Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

792 Continuing Gym Challenge

Qin Ming, the head of the Qin family, watched his ancestor Luxray being reduced to ashes under the flames of Moltres, without leaving a corpse, and his body went limp and he sat on the ground directly.

He knew that the Qin family was doomed, and originally he just wanted to make his son sick to the Tian family, but he didn't expect the Tian family to do things so terribly.

How can their Qin family, He De, be able to make the champion shoot.

Do you regret it, and you can't even talk about regretting it, some things have already happened.

Looking at Qin Ming who was killed by Metagross' paw, Tian Haiming's expression was a little complicated.

If it wasn't for his grandson who happened to come to Tian's house, with the strength of that Luxray, he really couldn't beat him.

If you want to blame it, you can blame the Qin family's behavior, which is really disgusting. They use such a despicable method to disgust their Tian family.

Fortunately, my granddaughter, who is in love, brought Qin Bufan home today. Tian Haiming, who didn't want Jiang Qing to know about it, couldn't hide it now.

A few days later, the small Qin family no longer existed in Guangming City.

Naturally, it was Jiang Qing who made the move.

After understanding the reason for this, other families in Guangming City immediately warned the members of the family not to provoke the women of the Tian family.

It doesn't matter whether you really love each other, anyway, as long as you are a woman from the Tian family.

A woman from the Tian family ruined a small family. Although it was the other party's fault, the price was too high.

Don't care about the Tian family's direct line or collateral line, as long as they are marriageable women, they are scourges in the eyes of these families.

I'm afraid that one accidentally provokes these women, and then attracts Jiang Qing.

This has led to the fact that in the next few years, there will be no women from the local family in Guangming City to marry women from the Tian family, which has led to the appearance of many women in the Qu family.

After learning the reason, Tian Haiming's heart was complicated.

However, the benefits are also obvious, that is, the Tian family overwhelmed the other two big families and became the well-deserved No. 1 family in Guangming City.

A 22-year-old champion, the other families said they couldn't afford to mess with it, and couldn't afford to hide it.

Jiang Qing directly exterminated a family. If this kind of thing was replaced by an Elite, it would basically be arrested by Xia Guo officials, unless the Elite family had a strong background.

The status of trainer is the highest among all countries in the world, and of course Xia is also the same.

But also because of this, there are many restrictions on Trainer in various countries.

If you want to act recklessly based on your strength, then it is a big mistake.

However, this binding force will weaken as the Trainer's strength continues to improve.

At the Elite level, unless you have killed dozens of innocent people in public and done a lot of outrageous things, at most you will be arrested [to the point of killing you.

And if you become a champion, the binding force is almost zero.

As long as you don't treason the country, don't do things that anger others, then it's okay for you to do some "out of line" things sometimes.

After staying at Tian's house for almost a week, Jiang Wen left after spending time with his grandparents.

However, Jiang Qing did not return to the imperial capital, but embarked on a challenging journey to his national gymnasium.

He has not forgotten that he still has unfinished main tasks.

Before that, he had obtained the National Grass Department, the Rock Department had his own Steel Department Gym Badge, and there were still fifteen Badges left.

And the owners of these fifteen national gymnasiums all received information from the challenger Jiang Qing applying to challenge the gymnasium at different times.

Owners: ………………

What kind of trouble is this going to be? You are a grand champion, but if you are difficult to beat, you will reach the Elite level to fry fish ponds.

National gymnasium owners are basically from the late Elite to the mid-term of the quasi-champion.

Although they wondered why Jiang Qing challenged the gym, they all accepted Jiang Qing's application. After all, Jiang Qing is now the champion, and this status is not something they can refuse.

At the same time, it is also a very good thing for them to be able to play against the champion.

Fifteen gymnasiums, within half a month, Jiang Qing completed all challenges.

In the past half a month, Jiang Qing has also visited many opponents in Xia Guo.

And all his Pokémon have been improved to a considerable extent.

In the Gym Challenge, of course he can't use Metagross, so it's meaningless at all.

I use Dragonite, Kartana, Arcanine, Gengar and these Pokémon who are in the late Elite stage, and Moltres and Aggron Jiang Qing who are in the quasi-champion are also rarely used.

In half a month, his Pokémon have completely released all their physical strength and energy, and the daily high-intensity battles have turned their background into strength

Among other things, none of those gym owners is strong, and their main Pokémon are all masters who can leapfrog to fight.

It's just that I met Jiang Qing, who was even more perverted, and his Pokémon pushed everyone to the ground and beat them wildly.

Among the fifteen gymnasiums, only two gymnasiums made Mei fall into a hard fight.

One is a Ghost-type gymnasium, and the strength of the owner of the gymnasium is the early stage of the champion.

Ghost type is the most weird and difficult type among the 18 kinds of Attributes, and many Ghost type Pokémon can Curse, Destiny Bond, Perish Song.

This kind of skill that can't play with you, let you die with me.

Relying on several difficult and disgusting skills, in the 6VS6 all-hands battle, Jiang Qing defeated a Pokémon abruptly.

Of course, this is also related to Jiang Qing's Pokémon not being in the Quansheng Contest Condition.

If Quansheng Contest Condition still loses to the same level as himself, the opponent Trainer will definitely make gestures not to hang up.

Originally, Jiang Qing wanted to take it back when she saw that the other party's Contest Condition was not good, but this guy said that he would fight to the death.

Among Jiang Qing's Pokémon, Kartana is the only one who can speak in this style.

This guy tried to be brave, but he was defeated by the opponent's commander despite his heavy curse.

The second gymnasium is the dragon gymnasium controlled by the Xia family.

The owner of the hall is Xia Wu, the younger brother of Xia Shang, a dragon elite, and also Jiang Qing's teacher who participated in the 100th session at Imperial (Qian Hao) University.

The current Xia Wu is already a trainer in the early stage of the quasi-championship, and the first Attribute is the Pokémon with the strongest attack power among the eighteen Attributes of the dragon type.

At the same time, the dragon system still has the most quasi-gods.

Jiang Qing had seen Xia Wu Teacher's Dragon Legion.

Level, strength, powerful skills, and combat literacy [all belong to a top soldier.

In the end, Jiang Qing won the battle with only one Pokémon.

As for who the defeated Pokémon was, it goes without saying that it was Kartana.

What this guy pursues is, as long as I don't fall, I will keep fighting.

This guy knows very well that in the Gym Challenge, he will only be injured, at most a little bit seriously, but he will definitely not die.

If you switch to the wild or in a secret place, it will not dare to play like this. After all, the Pokémon there is not light or heavy. .

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