Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

733 Jiang Feng Receives The Certificate

"I came here to remind you not to go to the forest, where there are three pillars guarding the middle stage of the championship." Jiang Qing revealed his intention of coming.

And Mew is Rest at the ancient giant tree.

If it is woken up, Xu Fu and the others are not like they are labeled as good people, maybe they will be quacked by Mew.

The three gods in the middle stage of the three championships, everyone was extremely surprised when they said this.

Xu Fu is the pinnacle of the quasi-championship, and he can be the champion in the early stage when he bursts out with all his strength.

One mid-term champion is enough to hang him, let alone three mid-term champions, and they are still three pillars.

Xu Fu knew that the Three God Pillars had combined skills, and these three would have to kneel even if the Ram Army came.

He didn't feel that Jiang Qing lied to them. After all, Jiang Qing's identity was unnecessary, and Xia Guo would still send people in, and sooner or later they would go to the forest.

"If you insist on going, I won't stop, but Nan Nan won't go with you," Jiang Qing said.

He has said what should be said. If these people really want to die by themselves, then Jiang can't be blamed.

If it wasn't for Gongyang Nan, he wouldn't have appeared in front of these people, and he would have left long ago.

Xu Fu and the other two trainers who were early champions exchanged a glance and said, "Then we'd better not go."

They are not idiots, Jiang Qing has already told them this, if the head iron goes in, they will really be targeted by the three champions, the Sanshenzhu in the middle of 077.

At their level of Trainer, there is still an adventurous spirit, but it is also very important to examine Duodu.

It's fine if you don't know that there are three mid-championship Sanshenzhu in the forest, but now that you know it, and they don't have a way to deal with it, if you continue to move forward, it's really courting death.

"But the outskirts of the forest are still fine, as long as you don't go to such an ancient and huge area."

"There are many new varieties of tree fruit in the periphery"

These berries were all found in a daze, and Jiang Qing also picked a lot.

When the botanist heard that there was a new variety of tree fruit, his expression became excited.

Berries are the main ingredient in crafting Power Cubes and Pokémon Medicines.

The discovery of new varieties of tree fruit will naturally lead to a more comprehensive development of energy cubes and Pokémon medicines, and it will also help Pokémon's strength.

If this new variety of fruit is unique to this ruin, then Xia Guo can monopolize one or even several types of fruit.

Three days later, Jiang Qing led Gongyang Nan out of the (agae) ruins, and the rest of the exploration team continued to explore in the ruins.

Jiang Qing wanted to leave the ruins, but he was really worried about keeping Gongyang Nan in the ruins, so he simply brought Gongyang Nan out.

Although Gongyang Nan regretted not being able to continue exploring the ruins, she still came out with Meiqing, and she didn't want to be Jiang Qing's burden.

Jiang Qing was somewhat touched by such a sensible Gongyang Nan,

As for whether something will happen to the exploration team, it's nothing to send Jiang.

Ram Nan is a mortal, unable to withstand the pressure brought by Teleport, so Metagross can only take them slowly away from the Hala Desert.

Originally, the ruins were located in the cave of the champion-level Bangiras, but now there are ruins here, Bangiras obviously cannot continue to live here,

So after the exploration team entered the ruins, Jiang Oreburgh had a "friendly" negotiation with Banjilas, and Banjilas finally agreed to move.

Otherwise, when Jiang Qing and Gongyang Nan came out of the ruins just now, the first thing they had to face was that Benjilas.

This was what Gongyang Nan told Jiang Qing, otherwise Jiang Qing would have thought about revealing the ruins, and immediately asked her Benji Las to use the beauty trick.

When he came to the outside world, Jiang Qing immediately sent a message to his grandfather, and then checked Moments. He hadn't checked in 2 years, and there were still a lot of updates.

Jiang Qing turned into a praising madman——praising.

Lin Xiu: Brother Jiang is not here, I miss him

Shen Yu: Machamp, the peak of the quasi-Elite, the handsome guy in Machamp, with 10 million breedings at a time.

Still so short of money, Machamp has become a breeding tool, but it's fun too.

Dad: There is no air force today (with photos)

Grandpa: Who wants to go to Huaxiangxiang's concert with me.

He also said that he didn't have an affair with the other party. By the way, did you block grandma when you posted this Moments?

Fang Xian: Before I knew it, I was already the head teacher of the senior special recruit class.

It turned out that I was already a senior.

Uncle: Congratulations on ending your single career (marriage certificate attached)

Jiang Qing, who had already swiped over, was taken aback for a moment, then swiped back again, took a closer look, and then took a closer look, um, it was indeed his uncle.

Looking at the time, I still got the certificate on the seventh day of July, and I got the certificate on the Qixi Festival. Uncle is still very romantic.

This is the eldest aunt.

Jiang Qing looked at the photo on the marriage certificate, the woman who didn't look very beautiful, but felt very gentle at a glance.

This is my uncle's green plum.

When I opened the family group, I saw that the number of people increased by one, originally it was six, but now it has become seven.

Group pet Jiang Qing: Uncle, you haven't held a wedding with your aunt yet.

Jiang Qing didn't see the photos of the wedding in the circle of friends of the uncle, most likely just got the certificate, and the wedding hasn't been held yet.

The man who caught Kyogre: You are finally out, you son of a bitch, did you get anything.

Jiang Qing casually sent that Tai Sui up.

Group favorite Jiang Qing: In the future, our family will easily live to be three or four hundred years old (with photos)

Head of the family: Good grandson, is this Tai Sui?

Group pet Jiang Qing: Grandpa has good eyesight.

With such a big Tai Sui, Jiang Lan couldn't say how happy he was that he could really catch Kyogre in his lifetime.

Happy chairman: Xiaoqing, this is a wedding present for me and your aunt.

Head of the family: Your uncle will not hold the wedding until you come out.

The happy chairman's wife: Hello Xiaoqing, I am Yuwei, thank you for curing me.

Happy Chairman: Xiaowei, don't be polite with Xiaoqing, he is not an outsider.

Group favorite Jiang Qing: Uncle is right. Auntie doesn’t need to be polite to me. Now that I’m out, you can discuss the date of marriage.

The man who caught Kyogre: Brother, when the time comes, I will catch you a Gyarados as a newlywed Present.

Without Jiang Qing, Yuwei would not wake up, so Jiang Feng and Yuwei first got the certificate, and as for the wedding, wait for Jiang Qing to come out of the ruins.

Withdrew from the chat interface, Jiang Qing suddenly found that Gong Yangnan was leaning softly on her body, breathing heavily.

what? - my own hands

The left hand that was holding the waist of the ram, somehow moved up.

Jiang Qing: "This hand has its own ideas, do you believe it?"

Gongyang Nan: "Well~~".

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