Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

856 Celebi: I Can Shake People

"Hi, Mom"

Jiang Qing, who was sitting on Moltres' back, had no idea that he was now being broadcast live globally. When he saw his mother's call, he immediately answered it.


As a result, the voice of Ai Guanshi came from the phone.

Love Guanshi: Come back quickly, baby, and let your father deal with things like Groudon. If you die, it will be his turn first.

Jiang Lan: Thank you.

Jiang Qing was taken aback for a moment, wondering how Ai Guanshi knew about this, but he didn't even mention it to his grandfather.

So he said with a smile: "Love Guanshi, are you dreaming, how could I possibly deal with a first-level god, it's too late to run away?"


Ai Guan waiter's voice suddenly became angry: "I've seen you on TV, and you're still lying"

Fuck me.

Jiang Qing's hands almost trembled, did he see himself on the TV?

Looking up at Soaring in the sky, although he didn't see anything, Jiang Qing knew that there must be satellites above his head pointing at him, presumably more than one.

If you think about it, Groudon will appear, and its energy fluctuations will definitely be detected by satellites.

In other words, is he broadcasting live in front of the people of the whole country now?

The phone number 06 of Ai Guanshi here has been snatched by Tian Rou. Seeing that Ai Guanshi looks like he is going to hit her, Jiang Lan immediately frightens and naturally dare not stop him.

"Son, listen to mom, come back quickly, Groudon is not something you can deal with, don't try to be brave." There was pleading and deep worry in his tone.

Jiang Qing was slightly silent at the moment.

After a while, he said slowly: "Mom, love to be in charge, and dad, I am a champion, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility"

"Don't worry about me, I can do it"

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

In fact, he doesn't worry about his own safety at all, but he can't tell his parents about this hole card.

[The greater the responsibility, the greater the ability, woo woo, well said]

【The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, you black fan】

【My husband is handsome】

【I am a fan of Jiang Champion, if he dies, I will be his widow】

【Champion, this is the champion】

[Lu Zhuan fan, I will also be a fan of Mei in the future

【Are you so handsome?】

【Although I am a first-level god, I will also go】

Jiang Qing didn't know at all that what he said was translated by lip language experts, but fortunately he didn't say any other inconspicuous words.

His few words moved the people of the whole country and even the whole world.

Everyone felt that Meiqing's trip this time was an act of sending her to death.

Because the opponent is a first-level god, how could the champion defeat a first-level god.

At home, Tian Rou sat on the ground slumped, while Ai Guan waiter walked into the kitchen, stomping on the cutting board with a kitchen knife, Jiang Lan was startled by a voice from the kitchen.

Afraid of getting angry, Ai Guan waiter chopped himself off.

Kneeling down, hugging Tian Rou's shoulders and whispering: "You don't know this rebellious son, he cherishes his life very much, and he will never do anything he is not sure of."

"It was like this last time in Haitian City, and it's like this again this time, ahhh, Jiang Lan blames you, blames you - woo woo woo"

Tian Rou hugged Jiang Lan and wept fiercely.

Jiang Qing: I'm not dead yet, it's too early to cry.

In the trench in the deep sea, as Groudon came to the surface of the sea from the underground magma, Kyogre, who was taking a nap, opened his eyes for the first time.

Kyogre looked to the east: Groudon, what is this idiot doing, I don't know which unlucky guy has messed with it.

No, I have to go and see, by the way, this idiot.

With a light flap of the fins, the figure was already a hundred miles away.

On Moltres' back, as he approached Groudon, the temperature in this space was also rising, and the surrounding temperature was already as high as sixty degrees at the moment.

Fortunately, Jiang Qing has top-level Psychic, which directly isolates the temperature of the outside world, and Moltres itself can also isolate these temperatures.


Moltres: "Master, why are we going to fight with a first-level god?"

It could feel a presence in front of it that made its soul tremble. If it wasn't for Jiang Qing on its back, Moltres would definitely turn around and leave immediately.

"Well, why are you afraid?"

Moltres nodded first, then shook his head and said, "With the master here, I'm not afraid."

Patting Moltres on the back, Jiang Qing smiled and said, "You're a good flatterer."

"Don't worry, your strength is too weak, it's not your turn to make a move"

Moltres: Those words of comfort to the bird really hurt the bird's heart.

In the words, Jirachi looked up at Jiang Qing, with a resolute expression on his small face.

"Jiang Qing, I can't beat Groudon, but I can Self Destruct, this can definitely hurt it"

"Self Destruct? When did you learn this skill?"

This skill, Jirachi itself does not come with it, it can only be passed through the skill disc or self-servant.

"I learned from vibrato, and I will be able to read it once. How can I be good?"

As he spoke, there was a proud expression on his little face, with a boastful look.

"It's pretty awesome"

Jiang Qing patted its little head.

"Jiang Qing, do you want me to shake him over?" Celebi above his head said.

Last time Celebi told him that it can shake people very powerfully. I thought this guy was bragging, but now that he is about to face Groudon, he even said he can shake people.

It seems that this guy is not bragging.

"Who is shaking?" Jiang Qing asked curiously.

"Listen well, don't be surprised, I can pick up Phoenix." Celebi looked proud.

It is the phoenix against the camera.

This is a bit powerful.

"Then what do you shake it with?"

"It gave me a feather, as long as I ignite the feather, it will come." 037 Jiang Qing heard that if he could really shake the phoenix, then he would not need to summon Mewtwo, and he could save ten fragments.

This seems to work.


"Where are your feathers?"


Celebi was taken aback for a moment, that's right, where did I put the feathers?

Looking at the bewildered look of the other party, Jiang Qing patted his forehead and knew that this guy was unreliable.

"Oh, I remembered, I put the feather at home"

"The home in Lancang City? Or the home of Imperial University?"

"It's not, it's the forest where you met me"

"Forget it, you better stop talking"

It doesn't matter whether it's Lancang City's house, Imperial University's house, or the forest where Celebi used to live, these three places are far away from Jiang Qing.

Even if Metagross uses Teleport to rush there, it will take a lot of time.

And this feather Celebi is its home in the forest. It has been so long, who knows if its home is still there, maybe some bird Pokémon surrounded it to make a nest in the feather.

Celebi is unreliable in trivial matters, let alone such a major event that is related to the survival of the entire Xiangjiang.

Do this kind of thing by yourself.

"Jirachi, you don't need Self Destruct, I have a way to solve Groudon's, after all, I am afraid of death",

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