Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

398 Gabite Vs Altaria

Although Bian Fu knew about Jiang Qing, his information about Jiang Qing was outdated, and he had no idea what Jiang Qing had done during this time.

If he knew that Jiang Qing3VS3 had defeated the owner of the national rock system gymnasium, how could he agree to Jiang Qing's challenge.

He is only in the early stage of Elite, and he usually brags in front of Cao Lang, but this kid is so honest that he actually believes it.

"Idiot, don't you dare?"

Seeing Bian Fu's expression of hesitation, Cao Ying sneered: "If you don't dare, then admit defeat, you won't be ashamed to lose to my dear grandson."

"Elder Cao, who said I wouldn't dare, but it's hard to hold back in an Elite-level battle, or an elite-level battle, which can just train my newly acquired Pokémon"

"Of course, if Jiang Qing doesn't have this level of Pokémon, then this battle will be forgotten"

Of course, Bian Fu would not admit that he was afraid, but if he had an elite battle with Jiang Qing, he would have no chance of winning.

But if it was an elite battle, he didn't think he would lose.

His Pokémon is a Careful Breeder.

Jiang Qing also heard Bian Fu's words and nodded directly: "I have an elite Pokémon"

Grandma was upset with this guy. As a grandson, Jiang Qing naturally had to teach him a lesson. As for what the other party was up to, he was of course very clear.

"Okay, let's have an elite battle," Bian Fu said confidently.

There are many descendants of the Cao family, so there are naturally many battle venues in the manor, and the group came to an empty battle venue.

"Besides Elite, I don't think I need to open the protective cover, and the aftermath of the elite-level Pokémon battle is not too big," Jiang Qing said.

Hearing this, Bian Fu hesitated for a moment and then nodded: "Yes."

The two sides were already standing at opposite ends of the field, and Jiang Qing threw the Poké Ball.

"It's Gabite"

Cao Lang looked excitedly at Gabite standing in the arena, this is the Dragon Pokémon he wanted most.

As a quasi-god of the dragon family, Garchomp, the last evolutionary form, is so handsome that he has no friends, and he can also perform Mega Evolution.

Pokémon: Gabite (Dragon/Ground)

Grade: 47

Qualification: blue

Ability: Rough Skin

Props: Dragon Tooth

Gender: male

Moves: Sand Tomb, Tackle, Sand Tomb, Dragon Breath, Bulldoze, Bite, Slash, Dragon Claw

Skill Discs: Take Down, Scary Face, Protection, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Dragon Tail, Sandstorm, Dig, Shadow Claw, Dragon Pulse, Earthquake

Genetic Abilities: Dragon Stars, Twister, Dig, Dragon Claw

After Gabite came out, his fierce eyes looked at Bian Fu on the opposite side.

Bian Fu did not expect that the elite-level Pokémon sent by Jiang Qing would be Gabite, and the way he looked at the other party gave him a very bad feeling.

Soon he also sent his own Pokémon.

Pokémon: Altaria (Dragon Flying)

Grade: 49

Qualification: green

Ability: Natural Recovery

Props: Dragon Scale

Gender: female

Moves: Dragon Pulse, Growl, Mist, Peck, Disarming Voice, Fury Attack, Round, Dragon Breath, Safeguard, Sing, Cotton Defense, Take Down, Moonblast

Skill discs: Protection, Aerial Ace, Swift, Dragon Claw, Dazzling Gleam, Fly, Ultimate Shock, Hurricane, Brave Bird

Genetic Abilities: Feather Dance, Astonish, Roost, Tailwind

Looking at Altaria flying in the air, with its white feathers, slender neck and clear singing, its posture and eyes look very good.

This Pokémon opponent is really well bred.

It's just that my own Gabite is better.

"Teacher really sent Altaria. This is the Pokémon that Teacher has carefully cultivated this year. Even Gabite may not be its Rival"

Cao Lang is obviously very confident in Bian Fu, especially this Altaria, which has never been defeated since its debut, and even defeated Pokémon with a higher level than it.

"The Pokémon raised by this straw bag is not bad"

Cao Ying nodded, she could naturally see that this Altaria was excellent, but soon she set her sights on Jiang Qing's Gabite.

"Body shape, eyes, breath, all these years, I have never seen such an excellent Gabite, even the Xia family may not be able to produce such an excellent Fang Fang Lu


If it is admiration for Altaria, then it is amazing and unbelievable for Gabite. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes [she would hardly believe that such an excellent Gabite would appear in front of her.

When she thought that Gabite was her grandson Breeder, Cao Ying immediately felt a sense of pride.

"The outcome is set"

The head of the Cao family said softly.

Even if the battle hasn't started yet, the gap between the two Pokémon has already come out. As long as Jiang Qing doesn't command blindly, Altaria will definitely not win.

"Dad, are you saying that Teacher will win?"

Cao Lang obviously didn't know what his father meant, he thought that Teacher would win, and suddenly he said happily: "I knew that Teacher is very powerful, Mei Shu must not be his opponent"

The head of the Cao family looked at his youngest son, thinking that he was the best of his heirs, but now it seems that is not the case.

Or is it that his IQ was affected by the side payment.


Gabite's eyes were fierce. It hadn't fought for a while, because Jiang Qing played high-end rounds, and his strength couldn't show up at all.

Now that Jiang Qing has finally played in the low-end game, it will naturally perform well.

Gabite: I hope you are strong enough.

Along with Gabite's strong fighting spirit, Jiang Qing's voice also entered its ears.

"Dragon Claw"

The distance between the two sides was more than a hundred meters. As Gabite's strong legs exploded, the ground under his feet instantly sank.

At the same time, its body shot straight out like a sharp arrow.

Jumping up, he was in front of Altaria (Qian Hao) in the blink of an eye, so fast that he didn't give Altaria any time to react.

The emerald Dragon Claw slammed down on the head.

At the very moment, Altaria's cotton-like wings suddenly inflated several times, directly covering its body.

The Dragon Claw hit the opponent's feathered defense, with powerful force, it blasted the aura blue bird directly into the ground below.

However, the feather defense has great elasticity, so after smashing into the ground, Altaria bounced high again.

"Altaria Dragon Pulse"

Bian Fu was in a cold sweat. If Altaria hadn't reacted fast enough and used the feather defense just now, if he had been hit by Dragon Claw, this battle would not have been fought.

As expected of my carefully Breeder's Pokémon, this can be reflected.

As a trainer, Bianfu didn't have a command at the time, it was completely Altaria's autonomous response, and the reflexes were very fast.

This surprised Jiang Qing a little. .

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