or whether you will be exposed to the rainstorm?

"Ah, where are you going?"

Toozi lifts the head looking at Lin Xiao's tall figure in a daze.

Lin Xiao looked back at her, "Are you willing to go into the tent and squeeze with me or do you want to sit here alone in the heavy rain for a night?"

"Of course it is Go into the tent!!"

Toozi answered directly without even thinking about it. As for the so-called unknowable men and women, Toozi didn't care.

Rather than sitting here in the rain and night, she would rather believe that Lin Xiao entered the tent and squeezed him.

"Let's come in."

Lin Xiao didn't say much, got directly into the battle merit, took out the other quilt and threw it to her, "You sleep over there, But let’s say okay first, don’t make any noise. Climb over to me on the 2nd day to shout indecent embarrassment."

Based on what Lin Xiao has seen, it’s really possible that this is the case, this girl is a confused genius. Know how to roll when you fall asleep.

For the sake of safety, Lin Xiao decided to cover his own quilt. If you don't come over, I won't go there.

It was the first time to stay with a big man Rest, Toozi was a little embarrassed at first, but when Lin Xiao said this, he suddenly became angry, what is it! ! A big man is acting like this Miss is taking advantage of him.

Pulling over the quilt, I rolled myself in with anger, Lin Xiao shrugged, he can't control whether Too is angry or not, anyway, the two will leave you after you arrive at Striaton City tomorrow. I will go mine, and the road will go up to the sky one day each, and no one will owe anyone in the future.

With Touzi in Lin Xiao, he didn't change his pajamas, and he just wore the clothes on his body, Rest.

"hu~ ~"

"hu~ ~"

In a short while, snoring sounded in the tent, circling in my ears, especially It's a person like Lin Xiao with strong hearing, who can't stop the sound transmission at all. Turning to look at Toozi's sleeping little face, Lin Xiao gave a wry smile. This is all who, ah, a beautiful girl, Rest, snoring! ! The sound is not small! !

Women will also yell, but it is the first time that Lin Xiao has seen such a loud voice.

Besides, she's still a strange woman! !

Lin Xiao helplessly covered her ears and told herself not to think about it as much as possible, anyway, it was just one night, and tomorrow everyone will go their separate ways.

When I woke up, Lin Xiao gave an angry push and shouted: "Hey!! We are going to set off when we get up!!!"

Lin Xiao intends to use breakfast Some simple bread is good to eat.

"Don't make trouble, let me sleep again." Unexpectedly, Toozi turned over and muttered a few words, and continued to sleep hu hu.

"I'm speaking of which, we're going to set off!!"

Lin Xiao's business has grown, and it surprised Too Zi that the whole body was installed with a spring, Normal, and it bounced directly He got up, "Who are you! Why are you in The Bedroom?"

stared wide-eyed Too Zi shouted directly.

Throwing the sail backpack to her, Lin Xiao said ill-humoredly: "Look clearly where this is first? Wake up, you, I'm going to set off. If you still want to sleep, you will sleep slowly. ."

Return the room, who are you?

I felt very helpless and deeply helpless when I met such a girl Lin Xiao.

After the backpack entered his arms, Toozi reacted, blushing and embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I accidentally forgot, I promise not to be like this next time."


Lin Xiao, who had just walked out of the tent, turned his head and said: "There is another next time?"

Touzi hurriedly changed his words after a meal, "No next time. Not next time."

Patting his forehead, Lin Xiao has a maddening urge to run into who, he was defeated by Touzi, but fortunately, it’s him. Change to someone else. It is estimated to be cursing.

Shaking his head, Lin Xiao felt that he didn’t want to talk anymore. He took out the bread from the backpack and threw one to Touzi, “We’ll set off right away, please come out, I’m going to tidy the tent, and strive tonight I arrived in Striaton City before.” As soon as I thought I would arrive in Striaton City today, Lin Xiao lost the heart to care about with Toozi, and just treated it as a strange girl he met.

"Oh oh!"

nodded, Toozi hurriedly took the bread out of the tent and looked at Lin Xiao. He arranged the tent and asked: "That, Lin Xiao." After thinking about it, Toozi thought about it. Picking up his name, "Let's travel together."


Lin Xiao refused directly.

"What!" Doduo's mouth was dissatisfied with Toozi. She would invite Lin Xiao to travel together because Lin Xiao can cook. It is important for Toozi to solve the problem of eating! The boiled noodles can't be swallowed. As for the sour fruit, forget it, think about it and lose your appetite.

"Then I'm in Striaton City and invite you to dinner. You should have no opinion on this, right?" Doduo said. Anyway, Lin Xiao has helped himself. Toozi wants to invite her to dinner in return. .


Unfortunately, Lin Xiao’s answer almost didn’t let Too Zi pass over and hold back. You don’t want to travel with you, you can’t even eat a meal. .

Quickly tidy the backpack, Lin Xiao got up and gnawed the bread and walked towards Striaton City, not forgetting to make up for it, "Because I'm afraid you won't have money to eat."

Let you snore all night and send you a bit of breath. Anyone who is snoring and can't sleep in the middle of the night will not be happy, let alone Lin Xiao, a light sleeper, but fortunately he has a strong body. , Changed to an average person staring directly at two dark circles and ran around. ..

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