Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

442 How This Family Survives

442 How This Family Survives

"Yah dong"

Magearna was also curious to watch Jiang Qing who was playing vibrato on the sofa, but Jiang Qing didn't hear him because he was so absorbed in the reading.

He didn't react until he was slightly pushed by Magearna.

"What's the matter?"

"Yah dong"

Dadai was holding the clothes that Jiang Qing wore yesterday. It was going to be washed today, but it was found that the clothes were torn.

"This dress was bitten by Arcanine"

Seeing the damage on the clothes, I accidentally tore them yesterday, but as long as I don't say anything, Arcanine is the one who broke the clothes.

When Jiang Qing said this, he didn't pay attention to Arcanine lying on the edge of the sofa at all.

Teach Magearna what it means to talk nonsense with your eyes open.

Arcanine tilted her head and looked at her own Trainer.

Is it because I didn't demolish the house today, you are gone.

"Yah dong"

Dazed: Wait, go to the mall to buy some clothes and pants, yours are from last year.

Jiang Qing, who is a bit of an otaku attribute, based on the principle of not wanting to go out to 17 for nothing, shook his head and said: "Why do you go to buy that stuff that you can wear last year?"

"Yah dong"

Daidai: I'll go upstairs to get some walnuts, you prepare them.

After speaking, he went upstairs in a daze. He didn't listen to Jiang Qing's words at all.

Watching Daidai go upstairs, Jiang Qing said to Arcanine: "Do you think I will listen to Daidai?"


Arcanine: Yes.

Petting Arcanine's dog's head, Jiang Qing said with a smile: "My dog ​​is getting smarter and smarter, the answer is correct."

Then he looked at the confused Magearna, and said earnestly: "Magearna, today I will tell you one thing, the most important thing is to survive in this family."

Seeing Jiang Qing being so serious, Magearna's little face also became serious. If it wasn't for the lack of pen and paper, it would have taken notes.

"That's it" Jiang Qing's expression was serious, and his voice was drawn out.

Magearna: Yes

Arcanine: Yes

"Listen to dumb words, listen to dumb words, listen to dumb words"

The important thing is said three times, as a trainer, Jiang Qing has the responsibility to let Magearna know who is the worst person to mess with in this family.

Not myself as a Trainer, nor the strongest Metagross.

Instead, he took care of the daily life of a large family, and took care of the whole house in an orderly manner.

If you offend Daidai, you won't be able to stay in this family anymore.

"Magearna, do you understand?"


Magearna nodded seriously, it turns out that Daidai is the real boss.

Just at this time, Dadai came down from downstairs after taking the walnuts, and happened to see Magiana looking at him with eyes.

Daidai: What's the matter with this child's clear and stupid eyes.

"Yah dong"

Thinking of this, he blankly handed Magearna a pack of small walnuts.

Because Magearna is a man-made Pokémon, and its body is an inexplicable existence like a soul heart, it is dispensable for food.

Magearna: Thanks man.


Hearing this address in a daze, he subconsciously looked at Jiang Qing, as if asking, what did you say to it when I just went upstairs.

"Stay Magearna, this is respect for you," Jiang Qing said with a sarcastic smile.

After taking a look at Jiang Qing, he was dumbfounded and didn't bother to say anything. What can he do with such a Trainer at the booth.

Putting Metagross and Lucario back into the Poké Ball, Gengar took the initiative to sneak into Jiang Qing's shadow, and the rest of the Pokémon stayed at home, including Celebi of course.

When we got to the school gate, we took a taxi and went straight to Metagross Shopping Center.

After more than half an hour, Lian stopped at the Metagross shopping center.

Looking at the logo of the shopping mall Metagross, and the Metagross inside is still silver, I don't need to think about it and know that this is the property of Jiang's family.

Metagross Shopping Center is one of the largest and most luxurious shopping malls in the Imperial Capital. Anyone who comes in will spend millions of dollars as a base.

The entire shopping center has 30 floors. The higher the floor, the more expensive the goods. On the top few floors, all kinds of precious Pokémon props, evolution stones, Pokémon eggs, etc. are sold.

Jiang Qing is on the first floor, because only the first floor sells clothes and cosmetics, these two things are the cheapest in the whole shopping center, so it is on the first floor.

The most striking thing about the whole mall is that there is a huge glass pillar in the center of the mall, which runs through the first to thirty floors.

And in this pillar, there are various water system Pokémon. It seems that the entire ocean world has been moved in.

There are a dozen more Magikarp in it, but none of them are normal Magikarp, all are heterochromatic Magikarp.

Magikarp is the most numerous Pokémon, so on that large base, it also has the most variants.

Basically, the market value of a heterochromatic Magikarp is about five million.

If it hadn't been figured out so far, what is the key to Magikarp's evolution into Gyarados, otherwise the value would definitely be multiplied by ten.

Since coming here, Magikarp Ten has fallen in love with Magikarp Eight at first sight.

No. 8 Magikarp's white scales, elegant swimming posture, and strong fish tail all deeply attracted No. 10 Magikarp.

And it was just an ugly gray Magikarp, and it was the skinniest of the dozen or so Magikarp.

When I first came here, I was often bullied by other Magikarp, and it was the No. 8 carp 367 who kept helping it.

Looking at No. 8 Magikarp, No. 10 Magikarp doesn't want to continue to have a crush on her. She wants to confess to her, just today, right now, right now.

It came to number eight Magikarp.

Number Eight Magikarp: What's wrong with you?

No. 10 Magikarp took deep breaths, deep breaths, and then: I like you, can you be my girlfriend.

Ran and Number Eight Magikarp just looked at it, as if startled by its words.

Just as Magikarp lost on the 10th and was about to leave.

It heard number eight Magikarp say: OK.

Magikarp No. 10 turned around in surprise and looked at Magikarp No. 8: What you said is true?

Number Eight Magikarp: Well, do you want to hear something like that.

Number Ten Magikarp: What do you mean.

Number Eight Magikarp: What do you think it means.

"It means you don't deserve it"

I saw No. 5 golden Magikarp swimming in front of No. 8 Magikarp.

The Magikarp No. 10 saw that No. 8's tail was flapping with the Magikarp's tail.

"Impossible, how could you be together"

No. 8 Magikarp: I bet my boyfriend that after I help you, you will fall in love with me and confess to me.

Now it looks like I won.

No. 5 golden Magikarp looked at No. 10 Magikarp with disdain: You don't even look at what you look like, you are worthy of finding love. .

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