"grandfather, are you sure you want to go there?!"

The time passed slowly and soon came the day to go to Yixiu Region, Ash knew about it and planned We went with Lin Xiao, but what made Lin Xiao helpless was the old Professor Oak. He didn't know what he thought, and he packed five or six boxes of slow clothes and said that he would go too! There is some work to be done.

Lin Xiao looked at the slow box very speechless, I haven't heard you say before, okay? As soon as I heard that I was going to travel, I started to work, and you looked like you were packing five or six cases of luggage in a shirt, shorts and sunglasses? It doesn't look like it at all!

"cough cough!!!"

Finally, under Lin Xiao's dishonest eyes, Professor Oak had no choice but to cough in the end, "Okay, I'm afraid of you Brat, I’m going to play, OK? There’s an old friend. Hey Yixiu Region happened to go with you. When we arrive, we will split up."

"old friend? Which one?" Is it male or female?"

The old friends of Professor Oak basically know Lin Xiao, but I haven't heard Professor Oak say he wants to go.

"I said you brat, what are you doing?! Hurry up and help Laozi get things!!! You talk too much!!!" Under Lin Xiao's repeated questioning, Professor Oak became angry. Yelled dissatisfied.

"I know, I know." Lin Xiao packed up his things, then suddenly turned to ask: "grandfather, can't you change back to dating?"

"pu! !"

Professor Oak who was drinking water directly sprayed the water out of his mouth, his complexion turned red speechless, and his eyes dodge a little.

Damn! ! No way is really a date? !

Lin Xiao stared wide-eyed, he hasn't done it yet and suddenly he has a grandma idea. If he is okay, grandma can be grandma, but Oak Syracuse is equal to... One more mom.

"I will pack my things right away."

Lin Xiao quickly sorted everything out without asking, letting Professor Oak stare at his back, carrying the box toward the off-road vehicle outside Walking, Lin Xiao couldn't help whispered: "No wonder she hides in the room every day and talks on the phone so happy. It turns out to be true, but who is the other party? Is it a similar-aged grandmother or......... ."

Recently, except for research, Professor Oak always kept calling in the room. Lin Xiao knocked on the door several times and told him to eat, but instead jumped him down. At first, Lin Xiao didn’t pay attention, but now he wants to come. It's really possible! !

"Isn't it a young and young woman?" Lin Xiao couldn't help shivering when he thought of this. I can't blame him for thinking about such evil, but many old men in previous life, Special equipment is an old man who has rights and status. In the case of widowhood, many will find young and beautiful young and beautiful women with a centimeter of one centimeter.

That's why Lin Xiao couldn't let the Lord's moved towards this direction think about it.

Put all the boxes on the car, Lin Xiao jumped into the car and waited for Professor Oak and Ash to arrive.

Professor Oak got in the car soon, and gave Lin Xiao an angry look, making Lin Xiao almost laughed out. It seems that if I can't tell, there will be one more grandma! Maybe it's still a little grandma... Maybe there will be another little Uncle or little Aunt in the future!

Kona and the others took the child to see them off. Mengdie soon cried when he saw that the father was about to leave, pouting her mouth, her pitiful appearance was very cute.

The parting is like this, unless Lin Xiao walks through all the regions before he can completely stabilize.

"Hi! Lin Xiao."

It didn't take long for Ash to come to the gate of the manor with his travel bag, jump into the car, and feel impatient with his mother Delia's instructions, at this age. It's strange that your child can listen to your advice when it happens to be rebellious.

"Then let's go first!!"

Lin Xiao waved at his family and started the car and shouted: "Mengdie waits for father to buy you delicious food, you know? "

Starting the car, Lin Xiao left directly. The longer the parting day is delayed, the more reluctant to leave.

The three people in the off-road vehicle moved towards the Viridian City Airport all the way, parked the car at the airport's car storage, and the three of them walked into the Airport with their bags and prepared to board the plane.

Tickets are purchased in advance, and the time is accurate. After the three people arrive at the Airport, they can board the plane directly! !

The distance from Kanto to Yixiu Region is relatively long, and it takes more than 30 hours for the plane to fly high to reach the destination.

"Dear passengers, flight XX is about to depart, please fasten your seat belts and ready to go."

After a burst of announcements, the plane rushed to the sky moved towards Yixiu Region left.

Sitting on the plane, Lin Xiao took the blindfold and put it on to prepare for Rest, but Ash was very excited. As for Professor Oak, who was sitting alone on the phone, he didn’t know what he was talking about. Maybe he was talking with himself. It’s not always necessary for your beloved to chat. The old tree is blooming~~ With a sigh, Lin Xiao closed his eyes and prepared to rest.

"It's here!!!"

In a burst of shouts, Lin Xiao took off the blindfold, and flying for more than 30 hours was very uncomfortable. Even if it’s cool to sit on an airplane chair, it’s too much to stand for a long time.

"This is Yixiu Region!"

Through the glass outside, Ash looked down curiously.

Amidst the announcement of the announcement, the aircraft slowly moved towards the Harbor on the sea and landed. Now most aircraft can adapt to various landing terrains, whether it is a flat Airport or landing on the sea. , There is a thick layer of rubber on the bottom of the aircraft, which can make the aircraft stop steadily on the sea.

I finally arrived, Lin Xiao moved his shoulders and was about to go down, "oh! What are you brat running?! Come and get my bag!!" Lin Xiao was about to go down and take a rest, but was finally caught by Professor Oak Pulled back to do coolies.

Very speechless, he carried and hugged five or six cases of Professor Oak and walked off the plane, put the cases on the ground and moved his body before carrying the cases and walking forward and asked: "Grandfather, we Shall we go directly to Professor Aurea Juniper?"

"She will come to pick us up." Professor Oak shook his head and turned his head and shouted, "Ash, hurry up, what are you doing dily-dallying? There will be time later. Look."

Professor Oak feels speechless for Ash, who has been watching everywhere right after getting off the plane. Is it so powerful? After you start traveling, you feel like nausea! ..

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