Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

731 Jiang Qing Appears

In the end, Mr. Zhang decided to listen to Xu Fo's suggestion and go to the forest tomorrow. To be honest, he was also very curious about the huge tree. Although he was not a botanist, he was doing research. Curiosity is a common problem of researchers.

When Gongyang Nan heard this, she sighed secretly, because of Jiang Qing, she knew that the tree was called an ancient giant tree, and it was guarded by three mid-champion Pokémon.

With this strength, not to mention Xu Fu and the others, even his grandfather would have to kneel when he came.

But she didn't stop or say anything. As a scholar, he knew very well that what he said now was useless, even if he told the truth.

As long as these people didn't see it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it.

Unless Jiang Qing showed up to tell them in person.

The next day, Jiang Qing, who had been watching the exploration team all the time, suddenly they didn't explore in the city today, but walked towards the forest instead.

This made Jiang Qing sigh heavily, and sure enough, just as he thought, Gongyang Nan did not succeed in stopping them.

No surprises.

"It seems that we still have to show up," Jiang Qing muttered.

After taking a look at Metagross, the latter will use Teleport to take Jiang Qing away.

In the next 3 seconds, Jiang Qing appeared in front of the exploration team.

Facing the sudden Jiang Qing, before Xu Fu could react, the Pokémon Sun Pokémon beside him immediately used Psyshock.

Because Jiang Qing was too close to them, only less than ten meters away, second, because Jiang Qing appeared too suddenly, and third, there were no other humans here except them.

These three reasons are why Espeon shot without Xu Fo's order.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross used Psychic to block Espeon's Psyshock without causing a little move collision aftermath.

"Scare Iraq"

Espeon immediately looked at Metagross vigilantly, taking over his moves so easily, the opponent's strength was no less than his own, even higher than his own.

It can block the Psyshock by itself, but it can't do it if it wants to block it without generating any aftermath like Metagross.

The sudden appearance of strangers also made the members of the exploration team very nervous. At this time, Gongyang Nan shouted in surprise: "Jiang Qing!"

After speaking, he trotted towards Jiang Qing.

Having not seen Jiang Qing for more than half a year, Gongyang Nan naturally missed him very much.

Seeing Gongyang Nan running towards him, Jiang Qing subconsciously reached out and hugged him.

So the two embraced under the eyes of more than forty people.

"So it's the owner Jiang, why is he here?" Guo Li asked curiously.

She is the early stage of the quasi-champion. As a female trainer, it is absolutely amazing to be able to become the early stage of the quasi-champion.

Many female trainers regard her and Hua Xiangxiang as their idols.

"Didn't you say that someone came in one step ahead of time, now who do you think this person is?" Another quasi-champion early stage trainer Ma Chen said.

Ma Chen is from the Ma family, and also Ma Minmin's uncle. He is currently the most powerful trainer in the Ma family except for a few old ones.

"It's really a scary young man. I remember Xu Fu Elite's Espeon is a Pokémon in the late stage of the quasi-champion. Jiang's Metagross is actually

I can easily block its attack." Ma Chen sighed, with a hint of disappointment in his words

Compared with Jiang Qing, at his own age, he was like a pig.

"Be careful, you can't even compare with Jiang Lan, his son is even more evil, so don't think too much about it," Guo Li said lightly.

His words made Ma Chen's face stiffen.

"Don't talk to me" Ma Chen said angrily.

He is a Trainer of the same era as Jiang Lan. He was suppressed by Jiang Lan when he was young. Now that he is fine, it is his son's turn.

This is really fucked up.

Guo Li shrugged her shoulders, indicating that she stopped talking.

In the team, Gongyang Nan's fourth senior brother had a very ugly expression on his face, looking at Jiang Qing almost made Spit Up angry.

After the waveguide's power was raised to the top level, Jiang Qing's sensitivity to the waveguide became more acute. Feeling that the waveguide was malicious to him, Jiang Qing couldn't help looking at the exploration team.

The fourth senior brother reacted quickly, and immediately withdrew his gaze, lowered his head, and prevented Jiang Qing from seeing his extreme face.

Here Jiang Qing has brought Gongyang Nan to the exploration team to face.

"Xu Elite"

Jiang Qing greeted Xu Fu. The other party was a trainer of the same period as her grandfather, and her strength was still at the peak of a quasi-championship. He was a trainer worthy of Meiqing's respect.

"Jiang Qing, you are the one watching us these few days," Xu Fu suddenly realized.

These days, he has always had a feeling of being watched, but when he dispatched Pokémon, he found nothing. He thought he was sensitive, but now it seems that he is not.


Jiang Qing nodded, and looked at Xu Fu quite unexpectedly. With Gengar's absolute invisibility, the other party and his Pokémon should not be able to sense it.

Sure enough, the trainers who have been famous for a long time have their own advantages.

In fact, Xu Fu only had a vague feeling and was not sure. Jiang Qing said so now, which meant that they were really under Jiang Qing's surveillance stage during this time.

Feeling a little nervous, if Meiqing is the enemy, maybe they are all dead.

"Old Zhang"

Jiang Qing's second person to greet him was naturally Mr. Zhang, who was a master of the scholar class, with a high status both in the academic world and in Imperial University.

Mr. Zhang is also one of Xia Guo's 020 business cards.

The business card of a country is not just a champion trainer, but also a scholar with great research results.

At school Jiang Qing also attended several of his lectures and asked a question.

"Jiang Qing, I remember you," Mr. Zhang said with a smile.

His so-called remembering is not because of Jiang Qing's fame or because of his grandfather, but Jiang Qing asked a question in his lecture, which made him remember Jiang Qing.

This question is whether it is possible for ordinary Pokémon to break through to level 100. At that time, Mr. Zhang did not give Jiang Qing an answer.

In fact, Jiang Qing is not the first to raise this question, many people have raised it.

Many scholars believe that the limit for ordinary Pokémon to become a champion is the limit, and if they want to cross this limit, their innate factors are not enough.

"Nan Nan often mentions you in front of me," Mr. Zhang said with a smile.

Jiang Qing smiled and nodded.

Gongyang Nan blushed slightly, and when he lowered his head, he realized that his hand was being held by Jiang Qing. He wanted to Struggle, but he gave up the idea.

She hadn't seen Jiang Qing for a long time, so she naturally wanted to get closer. Even with so many people in front of her now, she didn't want to let go of Jiang Qing's hand.

However, her face has become more rosy, and she looks very attractive. .

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