
Touzi stared wide-eyed ran forward and asked angrily: "How can you describe a girl like this?"

"You have to apologize to me!!" Looking at Lin Xiao, Toozi was very dissatisfied, and made a small face in anger.

"Sorry, I won't apologize, and I was noisy by someone's snoring all night, I just simply reported it back."

"How is it possible!!"


Women are very afraid of hearing several words from other people’s mouths, usually "You become ugly, you become fat!"

These words are not even if others are you I can talk nonsense. Of course, it’s not a good thing to say that Rest snoring. Think about a Jiao, Di, Di Mitsumi person who keeps snoring at night when Rest. How contradictory is this scene?

stared wide-eyed, Too Zi couldn't believe what Lin Xiao said.

Looking back at her, Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said: "You don't need to believe it, but you can record it when you rest tonight and listen to it tomorrow. You will definitely think it's Thunder."

"I, I........" Lin Xiao said that it is worthwhile to have to believe that he is snoring, and there is no need for Lin Xiao to lie to himself .

But I am a girl or a beautiful girl, how can I rest snore? !

Thinking about the scene of snoring, Toozi couldn't help but shudder. It's better not to try this kind of thing, so as not to be disgusted by yourself.

"It's probably too tired, that's right."

Listening to Too Zi walking behind and comforting himself constantly, Lin Xiao was speechless, shook his head and walked in front.

Arrive early in Striaton City and leave early, and I will have no trouble.

The two one after the other walked towards Striaton City in silence. Toozi was because of a guilty conscience, while Lin Xiao was absent-minded, walking while observing the little Pokémon around him.

There are a lot of small Pokémon in the mountainous area. If you can meet some suitable Pokémon, it is not bad to get one or two, then take a vine snake to challenge the Gym. It’s a bit chilling. Defeated! !

Yes, it is defeated. If you use your previous little Pokémon Lin Xiao, you can sweep it all the way.

However, I just received the Fuji Fuji Snakes, and I didn't have much training. From the Laboratory to Striaton City, it was only a two-day journey. If I want to temporarily hold the Buddha's feet by training to greatly improve the Fuji Fujisaki's strength. Unintentionally too difficult, it's just a dream!

Since a Vine Snake is a bit dangerous, I have to conquer other little Pokémon. Lin Xiao also enjoys everything that a normal Trainer wants to experience, and slowly brings his own Starter Pokemon. Start to conquer other little Pokémons and then train. Once all the previous little Pokémons are used, the meaning of traveling will lose more than half of it.

"What are you doing?"

After walking in the forest for more than an hour, the embarrassment between the two was resolved a lot, and Lin Xiao stopped and stared at the roadside Look, Too Zi walked up and asked curiously, there was a pile of sand beside the road, there was nothing apart from this.


Lin Xiao made a silent motion to Toozi, staring at the sand that suddenly appeared, took out the Poké Ball and threw it, "Teng Teng Let the snake come out."

Getting out of Poké Ball, Teng Teng Snake looked at Lin Xiao, wondering why Lin Xiao let himself out here.

"Use the rattan weave to attack the sand! Make the movement a little louder."

Release the rattan snake Lin Xiao immediately gave the order, rattan snake felt puzzled but still Obediently using rattan weaving, the long whip hit the sand, making a "pa slap~~" sound.


Under the rattan's slamming, a complaint came from the sand, and a pointed mouth came out of the sand, followed by the body.

"Is it Sandile? Although it's not ideal, it's not bad. It's worth breeding."

Lin Xiao didn't use his own Aura Force, and found that there was a little Pokémon inside. A little bit of arching in the sand, there are traces of footprints, I guess there is a little Pokémon hidden inside. Didn’t expect tried it and it really came out, the ground type unique to Yixiu Region plus the little Pokémon of Dark Type, Sandile .

The final evolutionary form is Krookodile, but this guy has a bit of arrogance. Simply put, it is hard to educate him. He looks like an old man and a young man.

But those problems that are troublesome for ordinary Trainer are nothing to Lin Xiao.


Sandile came out of the sand and threatened the vine snake. It is absolutely unforgivable to dare to wake up when he is Resting! !

Sandile and Gyarados, these little Pokémons, are the same Characteristic Trait, which is a threat, showing a fierce appearance that makes those courageous little Pokémons feel scared when they look at it.

Although the Vine Snake is the Grass Type Pokémon, it is the most proud and proud of the three Starter Pokemon. The Grass Type Pokémon rarely appears, but this race is very common. , Lin Xiao’s rattan snake was selected by Professor Aurea Juniper and certainly not bad.

Glanced contemptuously at Sandile, who was threatening him, Fuji Fuji Snake turned his head to the side, revealing that you are an idiot, I will make me feel uncomfortable even if you look at Sandile. Yelling and jumping up.

"hehe ~~"

The two little Pokémon have different personalities, one is irritable and the other is confident and indifferent. Maybe the team will be very lively in the future.

"Tengteng Snakes use Attract!!"

Although there are eight or even nine of the ten Tengteng snakes are males, don't underestimate them using the cute Attract methods But it is not ambiguous at all.

Receiving Lin Xiao's instructions, Teng Teng Snake suddenly put away her self-confident expression, showing a lovely appearance. The huge change made Sandile still angry, stared wide-eyed watching The rattan snake, his eyes soon began to be blurred and away,

At this moment, the rattan snake seemed to have become the most beautiful little Pokémon in the world. Sandile fell in love with it and let go of all Guard against depravity.

Looking at Sandile's pig brother's expression, she couldn't help but laugh. Can you imagine the crocodile with its black eyes all the time? It seems that the dark circles of giant pandas have been transplanted to them.

"I won't laugh anymore."

Toozi laughed, but Lin Xiao glared at him and stopped laughing immediately. ..

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