Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

793 The Main Task Is Completed

"Main Mission Release: National Gym Badge"

Task requirements, get 3 National Gymnasium Badge rewards: 30,000 points, Mewtwo fragments X3"

"Get 6 National Gymnasium Badge rewards: 60,000 points, Mewtwo fragment X6, quasi-champion initial experience card (ten minutes)"

"Get 12 National Gym Badge rewards: 120,000 points, Mewtwo fragments X15, quasi-champion mid-term experience card (ten minutes), golden legend fragments X4"

"Get 18 National Gym Badge rewards: 180,000 points, Mewtwo Fragment X30, Champion Peak Experience Card (10 minutes), Golden Legendary Fragment X5, a special ability promotion card"

"Note: This task is a staged reward, and you can get a reward every time you complete a stage"

When the system released this mission, Jiang Qing had just become an Elite not long ago, and he didn't have the strength to challenge a national gymnasium at that time.

So this task, he did not complete until now.

After completing the main task, Jiang Qing received a total of 390,000 points, 54 Mewtwo shards, 9 golden legend shards, special ability enhancement cards and several experience cards.

Among them, points are the least important, but they are also the most affordable. After all, as long as there are enough points, Jiang Qing can buy many things.

Counting the current 390,000 points, Jiang Qing's points finally broke one million.

Exactly 1.01 million at the moment.

Mewtwo was broken into 407 pieces, Jiang Qing originally had 30 pieces, these pieces are really hard to get.

Last time Haitian City used up ten of them, plus doing system daily tasks, in rare cases, the task rewards are Mewtwo fragments.

So Jiang Qing now has a total of thirty Mewtwo fragments on her body.

Plus the fifty-four obtained after the main mission.

Currently Jiang Qing has a total of eighty-four Mewtwo shards, and it seems that he is not far away from a hundred Mewtwo shards.

If he really collected a hundred Mewtwo fragments and summoned Mewtwo, wouldn't he be invincible?

Nine golden legendary fragments, plus Jiang Qing's original six golden legendary fragments, now he has fifteen golden legendary fragments at once.

Ten golden legend shards can be combined into a completed golden legend.

Golden Legend: Let the purple Pokémon instantly have golden qualifications (note, the use of golden qualification Pokémon can also improve qualifications)

In the past, Jiang Qing wanted to use the golden legend to upgrade Metagross' aptitude to gold, but he didn't expect that Metagross' aptitude was already golden before the main quest was completed, which was no accident.

I wanted to give the golden legend to Aggron (afef) directly, but Jiang Qing narrowed his eyes slightly due to the comment behind it.

Golden aptitude. Using golden legend can also improve aptitude. Can it be considered that golden aptitude is not the strongest aptitude.

Pokémon with gold qualifications are all Tier 1 gods, such as Mew, Kyogre, and Mewtwo.

Anyway, Jiang Qing has seen these three first-level gods before now, and all of them have golden qualifications. The only difference is that there are some fluctuations in the level.

If there are qualifications higher than gold, then what kind of Pokémon has such qualifications.


This Pokémon suddenly popped into Jiang Qing's mind. .

Regarding Arceus, countries in the world have not seen each other, but the other party does exist.

Many countries found stone tablets from the ruins. After translation, many of the contents are about Arceus.

And also said that the entire Pokémon world was created by Arceus, including Pokémon.

This Arceus placed here by human beings is equivalent to Pan Gu in the ancient myths and legends of the Xia Kingdom.

Although Arceu is not found by any human, its existence is well-acknowledged among Pokémon scholars.

Therefore, in the academic circle, the highest honor award is the Arceus Award, which represents the supremacy and uniqueness of this award, and also proves from the side that Arceus is also supreme in Pokémon.

And even more than a first-level god.

If anyone has the aptitude above the golden aptitude, Jiang Qing thinks that only Arceus, the guy who has eighteen stone slabs, is the only one.

Since the golden aptitude can still be improved, then --------

Jiang Qing gave the golden legend to Metagross without any hesitation.

His definition of the team is that one super is multi-strong, and Metagross is one super, and the training of him has always been the same.

Among all resources, the investment in Metagross is the largest.

Giving the golden legend to Metagross has an immediate effect.

"it is as expected"

Among the probing eyes, one-third of Metagross' original golden aptitude has turned into seven colors.

In other words, there is a higher qualification above the golden qualification, which is the seven-color qualification.

It's just that if you want to completely upgrade your golden aptitude to seven colors, you need at least three golden legends or world treasures.

It is the treasure of the world, not the treasure.

Treasures that are not at the level of the world's most precious treasure basically have no effect on the improvement of Metagross' aptitude.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Qing asked.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: Very comfortable.

Although I don't know what my Trainer just ate for me, but after I ate it, it felt as if an electric current had passed through me "It's extremely comfortable.

Looking at the shaking Metagross, Jiang Qing had a slightly weird expression.

Metagross: What are you thinking.

Jiang Qing: "It's nothing, I just think you've become more handsome"

Metagross was not talking, but his eyes were satisfied with Jiang Qing's words just now.

Ten golden legend shards combine into one golden legend.

There are still five golden legend fragments left in Jiang Qing's hand, that is, it is still halfway, so that a new golden legend can be synthesized.

Special ability upgrade card: upgrade special ability by one level (note: top-level abilities cannot be improved)

Jiang Qing has dual special abilities of waveguide and psychic, and they are both top-level now, so this special ability improvement card has no effect on him

It would be of great help if you get it early.


It is also a pity that there are still a few quasi-championship experience cards. Jiang Qing is already a champion, and these experience cards are obviously useless.

However, the champion pinnacle experience card is still quite useful.

Metagross's current full-strength explosion can match the wrist of the champion peak, but if it explodes at full strength, it can't last for a few minutes.

It would be different if he had the champion peak experience card, which would allow Metagross to directly possess the strength of the champion peak level.

It is still very effective at critical times.

As for other quasi-champion experience cards, they can be used by Dragonite, Lucario and other Elite-level Pokémon. .

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