As Jiang Qing continued to fly towards Groudon, the distance between the two sides was less than 100 kilometers, and the temperature in the air was as high as 100 degrees.

At this temperature, without the protection of Pokémon, or with special abilities, it would have been roasted long ago.

Eighty kilometers.

fifty kilometers.

Thirty kilometers.

ten kilometers.

one kilometer.

Three hundred meters.

Finally stopped three hundred meters from Groudon with Moltres.

Groudon had already created a piece of land on the sea, and the other party was standing on the land, with golden pupils looking directly at Jiang Kui.

A coercion of a first-level god rushed towards Jiang Qing.


Moltres immediately sent out his aura to stop him, but the opposite was a first-level god. Moltres' aura was a joke in front of Groudon, and he was defeated in an instant.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross appears.

The incomparably powerful aura barely blocked Groudon's aura, but Metagross still took a few steps back.

If Metagross didn't have a golden qualification, it wouldn't be able to stop it.

This is a first-level god, even if Metagross can beat an Elite when he is a quasi-Elite, and beat a champion when he is a quasi-champion, the leapfrog challenge is just like playing.

But how to leapfrog the level, the range level it is in is all "fan" pets.

And Groudon is a first-level god, and the difference between gods and mortals, the huge and incomparable gap, cannot be bridged.

Only by crossing over can you have the qualification to fight with it.

From another perspective, Metagross was able to withstand Groudon's coercion, which is already very good.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross looked at Groudon with some difficulty. When he debuted, this was the first Pokémon that gave himself an invincible and invincible Pokémon.

God, this is a first-level god.

Not only was Metagross not discouraged, but he was full of enthusiasm.

This kind of Rival is what I yearn for.


Invisibly, the energy in the body boiled, and the level was raised from level 92 to level 93.

A strange color flashed in Groudon's eyes, he saw that the Metagross in front of him was not normal, and actually saw a divinity belonging to a first-level god from it.

Groudon, who lived for an unknown number of years, saw this situation for the first time.

It looked at Jiang Qing, the human being in front of him, who killed his own puppet. Although it didn't care about such a puppet at all, it was undoubtedly slapping itself in the face.

"Human, why do you have three breaths of a first-level god on your body?"

When Groudon looked at Jiang Qing, he found that there were three breaths of a first-level god on his body, and they were all friendly, not hostile.

Could it be that this human has won the friendship of three first-level gods.

"Since you know Groudon, if you can sell the three first-level gods to save face, it's good to retreat now," Jiang Qing shouted loudly.

To be honest, he really didn't want to fight Groudon, purely wasting Mewtwo fragments, so he didn't fight if he couldn't fight.

"Are you also a first-level god?"

Groudon looked at Jirachi in Jiang Qing's arms, but did not answer Jiang Qing's question.

"Hmmm, Groudon give me Jirachi a face, stop hitting me

"What a weak first-level god"

Before Jirachi finished speaking, he was annoyed by what Groudon said later.

"Jiang Qing, hurry up and hold me, it says I'm weak, if you don't hold me, I can't help but teach it a lesson." Ji Jin was immediately annoyed.

It is the one in charge of being cute among the first-level gods, and it has little combat power.

Jiang Qing looked at Jirachi speechlessly, this guy had been taught badly by Douyin.

After comforting Jirachi, Jiang Qing stared at Groudon and said seriously: "Groudon, I really want to fight."

Groudon sneered: "Human, I really think you have the aura of a first-level god on your body, so I will be afraid of you."

I am not afraid of anyone except the big Catterpie.

I silently added another sentence in my heart.

"That's OK"

Jiang Qing pointed at Groudon and shouted: "Today I will put you down, a first-level god who can't fly."


"Human, you court death"

Jiang Qing's words hit Groudon's sore spot thoroughly.

Among all the known first-level gods, only it can't fly, and even the fat-headed fish can fly with two fins.

Only it walks on its feet, practicing what is called down-to-earth.

Oh, by the way, Xerneas can't either, but he can jump, and he can jump a long way.

At this time, the satellites of various countries suddenly issued a piercing alarm.

[The report detected a powerful energy fluctuation, suspected to be a first-level god]

【Located where Groudon is located】

[In the middle of the seabed, it is rising rapidly],

Just when Jiang Qing was about to summon Mewtwo and teach Groudon how to be a first-level god, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea below.

Immediately afterwards, a Pokémon resembling a large whale floated on the surface of the sea.

Kyogre: "Jiang Qing is right, you just can't fly, why don't people say this fact

People from all over the world watched Kyogre, the god of the sea, who suddenly appeared from the screen, and their jaws almost dropped in shock.

The people of Xia Kingdom were about to cry.

This is heaven in Punishment Xiaguo.

A Groudon is not enough, but a Kyogre is also included.

Even if someone had confidence in Jiang Qing at this moment, his heart was at the bottom of the valley now.

Two first-level gods, how can they fight.

Western countries are of course gloating, hoping that the Xia Kingdom will be as miserable as possible.

【What to do, what to do, I still have time to go abroad】

[Where are the champions? We don’t have seven champions. Why did only Jiang Qing pass? What about the other champions?

【Use nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons can definitely defeat them】

【My husband is number one in the world, he will definitely be able to solve them】

[Why are you still stupid, your husband is about to die, I advise you to die together

【What are you panicking about? The country will definitely find a solution. Besides, take a closer look at Jiang Guanjun's expression. Has his expression changed?】

[It seems that there is no change, why does it look very stable?]

[I am Brother Jiang's younger brother, let me tell you, if Brother Jiang is not sure, he will not appear here

At this moment, Lin Xiu, Wu Fan, Shen Yu, Jiang Qing's classmates and juniors are all fighting various keyboard warriors online for Jiang Qing.

In the entire Xia Kingdom, the vast majority of people no longer believed that Jiang Qing could defeat the two first-level gods, and only a very small number of people never wavered in their belief in Jiang Qing.

Xia Guo, in the conference room on the date.

With the appearance of Kyogre, the atmosphere in the meeting room was instantly solemn.

"`"Why did Kyogre come here?" The second elder said in a very Rage.

"I should have felt the breath of Groudon, so I came here" said the grass champion Lu Yi.

The last time Kyogre attacked Haitian City, the strongest champion, the Ram Army, almost died in his hands, so for Xia Guo, Kyogre is a hostile first-level god. .

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