Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

855 Outburst Of Love And Care

Xuanzi's grandson, everyone here is already used to this kind of thing. When Jiang Qing registered as an official trainer, Jiang Oreburgh most often said that my grandson has the appearance of a champion.

I thought it was just bragging, but in the end, Jiang Qing really became the champion, and she was also the youngest champion in the world.

With such an achievement, Jiang Oreburgh can be said to be gone forever on the road to dazzle the sun. He is either on the road to dazzle the sun or on the road to dazzle the sun.

Even now, the first-level god Groudon is already within the waters of the Xia Kingdom. At such a critical moment, Jiang Oreburgh still does not forget to show off his grandson.

But one thing he said is very reasonable, that is, his life span is indeed longer than that of the other five champions.

If Jiang Qing really lost to Groudon, then Jiang Oreburgh summoned Rayquaza, and the support time was the longest.

If it was the Ram Army, even if Rayquaza was summoned, it is estimated that "620" Rayquaza used one or two moves to suck the life of the Lamb Army away.

Facing Jiang Oreburgh's initiative to ask for a job, Jiang Gangjin, as an elder brother, was annoyed at what this guy was doing so actively, but he would not stop him.

The Jiang family is their Jiang family, but it is also Xia Guo's Jiang family.

As long as there is a need for Xia, Jiang Jiajin, Jiang Gangjin, and Jiang Oreburgh, Jiangqing, can sacrifice their lives for the country, just like the ancestors of the Jiang family.

"Jiang Guanjun, then you should go to the Altar of Heaven now, and you'd better be ready at any time." The elder thought for a moment.

Ginger Oreburgh nodded, then got up to leave.

"How are the people?"

The Great Elder asked the staff around him.

The staff quickly replied: "very panicked"

Most human beings yearn for the first-level gods, but when the first-level gods really appear in front of you, that longing will be replaced by fear.

The power of a first-level god has already surpassed the world. The strongest weapon of human beings, nuclear weapons, or the strongest trainer champion, are all babies without the ability to move in front of a first-level god.

Only the first-level gods can deal with the first-level gods.

If a level 1 god wants to destroy a city, he only needs to make one move.

And their appearance, the power of their own rules, will affect the area where they are located.

For example, the current Groudon is standing on the sea, but within hundreds of kilometers, its temperature is constantly rising, and the temperature around it is as high as thousands of degrees.

Once Groudon appears in a certain country, it can cause a severe drought in this country without doing anything, just because of the temperature it carries, such extreme weather

"Aim the satellite at Jiang Qing, and let everyone in the world see how Jiang Qing repelled Groudon," the elder said in a deep voice.

This matter has attracted the attention of all countries in the world, but all satellites in space are basically Locked On Groudon.

Xia Guo does not broadcast live, other countries will also broadcast live.

"The military is ready to deter Xiaoxiao"

The two champions from the military nodded together.

In this critical moment, the ghosts and ghosts hidden in the real country will definitely jump out

【Groudon, in the waters of the Xiangjiang River】

【This is Groudon, it looks like Normal】

[I was so unlucky, I met Kyogre in Haitian City, I came to Xiangjiang for a trip, but I met Groudon again, and now I am evacuating

[Why does Groudon appear, can someone explain it]

[Never mind why it appeared, I just want to know how our country should deal with it]

[What are you afraid of, my husband Jiang Qing is here, he can definitely defeat Groudon

【You stupid fan, do you know what a first-level god is?】

[What's wrong with the first-level god, my husband is invincible in the world]

【If Jiang Qing can defeat Groudon, stand upside down

【Hahaha, fortunately, I have joined the nationality of the Stars and Stripes】

[Where is the shepherd dog, get out of here]

[Why did the picture change, someone actually flew in the direction of Groudon

[This person seems to be Jiang Guanjun]

【It's my husband, my husband is so handsome】

In the picture, Jiang Qing is riding on the back of Moltres, looking straight ahead with a stern face, and holding Jirachi in his arms is Celebi lying on his head.

It's just Groudon, I won't put you down today, I will take your surname.

Looking at my ninety pieces of Mewtwo fragments, that is to say, I can summon Mewtwo nine times, each time for five minutes.

Mewtwo beat Kyogre in five minutes last time. Groudon is about the same strength as Kyogre. Summoning Mewtwo once is almost enough. If it doesn't work, then call twice.

But in this way, the time to summon the complete Mewtwo will be delayed again.

Damn it, it's all Du Cheng's fault, what's the point of activating the Red Orb, and Groudon, the shame of a first-level god, can't fly, and if he runs from a long distance, he won't be afraid of breaking his leg... …

At home, Tian Rou saw her son flying towards Groudon, her face turned pale with fright, and she immediately took out her phone, wanting to call Jiang Qing back.

But the hand that took out the phone was held by Jiang Lan.

"Jiang Lan, what are you doing!!"

Tian Rou was like an angry lioness, roaring at Ou Lan.

"Jiang Qing is a champion, this is his duty"

Jiang Lan's expression was calm, but the palm holding Tian Rou was trembling slightly.

Just now he received a message from his father, Jiang Oreburgh, who said that he was at the Altar of Heaven, if something happened to Jiang Qing and him.

In any case, Jiang Feng and Yu Wei must give birth to a boy to continue the blood of the Jiang family.

As for why he and Tian Rou were not reborn, because if Jiang Qing really died in battle, his family would definitely be broken up.

Thinking that he might lose his son and father within one day, Jiang Lan's heart seemed to be tightly squeezed by a hand, Normal.

He regrets it.

He regretted why he chose to lie flat. If he worked harder and became the champion, then he might be able to replace Jiang Qing or his father.

"What champion, I only know he is my son"

With the other hand, Tian Rou slapped Jiang Lan's face so hard that the corner of Jiang Lan's mouth was bleeding.


Ai Guan waiter didn't care so much, and directly snatched the phone from Tian Xie.

This is my own cub, it is a Pokémon, it has no national concept, as long as 1.9 wants my cub to be fine, then even if the world is destroyed, it has nothing to do with it.

“Love the waiter!!”

Seeing that Aiguan waiter was about to make this call, Jiang Lan was gone.


Ai Guanshi was also angry, and a powerful aura erupted from him.


This made Jiang Lan startled.

When did Aiguanshi become a Pokémon in the mid-term of the quasi-champion? Isn't it always the early stage of Elite?

This is of course Jiang Qing's masterpiece. Ai Guan Shi has taken care of him since he was a child and is one of his closest people. Now that he is capable, he naturally wants to help him improve his strength.

He didn't show his love for the attendant, after all, he just cooks, cleans, and takes care of Jiang Qing and his family at home, so there is no need to do it at all.

If there is one, it won't be his turn, Jiang Lan's Pokémon are all in the backyard. .

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