Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

443 Dazed: None Of These

Hahaha I laughed so hard, everyone, this idiot actually fell in love with my girlfriend, and my girlfriend just played with it casually.

It turned out to be serious.

Don't take a pee to see what you look like.

The number five golden Magikarp keeps taunting, attracting quite a few other Pokémon at the same time.

The other Magikarp around also laughed and squawked.

No. 10 Magikarp was heartbroken in the face of so many ridicules around him, but he still looked at No. 8 Magikarp with a glimmer of hope and said: So you are playing tricks on me.

No. 8 Magikarp nodded as a matter of course: How could I like a fool like you, it's just too boring to stay here, just playing with you to pass the time.

No. 10 Magikarp lowered his head and said in a deep voice: Really?

A Magikarp swam up to Magikarp No. 10, and a water splash knocked it out: What are you pretending to do with us.

No. 5 golden Magikarp with one mouth: brothers get it for me.

As a result, other Magikarp used water splash jump towards No. 10 Magikarp.

Although this doesn't hurt much, every time it hits, there will be a crack in the number ten Magikarp's heart, especially when it hears number eight Magikarp say.

Kill it, give it.

There are more and more cracks in the heart.

"Mom, that Magikarp is so pitiful, being bullied by other Magikarp"

A little Stephanie in the mall pointed to Magikarp No. 10, and could see that other Magikarp were constantly attacking it.

"Because it is too weak, if you are as weak as it in the future, you may be the one who is bullied," mother taught.

"Mom, I will not be that Magikarp, I will be the Magikarp who bullies it," little Stephanie said very seriously.


Mom realized that her education just now seemed to have gone wrong.

Especially when she saw a man followed by Slowking looking at her strangely, she should have heard the conversation between their mother and daughter just now.

"Mom means we can't be bullied and we can't bully others"

"Why can't you bully others, I like to bully my younger brother" ~ younger brother" Little Stephanie said.

No. 10 Magikarp: Lied to me, so they all lied to me, lied to me!!!

With a roar in its heart, it seemed to hear the sound of the shackles breaking, and a dazzling white light emerged from the shattering.

In an instant, the entire glass column was replaced by a touch of bright white.

In the white light, the body of No. 10 Magikarp is changing rapidly, and the body is constantly getting bigger and longer.

"Kacha Kacha"

At the moment of evolution, a powerful energy erupted in Magikarp's body, and under the washing of this energy, cracks appeared in the glass pillar.

"Not good, it's going to break"

"Closer the cracks with Pokémon"

Many customers in the mall carry smaller Pokémon with them, and the customers who come to Metagross shopping center are basically Trainers.

" Dewgong Freezing Rays"

"Feraligatr Freeze Ray"

"Cloyster Freeze Rays"


More than a dozen Pokémon shot together, all skills are freezing light, trying to plug the cracks in this way.

But their strength is not enough.

And this glass pillar is as high as 180 meters, and the cracks are concentrated at the bottom. At such a depth, how much pressure is there.

These cracks were just frozen by the freezing light, but the sound of cracking came again in the next second, and the cracks had already spread upward.

If the entire glass pillar is broken, the water inside will instantly pour into the first layer, and casualties will inevitably occur at that time.


Inside the glass pillars, Tianxian Magikarp have evolved into Gyarados.

The level has been directly raised from level 20 to level 68.

It is looking fiercely at the Magikarp in front of it, especially the No. 8 Magikarp who is playing with its feelings.

Magikarp No. 8: It's too late for me to regret it now.

The Magikarps are all dumbfounded, when, how did this guy suddenly evolve.

Could it be that being played with emotions is the key to the evolution of our Magikarp family?

A saffron-colored light gathered in Gyarados' mouth.

"The Magikarp inside has evolved into Gyarados, run now"

If this Hyper Beam is shot out, it can definitely shatter the originally weak glass pillar.

"Stay, Chen Guangguang"

"It's useless, we've already fucked me just now"

A certain Trainer hadn't finished speaking when he saw the freezing light, which actually froze the entire glass column, including the water and Pokémon inside.

The gray Gyarados was still in Hyper Beam motion, just frozen.

The crisis has been resolved, Jiang Qing looked at the gray Gyarados, it is okay to have a different color, but unfortunately the qualifications are not good, and the Attribute does not match him.

But why did this guy suddenly evolve?

"Yah dong"

Daidai: Don't read, go shopping for clothes.

"Oh oh good"

Jiang Qing withdrew his gaze and continued to wander around the first floor in a daze.

The relevant personnel from the shopping center here also rushed over, seeing the completely frozen glass pillars, they said in disbelief: ". "Which Elite made the move?"

A glass pillar with a diameter of 100 meters and a height of 180 meters contains tens of thousands of tons of water, and it is still sea water. Because of the salt, it is more difficult to freeze sea water than fresh water.

Now the whole glass column is frozen.

The cold air emanating from above made him, a quasi-Elite, shiver with cold.

Only Elite Pokémon can do this.

That's why he thought it was a certain Trainer who made the move.

And Jiang Qing and Daidai have already left this other party.

Now they are trying on clothes in a men's clothing store.

Rather than saying that she is trying on clothes, it is better to say that Baobao is choosing clothes.

A more interesting scene appeared.

Jiang Qing was sitting on the sofa provided to rest in the store, playing with his mobile phone.

Daidai was in the store choosing clothes and trousers for Jiang Qing, accompanied by a female shopping guide.

"Yah boom, yeah boom, yeah boom, yeah boom"

Every time he walked to a row of clothes, he would order a few pieces casually.

The female shopping guide on the side (Zhao Wangzhao) nodded: "Do you want to buy these?"

"Yah boom?"

He looked back blankly at the female shopping guide, and after thinking for a moment, he took out a pack of walnuts from the small schoolbag behind him and handed it to her.

"Thank you, but we have a rule that you can't eat from the guests"

The female shopping guide was very happy to see that Daidai was so polite, but she still refused.

"Then I'll pack these clothes for you?" the female shopping guide said.

But Dazed shook his head.

"Do you not like these clothes?" the female shopping guide asked puzzled.

"Yah dong"

He blankly yelled at Jiang Qing who was playing with his mobile phone.

"Oh oh, here we come"

Jiang Qing put down the phone, walked over and said, "Didly means that you don't want what it just pointed out, and leave all the rest to it Lu"

"Yah dong"

He nodded blankly.

Then he stuffed walnuts into the hands of the female shopping guide.

With this IQ, you still don’t eat walnuts, so what are you waiting for?

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