The huge purple beam of light envelops the wounded Darklee, and Darklee sends out a groan, and his body is accompanied by the huge purple beam of light moved towards the outside of the arena. Go, fiercely slammed into the wall and smashed the wall out of a big hole. The surrounding audience couldn't help fleeing here in exclamation, so as not to be hit by the splashing stones.

The explosion did not last long. Soon the black smoke dissipated, and Dakley's figure appeared on the big screen. His eyes had completely lost the combat capability in circles.

Except for those audiences who were affected by the explosion, the scene was quiet. Many audiences looked at Dakoto speechless, whose eyes were almost lost. Is all this retribution?

Three years ago, Trainer from Sinnoh Region made a big talk at the Indigo Plateau Conference in Kanto Region. Now Lin Xiao is back in Revenge, and Dakto promised to all the audience and TV viewers that he would beat Lin. Xiao gave him a lesson. Now that Lin Xiao is teaching him, Dakto is like a child who has not grown up in front of Lin Xiao. He has no ability to resist at all.

"Do you still need to continue? Send out your remaining little Pokémon."

Darkley lost the combat capability directly, and Lin Xiao almost stared at his pupils faintly. Dakto, who hasn't lost his focus, will fall as harder as he climbs higher! Especially for people like Dakto.

With the help of Darklei and Latios, his strength will naturally rise steadily. Many people dare not climb the little Pokémon. He can also overcome it. It is only a matter of time before he becomes stronger. Don’t blame the media. He can become the next Elite of Sinnoh Region, even the champion! Although the bragging water is very heavy, but if you don’t even have any strength, then you simply do not raise.

And today this so-called genius has been devastated, Lin Xiao let him thoroughly understand what It is despair, what is powerlessness, use your strongest little Pokémon to attack the opponent, but the opponent is fine. One or two simple attacks can make your little Pokémon lose the combat capability. How to fight this kind of battle?

Some spectators even stood up and wanted to make Dakoduo give up the game. Anyone who is not blind can see that Lin Xiao is destroying Dakoduo, with a lot of big talks, and Shirona clamored that she would win the championship and challenge the Elite Four and Shirona while sitting in the championship position. Isn't this a chance?

Many spectators now hope that Dakota can give up the game, as long as there is time, the strength will grow without being so persistent.

To Lin Xiao Weiwei's surprise, Dakdor silently took out the Poké Ball and took his Darkley back, and released the next little Pokémon.

Shaking his head, the referee raised his hand and announced loudly: "Then Al Zeus vs. Infernape, the game officially begins!!!"

Dakto was unwilling to give up the game, so the referee had to announce The game continues.


"Dear viewers present and in front of the TV, the annual Lily of the Valley Conference ended here and won the championship The person from Kanto Region is Lin Xiao from Kanto Region!!! Everyone welcomes applause!!!"

After Darkley and Latios lose the combat capability, the rest of the battle becomes the previous mode. , Sushi’s Unique Ability can kill Dakoto’s little Pokémon. There is no comparability at all.

The scene was quiet. At least a few audiences from other regions applauded. It was weird. Lin Xiao didn’t care about quietly picking up his own trophy and leaving directly. He didn’t need applause or sympathy from others. .

After getting the trophy, Lin Xiao went directly to the camp. The three of May looked at him with complicated faces. The end of Lily of the Valley Conference means that the trip is over. Lin Xiao will be next Region continued to travel, but they were unable to accompany him on the journey.

"Lin Xiao big brother ........"

Dawn, who couldn't hide his feelings the most, cried first, and May fell silent in tears. Lily sighed, separated. The days are always like this. The last time Baris left, May and Dawn both cried so sad.

"The silly girl is only a temporary separation and it is not forever to see each other. We will still have a chance to meet in the future, don't we?"

Rub Dawn's head, Lin Xiao slightly smiled , "Let’s have a good meal today, it’s the last Present of the separation."

There is a banquet in the world, and it is not a permanent separation. You can still meet each other if you have a chance.

After several years of travel, Lin Xiao has seen too many such scenes.

After crying for a while, the three of Dawn calmed down. Lin Xiao cooked a delicious meal and deliberately made more food. Not long after Ash and the others came together, everyone gathered to eat. Last meal in Sinnoh Region.

After eating, everyone chatted for a while and then started to rest. May became crazy that night, and it took a long time to toss with Lin Xiao before falling asleep.

2nd day, Lin Xiao returned to Kanto directly, while Lily returned to her previous life and continued to move towards the Little Pokémon Fashion Master.

And May will go home first, and wait for Dawn to travel to other regions next year, continue to challenge the gorgeous conferences in various places, and continue to move towards his goal Peak Level to coordinate Trainer's progress.

The two drove Lily of the Valley Island, Lin Xiao embarked on the plane to Kanto Region, after the conference, he would return home to accompany his family for a period of time before going to the next Region and continue to travel .

The plane continued to fly for more than ten hours before arriving at Viridian in Kanto. After stepping off the plane, Lin Xiao left the Airport and returned to the manor directly using Pokémon.

Returning to the manor Lin Xiao, the following days gradually calmed down. The little Pokémon who had not been trained takes the children for a walk in the manor every day. Of course, helping the family with the family is Help Old Master Professor Oak to study millions together. Some secrets of evolution.

Now with the publicity of Million Evolution, many laboratories in Regions have successfully evolved some small Pokémon.

After studying the breakthrough, more secrets of the evolution of the million are constantly being unearthed. As long as the factors in the academy are stabilized, the trainers of the whole world will begin to share Recommended, recommended by recommendation, but the number of Mega Evolution stones means that millions of evolution impossible are too common. ..

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