Uh...Tou Zi’s look in expectant eyes turned into amazement, looking stupidly at Lin Xiao for a long time before he came back to his senses, Lin Xiao thought She will be disappointed, and she wants to say: "Sorry, I can't borrow money, or you and I will go to Striaton City together temporarily. Anyway, it's not far away. It will be here tomorrow night, and you will be able to withdraw the money at that time. "

Lin Xiao was stunned by Toozi's next move.

"hahaha, laughed at me, didn't expect me to be stupid, you are stupid than me!! hahaha, so funny." Touzi laughed and rolled on the grass holding his belly, fiercely in the corner of his eyes After a twitch, Lin Xiao closed his eyes and took a deep breath and said to himself in the bottom of his heart: "Just forgive this ignorant child."

"Tengteng Snake, come back, we will not train today. !!!"

Recovering the rattan snake, Lin Xiao stuffed the Pokémon egg into the backpack, turned around and walked towards Striaton City and walked towards Striaton City, making Toozi laugh slowly, this The girl seems to be lacking a tendon, and she is also very heart-minded. She can't borrow money if she doesn't have money, and can't buy food. She still laughs if she doesn't understand such a simple question? !

Then you continue to laugh, and I will see what you do when you laugh enough.

Lin Xiao walked with a backpack on his back. After walking a long way, Toozi, who was still in his size, looked at his back suddenly stopped, reacted, stopped laughing, and sat on the ground whispered: "He didn’t Money, then I can’t lend it to me, I can’t lend it to me, then I can’t buy food to eat."

If Lin Xiao is still here, he will say, child, you finally came back to It's his senses.


Suddenly Toozi creded out in surprise and bounced from the ground. It seemed that his motor nerves were very developed, so he grabbed his backpack and moved towards Lin Xiao and chased it. , Yelled: "Please wait!!!"


"Please, what are you doing with me?"

Walking in the forest, Lin Xiao asked Toozi, who is always following him, loudly: "I said I have no money to lend to you, besides, you have no place to buy food in such a ghost place. , So don't follow me, okay? OK?"


Touzi shook his head vigorously.

Lin Xiao was angry, too lazy to ignore her and turned and left, but he walked one step thoroughly and followed a completely small tag-a-long, and he also showed a strong expression of me. Say I'll order you! !

"Well, what do you want to do?"

I couldn't bear to have a stranger by his side, Lin Xiao stopped and looked at Toozi.

Toozi was taken aback and almost didn't bump into Lin Xiao. She didn't expect Lin Xiao to stop and turn around to look at herself, stop and blink her eyes innocently, "I didn't laugh at you. I just think you are as stupid as you are, I think it’s very interesting."

"pu~ ~"

Lin Xiao was choked to death, almost without a mouthful of old blood Spit Come on, "I'm as stupid as you?!" Lin Xiao felt that he could already raise his hand to surrender, and was taken, and completely taken.

"OK, don't say anything, I know what you want to do, I am afraid of you." Lin Xiao raised his hand and looked at Toozi seriously, "I can take you with You go to Striaton City together, during which we have dinner together, of course we will leave after you arrive in Striaton City. You and I will go, OK?"

"Sorry, I really didn't mean it." Touzi I begged very poorly, and turned happily: "Really?! Can I go with you?"

"Really, so stupid girl, let's hurry up. We need to go a little bit earlier. Find a place to rest." For Toozi, Lin Xiao felt helpless colleagues who wanted to laugh again, whether it was his behavior or the depressing words that made him vomit blood.

What do you call me as stupid as you! ? Anyone who talks like this?

Speaking of change, Toozi quickly became happy. Lin Xiao's willingness to bring herself means that she will not be hungry before walking to Striaton City.

The stupid girl followed Lin Xiao bounced around, so Lin Xiao couldn't help shaking his head. Is it really that worthy of joy?

The two of them walked in the forest. Lin Xiao basically didn't speak. Basically, Toozi was humming and talking to himself.

Lin Xiao stopped until night fell, and said, "Okay, let's take a break, eat and stay here, and leave tomorrow." Strangely speaking, Lin Xiao usually goes earlier. Taking a break, maybe it was the thought of coming to Striaton City early and letting this stupid girl go bye early so that she rushed on the way and continued until night fell.

"Okay!!! I can finally eat!!!"

She was so happy to hear that she had eaten her eyes shined. Now she is most afraid of starving, at least arriving Striaton City was like this before.

Lin Xiao has been on his way all day after not encountering any suitable little Pokémon.

The tent was quickly set up. Lin Xiao opened the tent and started cooking. Soon the fragrant food was prepared. Lin Xiao brought the food up, and the two of them ate it gorgingly. Not to mention that Lin Xiao and Toozi are basically rushing to eat together, even if they know that there is enough food, they still grabbed it, and ended up eating a little more.


Lin Xiao felt a little bit braced and hiccuped after the meal, got up to wash the dishes, quickly washed the dishes and chopsticks, Lin Xiao stretched out Lazy waist ready to enter the tent Rest.

Suddenly Lin Xiao saw Toozi sitting next to the fire and curiously asked: "Are you still not setting up a tent Rest?"

"Um~~~" Toozi shook his head vigorously. Lin Xiao was stunned, could it be a sleeping bag? Ready to sleep by the fire? After thinking about it, Lin Xiao will look good with Toozi, it won't rain at night, otherwise Toozi will suffer.

Unfortunately, there were unexpected events in the sky. Not long after, Lin Xiao felt the sky was cold, "tick~tick~~" wants to come to come, the rain hit the tent, Lin Xiao sighed got up and beat Turning on the light and glanced outside, he was taken aback.

What sleeping bag! ! Toozi was still sitting next to the fire with his eyes wide open, letting the raindrops fall on his body. There were only some clothes in the backpack beside him. The zipper was unzipped and left aside.

Lin Xiao suddenly understood, this stupid girl not only has no wallet, but also doesn't even have a tent, so she just came out to travel? Lin Xiao found that his vision had widened a lot, not to mention that his vision was widened. ..

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