Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

444 Using Me As A Gun

"Fang Teacher, you are looking for me"

It was obvious that someone was on the phone at the front of the desk. After Jiang Qing opened the door and went in, he sat on the sofa beside him and waited for the other party.

Soon Fang Xian hung up the phone: "The person in charge of the Jiang Qing Tianshan Wilderness Reserve discovered that a group of poachers had sneaked into the reserve."

"The school wants you to deal with it"


Jiang Qing nodded. As a student of Imperial Capital University, in addition to completing the fixed half-yearly school assessment tasks.

At other times, the school will also give you tasks, but you have the right to refuse this task.

Of course, basically no student will refuse. After all, there are so many students in Imperial Capital University, why should I give this task to you.

It's not because your strength is strong enough that the school will give you the task.

And in most cases, Imperial University rarely gives up on love.

Because Jiang Qing is now an Elite, the task given to Jiang Qing must match his strength.

Seeing that Jiang Qing was about to leave, Fang Xian immediately called to stop him.

"Fang Teacher, what else is there?"

"Why don't you ask who the poachers are?" Fang Xian said helplessly.

Jiang Qing made sense: "Who is it?"

"It's the Kuixing Poaching Squad, with about 20 members. The leader, Kuixing, is in the middle of the Elite class. He has three sub-leaders who are quasi-Elite peaks. You don't have to worry about the other guys."

"It's them." Jiang Qing nodded.

The Kui 600 star poaching group is very well-known in the circle. It is said that as long as the money is enough, Kyogre will catch you back and make fish heads with pickled peppers.

The joke is a joke, but the other party did capture the quasi-Celestic quasi-god cub, and the quasi-god snatched an Elite Pokémon.

It has been more than ten years, and the Kuixing poaching group has not been caught yet.

Then it's not just a question of strength, the opponent's hand Duan Ye is very clever.

"Do you want a helper?"

There are several people in the special recruitment class at the school, and the assassin Hu Yi is a very good candidate.

"Are you sure it's a helper?" Jiang Qing looked at Fang Xian suspiciously.

If you are alone, even if you can't fight, you can still walk.

But if there is one more helper, the other party is controlled by the enemy and used to threaten him, what should he do.

What else can I do, (bhdg) of course counterattacked, killing the enemy, even if the helper is dead, it can be regarded as Retaliate for him.

"Okay, let's go, be safe"

Fang Xian waved his hand impatiently, understanding what Jiang Qing just said.

Jiang Qing may need a helper, but this helper cannot be much weaker than him in strength, otherwise the helper will become a burden at that time.

The Tianshan Wilderness Reserve is located in the east of the Imperial Capital, and it is one of the top ten wilderness reserves in the Xia Kingdom. There are many Pokémon living in it, even Zhun Shendu.

It is rumored that someone saw Suicune, the legendary incarnation of the North Wind, here. At that time, many Trainers went there with the idea that they were the Child of Destiny.

Under the influence of greed, someone polluted the water source in the reserve with poison, causing a large number of Pokémon to die tragically, in order to attract Suicune to appear.

Because Suicune has the ability to purify the water source, as long as it is in this protected area, seeing the water source become like this, and countless Pokémon are poisoned to death, "it will definitely appear.

But Suicune really appeared, hundreds of Trainer branches were in various locations in the river, and they immediately knew about Suicune's appearance.

Peeping at the power that one should not peep at and cannot grasp, the price is death.

That day the Suicune finished off anyone who tried to kill Pokémon.

After that, Suicune never appeared again, not even the whole Xia Kingdom saw the shadow of Suicune.

The last time he was spotted was three years ago in Kimchi Country.

Then Suicune naturally became the country of kimchi.

After all, in the eyes of Kimchi Country, all good things belong to them.

Back home, put all the Pokémon back into the Poké Ball, and took some things.

Just when Jiang Qing was about to leave, Gongyang Nan walked in.

"Are you going out?"

I saw that Jiang Qing was carrying a bag and even put on windproof glasses.

"Well, there's something wrong"

"How did you get in here"

"The door is not closed"

Gongyang Nan pointed to the open door.

Well, he did forget to turn it off when he came in just now.

"If there's nothing urgent, I'll go first"

Gongyang Nan nodded, she just came here to study the Pokémon that has a stomachache.

"Close the door for me when I leave"

After speaking, Jiang Qing rode on Dragonite and left here.

"Use me with a gun, forget it, I will ask you to compensate me when you come back," Gongyang said.

Now there is a rumor circulating among the aristocratic family, the content of the rumor is that Jiang Qing is not only an Elite Trainer, but also a top breeder.

The reason why his Pokémon is so powerful is because of the improved version of the energy cube produced by him, a top breeder.

If normal people hear this, they will definitely think it is a rumor and it is false.

Jiang Qing became an Elite in less than 20 years. Although he is very powerful, everyone can accept this. After all, Jiang Qing has the support of the huge Jiang family behind him, and he is also the sole heir.

Give him all the benefits, and it's nothing unusual to become an Elite before the age of twenty.

But breeders are different "This requires a lot of knowledge accumulation.

If it's a junior or intermediate breeder in the twenties, it's nothing unusual.

There are records even in China that became a senior breeder at the age of 20.

But top breeders, let alone domestic ones, there is no top breeder in the whole world who is 20 years old.

It is absolutely impossible for you to become a top breeder without decades of knowledge accumulation and understanding.

So most of them don't believe that Jiang Qing is a top breeder.

But then again, if Jiang Qing is not a top breeder, then why is his Pokémon so powerful, especially that Metagross[ is simply unscientific synonymous.

Gongyang Nan was indeed fooled by Jiang Qing before, and accidentally told his little sister about it, and the other party agreed to keep it a secret.

The result - huh huh huh

If she hadn't found that grandpa was always asking about whether Jiang Qing is a top breeder, and attributed Jiang Qing's Pokémon's power to his status as a top breeder

At the same time, some of the descendants of the aristocratic families who were close to her were more or less asking her about the authenticity of this question.

Only then did Gongyang Nan realize that he was being shot by Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing used himself to fabricate his identity as a top breeder, thus explaining the root cause of his Pokémon being so unscientific.

If Jiang Qing knew that her tricks were detected by Gongyang Nan so quickly, I don't know if she would praise her for being smart and amazing.

But as a future Pokémon scholar, she's already smart. .

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