"Teacher is the one who took away the magnetic levitation, space backpack and the tenth generation solar technology in the city." A voice with a little anger and unwillingness sounded from the exploration team

The scene, which was originally a pleasant atmosphere, suddenly became stiff because of this sentence.

The members of the exploration team secretly scolded the person who said this for not being smart.

When they saw Jiang Qing, they knew that the person who entered the ruins before them was Jiang Qing, so the most important main process technology in the city ruins must have been taken by Jiang Qing.

And Jiang Qing was very inappropriate after copying these three technologies and destroying them all.

Jiang Qing has Metagross, which makes it easy to do.

They all knew that Jiang Qing did it, Mr. Zhang knew it, and Xu Fu knew it, but they didn't say anything.

As smart as you are, we're all stupid, don't you think so.

As long as this person is not Jiang Qing, even if it is a certain national gymnasium owner, that old man will tell this matter.

But now this person is Jiang Qing.

Not to mention who his grandfather is, he himself is no longer something he can preach.

Jiang Qing, who he didn't even dare to preach, was told by his disciples now, and Old Zhang's expression became not very good-looking.

It was his fourth student who said this, that is, the corner of the wall who was interested in Gongyang Nan and wanted Jiang Zhi.

When Zhang Fan finished speaking, he was still very proud in his heart. He felt that all members of the exploration team would stand with him. After all, what he said was for the whole team.

As an exploration team, risking their lives to enter the ruins is not just for scholars to obtain first-hand information, and for Trainers, it is not just for the resources in it.

As long as some advanced science and technology are found, after the successful research of this technology, the entire expedition team will get certain shares or dividends.

At present, some of the technologies they have found in the city are small technologies, and the benefits obtained are limited.

The three most important technologies are all in Jiang Qing's place, and these three are epoch-making technologies, let alone three, as long as one is presented, their names will be recorded in history.

The opportunity to leave his name in history was at hand, but it happened to be destroyed by Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing looked at the person who spoke. From the beginning, this guy's waveguide was hostile to him. Of course, not only him, many people in the exploration team were hostile to him, but he was the most hostile.

As the heir of the Jiang family, he has been trained according to the highest standards since he was a child. In addition, he is also a quasi-champion. Once Jiang Qing is serious, most people really can't hold back his momentum.

Just a pair of eyes, Zhang Fan only felt that he was facing a pressing mountain, his face was flushed, and his breathing began to be difficult.

Just when he was about to feel that he was going to die, Mr. Zhang suddenly stood in front of him.

"Let's forget about Jiang Qing~`"

Zhang Fan is also his student no matter what, so Mr. Zhang naturally can't watch him being bullied by Jiang like this.

"For the sake of Mr. Zhang, let's forget about it."

Jiang Qing smiled and withdrew her momentum.

The other party is the teacher of Gongyang Nan, who does not look at the face of the monk but at the face of the Buddha.

"Hoo hoo hoo"

Zhang Fan knelt on the ground, breathing heavily, and his face turned extremely pale. He just felt like he almost died.

Mr. Zhang's third disciple walked over and helped Zhang Fan up. Usually, his relationship with Zhang Fan is still good.

"It's okay," the other party said with concern.

But Zhang Fan pushed the opponent away, and roared at Jiang Qing: "Why can he possess these three skills? It's because his grandfather is the champion!"

"Sooner or later, Xia Kingdom will be destroyed by your aristocratic families"

When he said this, his expression was hysterical and ferocious.

He was persecuted by the aristocratic family. If it wasn't for his good talent, he eventually became a student of Mr. Zhang. With Mr. Zhang's protection, he would have died in the hands of the family's children.

So he can be said to hate the family very much.

"Old Zhang, I gave you face, but he doesn't live up to it"

Jiang Qing ignored Zhang Fan and looked at Mr. Zhang calmly.

Mr. Zhang sighed and shook his head, "This child is just impulsive."

Jiang Qing didn't care about this, walked up to Zhang Fan, kicked him out, and then pulled him back with a Psychic.

Stomp his head on the ground.

Many people already know that Jiang Qing is a dual ability user, but they don't know that Jiang Qing's dual abilities have reached the top level now.

"Advanced Psychic"

Xu Fu's pupils shrank slightly, Zhang Fan weighed more than a hundred catties, and he could only control a person so easily, he could only be a high-level psychic.

As for top-level Psychic, I'm sorry, "At present, no one in the world has reached the top level of supernatural ability.

So Xu Fu subconsciously felt that Mei Qing's Psychic was advanced.

Stepping on Zhang Fan's head, Jiang Qing said flatly: "You're right, just because my grandfather is the champion, my father is the number one Elite, my uncle is the richest man in Xia Kingdom, and my aunt is the winner of the Arceus Award. My grandfather was a top breeder”

`々With them here, even if I, Jiang Qing, are a trash waiting to die, I am still an existence that most people can't afford to provoke."

"Not to mention I'm not"

"Some were born in Rome, some were born a horse"

"Sorry, I'm the former"

"Fate is so unfair, what you have to do is to improve yourself, instead of telling me these useless nonsense here"

"Even if I kill you now, no one here will say anything"

Jiang Qing's expression was extremely cold: "The Xia Kingdom is inseparable from the aristocratic family, no aristocratic family has the ability to destroy the country"

After speaking, Jiang Qing kicked him out again, but this time he didn't use Psychic to pull him back.

"After Mr. Zhang goes out, discipline you well, such a stupid guy, he will die in the hands of others sooner or later."

Stupid does not mean stupid in IQ, to be able to become a student of Mr. Zhang, this IQ is definitely top-notch. (by Lee)

This stupid refers to emotional intelligence.

I don't know what kind of stuff I am, even if Gongyang Nan doesn't have me, he won't fall in love with you.

Blame yourself in public, "I really thought everyone would be on your side.

This idiot was the only one present who couldn't see the form clearly.

If it wasn't for Gongyang Nan, Jiang Qing would have left the ruins long ago.

"Zhang Fan he-hey-"

Mr. Zhang shook his head, he was quite clear about what his students thought, and it wasn't because of righteousness that Jiang Qing was embarrassed.

If he really had no selfish intentions, he would make things difficult for Jiang Qing, and Mr. Zhang would definitely keep him hooked to the end.

But because of jealousy, the other party made things difficult for Jiang Qing in the name of righteousness, and this was what disappointed Mr. Zhang.

And he had warned Zhang Fan a long time ago not to catch Gongyang Nan's attention.

Gongyang Nan is the granddaughter of Gongyang Jun. Only a few people in Imperial University know this, and Zhang Fan is certainly not among them. .

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