
Luxray looked up at Moltres with a sneer.

You, Flamethrower, are really not good at aiming, or I will stand still and let you shoot.

Moltres was already very dissatisfied with Flamethrower's failure to hit Luxray, and now he was directly ridiculed by the opponent, so angry in his heart.

Usually that silly dog ​​mocks me, but now even the cat mocks me, you fucking don't know how to spell dead.

The anger in Moltres' heart turned into a vortex of flames, and the vortex swept across half of the venue made by Light Screen. The scorching flames made the air extremely hot.

Luxray could even smell his own hair being scorched by the air.

Under the flame vortex, it has no room to hide.

He glanced at the Light Screen bitterly, if there was no such wall, he could actually dodge it with its speed.

Of course, the Light Screen not only binds it, but for the Flying Moltres, its heavy binding is even greater.

The vortex of flames pressed down like a red hurricane.

Now that we can't avoid it, we can only resist

Thunderbolts as thick as arms burst out from Luxray 05.

Flame and lightning clashed again.

Under Wild Charge, Luxray turned into a generator, and the arm-thick lightning continuously blasted towards the flame vortex, and Ember splashed everywhere for a while.

The strength of the two sides collided, exploded, and exploded constantly.

After being frozen for about ten seconds, the frequency of Luxray's Wild Charge began to decrease, while Moltres still maintained a high-frequency flame vortex.

As the flame vortex completely defeated Wild Charge, the next second the flame directly wrapped Luxray.


In the flames, Luxray issued bursts of miserable Growl.

The scorching flames scorched its fur and flesh.

Under the pain, the power of thunder and lightning erupted again, and the flames around Li's body were scattered.

When it looked up into the air, it had already lost Moltres' sight, and at the same time, a sense of crisis came from behind, making its muscles tense subconsciously.

Almost instinctively Luxray used protection.

In the next second, a fiery red divine bird tackled heavily on top of the protection, and with the powerful tackle force, it hit the protection all the way to the rear.

"It seems that the fighting instinct is still there." Jiang Qing was a little surprised.

After the death of a trainer like Luxray, one of them stayed in the trainer family and was enshrined by its descendants for decades. It can be said that life is very comfortable.

At the same time, lying down year after year, the fighting consciousness will naturally decrease over time.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this Pokémon is the king of rolls. Even if the Trainer is dead, it will train by itself. In this way, its fighting instinct, physical strength, speed and other basic values ​​will remain at a certain level.

Judging from the scene just now, this Luxray should belong to the type of scroll king.

Otherwise, the reaction speed would not be so fast.

The protection finally blocked Moltres' divine bird attack, and the protective cover was also facing the edge of collapse, but it still blocked it.


The protective cover is broken.

When Luxray opened his mouth, a Thunder Fang appeared.

Thunder Fang, who was seven or eight meters tall, bit Moltres with one bite. The powerful lightning force and the piercing power of his teeth pierced Moltres' skin in an instant.

Immediately, the power of thunder and lightning raged in his body, and the blood was evaporated by the power of lightning just as soon as it flowed out.

Under the electrotherapy, Moltres let out a cry of pain, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

Resisting the pain, the slender and sharp mouth pecked directly towards Luxray's waist, and half of his mouth pierced directly into Luxray's body with a puff.

But it was blocked by its ribs.


Luxray made a painful sound, but he didn't intend to let go of his mouth. Instead, stimulated by the pain, he bit harder.

This is a wolf cat, and Moltres is also a wolf officer.

Now is the time to compete for perseverance, and there is a feeling that whoever lets go first will be a softie.

Moltres: I'll stab you to death.

Luxray: I'll bite you to death.

One is a legendary Pokémon, and the other is a quasi-champion peak. These two Pokémon are fighting against each other. At this moment, it feels like a gangster fighting.

The Tian family who watched were a little stunned.

Jiang Qing covered her face, feeling a little ashamed.

But he secretly sent a voice transmission to Moltres: Don't let me go, if you let go first, I will tell Arcanine, let it laugh at you for a whole year.

With so many people watching, it is impossible to lose in momentum.

Being provoked by Jiang Qing like this, especially if Shagou knew that if he let go first, he would really be ashamed of Luxray, "I will really be laughed at by him for a whole year.

Thinking of this, Moltres was shocked by the flames all over his body, and defeated the electric current formed by Thunder Fang. Under the burn of the flames, Luxray finally couldn't resist letting go.


Moltres chirped like a victor.

And Luxray played a Thunderbolt, trying to win the round.

The strong electric current, under the Flamethrower of Moltres, was defeated in an instant.


In the next second, Luxray was hit by the Flamethrower.

The Flamethrower strengthened by the most precious lamp flint is extremely powerful. After hitting Luxray, the other party only feels that his bones are about to be melted.

The strong burning sensation made it let out a painful howl.

Seeing this, Moltres couldn't help but increase the flame output, and the Flamethrower not only didn't become thicker, but became thinner and darker in color.


The ground below Luxray has completely turned into fiery red magma, and its body is gradually sinking into the magma. Its screams were sharp from the beginning, gradually became weak, and finally completely lost their voice.

At this point Moltres also ended the Flamethrower.

Below is a magma pool about 100 meters deep, with bubbles the size of basketballs constantly popping out.

But Luxray can no longer see it.

Most likely it was burned to ashes by Moltres.

Tian Haiming: "This prodigal son, the Pokémon at the peak of the quasi-championship, its corpse is a treasure. Whether it is used as medicine or made into an energy cube, it is the best."

He said with a distressed expression on his face.

Tian Qing shook his head and said, "Grandpa is bigger, but cousin is so strong, he's just a quasi-champion peak."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Haiming slapped him hard on the forehead.

"What qualifications do you have to say this, you are not even a quasi-champion, your Pokémon is not even qualified to be used as medicine"

It hurts, grandpa.

Tian Qing clutched his chest.

I am an Elite anyway, so Pokémon is not eligible to be used as medicine.

No, I don't want this qualification.

After solving his Rival, Moltres walked up to Jiang Qing with a proud face.

To be honest, this bird is quite handsome when it flies, but when it walks, it is like a mother hen, shaking and shaking, full of joy. .

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