"Come on!!"

I was curiously watching the surrounding Ash and heard the shout of Professor Oak, and hurriedly responded and ran up, but just ran out in Ash. After a step, suddenly lifts the head, and there is Lin Xiao who does the same action!

"This is the breath of Zekrom..." Looking up at sky, Lin Xiao is familiar with Zekrom's breath, so he can feel it.

Ash could not guess the breath of Zekrom, but he felt a strong breath approaching Harbor.


Suddenly, sky dropped a thunder while Lin Xiao and Ash were watching, and then a thick black cloud formed in the sky. And behind the dark clouds is a huge ball-shaped lightning, and in the lightning is the legendary Pokémon Zekrom of Yixiu Region!

The dark clouds in the sky soon gathered, and the sun fell at an incredible speed to block them, "bang! !" Another thunder fell from the sky.

"How could the sky suddenly change?"

Professor Oak looked puzzled, lifts the head, looking at the speechlessness of dark clouds and sudden gusts and lightning, even if the weather changes too much Suddenly?

"It is not the weather change but Zekrom!!!"

Lin Xiao explained, rushed to be curious, how did he ran into a famous one on the first day when he came to Yixiu Region What about Zekrom? Although the aura is not as strong as his own, it is also very good.


Professor Oak looked at Sky in disbelief and looked back at Lin Xiao, "It's Zekrom, but I don’t know why this little Pokémon Will appear here." nodded Lin Xiao told Professor Oak that this is Zekrom for sure.

"I didn't expect that we would encounter this kind of little Pokémon here. It's rare!"

Professor Oak shook his head with emotion, wanting to encounter this kind of strength in the wild. Pokémon’s probability is too small and too small in the legend.

"It is rare."


The surrounding weather is getting darker and darker, and the thunder keeps ringing, one after Another amazingly huge lightning keeps falling from the sky.

The gloomy weather did not last for long, and soon the thunder of the sky disappeared, the clouds slowly dissipated, everything slowly began to return to calm, after the clouds disappeared, the sun in the sky Slowly appeared again, everything returned to calm, Zekrom had left the place when the thunder in the sky disappeared, without a trace.

Although it was only a short while, some electrical appliances and other things around were all smoked. Many people's mobile phones and other things were all scrapped.

"What was that just now?"

After everything returned to calm, Ash walked up and asked curiously. In his impression, Lin Xiao was almost omnipotent.

"It is a very powerful and rare little Pokémon, but you have seen this kind of little Pokémon. Let's go." Lin Xiao slightly smiled depressed and lifted up all the suitcases and walked away from Harbor. .

"The little Pokémon I have seen?!"

Ash was taken aback, and quickly reacted, "Is it Zekrom?!"

Can be so powerful Aura’s little Pokémon is very rare. Basically those powerful and legendary little Pokémon, and such a little Pokémon is very rare in the electrical system, so Ash quickly guessed that this should be Zekrom! !

Czech Luo fan Ash has seen it many times here at Lin Xiao, aura is extremely powerful and it is still in the electrical department, so it moved towards thinking about this, didn't expect really guessed it.

Although Lin Xiao didn't promise nodded, Ash knew he had guessed it right.

"Professor Oak, I’m sorry I’m late."

At this time, a thirty-something-year-old wearing professional attire, a beautiful woman came to Harbor, a little apologetic, she missed Time to pick up the airport.

"It's okay, Professor Rowan, thank you for your hard work, let's study the age now." Professor Oak haha ​​smiled and didn't care about such small things.

Will it be her Professor Aurea Juniper?

Lin Xiao's mind came up with a very bad thought, his eyes were fixed on the red bean on the Professor, making the red bean on the Professor who had just greeted Professor Oak for a moment, and turned his head strangely. Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Hello, Master Lin Xiao, I am glad to meet you, and welcome to Yixiu Region."

"Hello Hongdoushang Professor, I am glad to meet you." Lin Xiao slightly smiled.

Professor Oak stared wide-eyed by Lin Xiao's side, don’t have to think about what Lin Xiao’s mind is thinking, pull Lin Xiao quietly, "you brat, be normal, if it hurts me, I’ll smoke you Me!!!"

"cough cough!!!" Facing the threat of Professor Oak's Lin Xiao lightly coughed, he has been able to determine that the Professor on Red Bean is not this person.

What's wrong with this?

Professor Aurea Juniper took a strange look at the strange pair of grandparents and grandchildren. They don’t know why these two people are doing big eyes staring at small eyes.

"haha, let's go if it's okay, don't you?" Professor Oak said and didn't forget to give Lin Xiao a look.

Lin Xiao wanted to laugh immediately, but he could only hold back his smile, grandfather, don’t you know that there is something called the more you explain, the more chaotic you are?

"Yes, it's okay, let's go!!!" Looking at the off-road vehicle in the distance, Lin Xiao resisted a smile and carried his luggage moved towards the off-road vehicle.

"Yes, it's okay, let's go!!"

Professor Oak walked with the off-road vehicle along with Lin Xiao with his sunglasses on his back, and blinked beautiful towards, Professor Aurea Juniper was a little bit I want to laugh, but the identities of Professor Oak and Lin Xiao are placed over there, making Professor Aurea Juniper hold back even if he wants to laugh.

Ash didn't notice anything wrong, heartless hugged Pikachu and looked around curiously and walked towards the off-road vehicle.


"The little Pokémon here is different from the little Pokémon in other regions!!!"

Sit in an off-road vehicle On the road, the off-road vehicle quickly moved towards the Laboratory, and Ash looked at the little Pokémon on the side of the road and couldn't help screaming.

Shook his head Lin Xiao didn't bother to care about Ash, the Region is different, and of course the little Pokémon will also be different, "Professor Aurea Juniper, it's time to receive the Starter Pokemon now, can I pick one?"

"Starter Pokemon?!"

Professor Aurea Juniper who was driving was taken aback, would Lin Xiao need such a little Pokémon? ..

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