Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

445 The Savior Of The African Emirates, Poksky

The Tianshan Wilderness Reserve is actually a large-scale wild forest, but compared to the truly unmanaged and dangerous wild forest.

The wilderness reserve is relatively safer, and the Pokémon inside is gentler than those in the wild, and the desire to attack is not so strong.

At the same time, there are many Pokémon that are relatively rare outside the reserve.

About an hour later, the dragon had landed at the gate of the reserve.

On the way, Jiang Qing had already contacted the person in charge of the reserve and told him roughly the time of his arrival.

So just after falling, the person in charge who had already come out soon came to Jiang Qing.

"Are you Manager Li?"

Put the Dragonite back into the Poké Ball: "I am Jiang Qing who just contacted you, the school sent me to arrest the Kuixing Poaching Group"

"I'm really bothering you, Young Master Jiang"

"Jiang Shao enters the house first, and we will talk in detail after entering the house"

Jiang Qing nodded, and then followed Manager Li to his office.

"Jiang Shao tea or coffee?" Manager Li said.

Water is enough,” Jiang Qing said.

Pour Jiang Qing a glass of water.

"Manager Li, can you tell me what Pokémon are the main targets of Kuixing poachers?" Jiang Qing asked.

There are many precious Pokémon populations in the protected area, and this protected area is very large. If there is no general location, how can Jiang Qing find this poaching hide in such a large place.

You can't use the Dowsing Machine to find someone.

So you have to figure out what Pokémon are the main target of the poaching group, as long as you know this, you will have a better chance of finding them.

"There are Scyther populations, Houndoom populations, Electabuzz populations, Sudowoodo populations in the wilderness reserve, and a few Gyarados in the central lake"

Seeing that Manager Li is so precious, Jiang Qing did not expect that there are so many precious and rare Pokémon in this wilderness reserve, even Gyarados.

"Maybe God?" Jiang Qing asked.

He had heard that there was a quasi-god here before.

Manager Li shook his head: "How could there be a quasi-god? This is all the boss hired someone to spread the word."

If someone else asked this question, he would definitely say that there are quasi-gods in the protected area, and whether you can catch them depends on your luck.

But the person who came was Jiang Qing, so there was no need to tell lies.

Besides, what kind of quasi-god do people want, just tell Jiang Guanjun.

"The poaching party is targeting Gyarados"

The Pokémon within the protection, in terms of strength and quantity, you Gyarados are definitely a large but few existence.

Few people sell Gyarados in the market, and once they appear, they are basically sold in auction houses. Even a Gyarados with green qualifications can easily sell for seven or eight billion.

"I don't think so." Manager Li shook his head: "They should be here for the Togekiss. Two Togekiss appeared in the reserve half a month ago."

The environment of the reserve is very good, so it often attracts a large number of wild Pokémon to come here.


Jiang Qing's voice became a little louder, with a look of surprise on his face.

Although Togekiss is not a quasi-god, in terms of quantity, it is even more quasi-god than quasi-god, and it is pitifully few.

And Poksky is a lucky Pokémon, which is what most mascots look like.

Because it represents luck, some non-chiefs also hang Poksky on the walls, trying to change their luck in this way.

LOL, this doesn't work at all.

Thinking that I had put it on my bed for half a year, but I was still 100% paralyzed by Lick.

Jiang Qing broke this rumor with his actual actions.

It is very, very rare to witness Pokémon in the wild, and this kind of Pokémon will not appear in the war-torn Region.

This is also known as the Pokémon that brings peace.

In short, Poksky means beauty and luck, and the length is in line with most aesthetics, and the strength is strong, but the number is pitiful.

The combination of these makes Poksky a favorite of the quasi-gods.

Especially for Fairy and Flying trainers, this is their dream Pokémon, and of course African chieftains.

"Then do you know where they are in the reserve now?" Jiang Qing asked.

If what Manager Li said is true, then the Kuixing poaching group should target Pokowski.

Compared with Poksy, what Gyarados, what Scyther is simply weak, there is no comparison at all.

"I don't know, it was seen by the patrol team. I can't even confirm whether Poksky and the others are still in this protected area." Manager Li shook his head.

"Maybe they are just passing by, and it's better to pass by, it's not safe anymore"

The reserve has a large number of patrols patrolling every day, the purpose is naturally to protect the safety of the Pokémon inside and the safety of the Trainer entering the reserve.

…… Ask for flowers………

In the reserve, there is no limit on the number of Pokémon except for some rare races of Pokémon, which are subject to a limit.

However, the ticket to enter once needs 10 million, which is not affordable for Normal people, and they can only tame three Pokémon.

It can be found that the Kuixing poaching group is also mainly a patrol team, and three members died.

"Give me a copy of Manager Li's map"


Manager Li took out a map of the reserve, and pointed to two places with his finger: "This is the place where Poksky was found, and this is the place where the poaching group was found."

These two places are quite far apart, and it is estimated that the Kuixing poaching group may not know whether the two Poksky are still in the protected area.

If not they might switch to Gyarados instead.

"I'll go and have a look first"

Putting away the map, Jiang Qing left here, and continued to ask, but couldn't ask anything.

Go to the place where the poaching group was found first. It would be even better if you can find the traces of their departure.

"Dragonite Go"

Riding on the Dragonite, Jiang Qing quickly headed in a certain direction.

It didn't take long to come to the place where the poaching group was found before.

The surrounding trees were broken, and there were many traces of fighting and blood.

"Arcanine smell it and see if you can find anything" Jiang Qing said.

The poaching group appeared here yesterday. If so, then the smell must still be there. With Arcanine's sense of smell, it's probably possible to smell something.


Arcanine suddenly let out a scream.

Then Jiang Qing saw it sneezing continuously, and it took a long time before it stopped.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Qing asked worriedly.

Arcanine: Master, my nose is out of order.

Arcanine found that she couldn't smell anything from her nose, and looked at Jiang Qing pitifully for a while.

I checked Arcanine's Contest Condition and found that there is nothing wrong with it, and the nose failure is only temporary.

"It's okay, it'll be fine later," Jiang Qing comforted, patting the other person's head.

Obviously, the Kuixing Poaching Group has already made preparations in terms of smell, and tracking them by smell will not work.

Thinking about it, they have been wanted by Xia Guo for more than ten years. This poaching group has always existed, and they will definitely not let go if they have no skills.

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