Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

397 Cao Ying: Idiot Bag

Cao Lang is a standard playboy, but he is a gifted playboy, otherwise he would not have been admitted in advance by Zhejiang West Dragon Academy.

Every year when Jiang Qing came to Cao's house, this guy would always taunt Jiang Qing, and then he would be beaten up by Jiang Qing.

And Cao Lang always taunts Jiang Qing, because Jiang Qing, an outsider, every time he comes to the Cao family, he is treated better than himself, the direct descendant of the Cao family.

Jiang Qing's grandma, Cao Ying, is a trainer at the pinnacle of Elite, and can be said to be one of the pillars of the Cao family. Even the head of the Cao family has to listen to her words.

He is naturally very concerned about his grandson Cao Ying, and will immediately think of Jiang Qing when there is something good.

This also aroused the dissatisfaction of some younger generations of the Cao family, who felt that Meiqing had taken away what originally belonged to them.

Hearing that Jiang Qing was so straightforward, and also said that his skin was itchy in front of so many people, Cao Lang was very angry and angry, and the most important thing was that he didn't dare to say anything more.

In the past, when Jiang Qing was not a trainer, he was held down by Jiang Qing on the ground.

Now Jiang Qing is already the number one person of the younger generation in Xia Kingdom, and his power is not comparable to the current self.

So he looked at his father, hoping that he could speak for himself when he was old.

However, the head of the Cao family pretended that he hadn't seen it. He couldn't bear this face, and the Cao family was relying on the Jiang family now.

"Zhexi Longfa Academy is indeed a good school, Cao Lang, you have to work hard in the future," Cao Ying said.

Although last year's Hundred Schools League, due to Jiang Qing's reasons, Zhexi Dragon Academy fell out for five days, allowing the Second Military Academy to take advantage of it.

But its strength lies there, and it will not really be underestimated because it fell out of the top five.

"Understood my aunt"

Cao Lang nodded quickly, with a slightly excited expression on his face. After all, he was praised by his aunt just now. Except for Jiang Qing, few people in the family would receive this kind of treatment.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask Brother Jiang."

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ying's words made Cao Lang's face bitter.

Ask Jiang Qing, I might as well ask Qiandu directly.

Since he entered the West Zhejiang Dragon Academy, he must have chosen the dragon type, and although Jiang Qing is a steel type, his first Elite was a dragon type.

And Jiang Qing's second Attribute is also a dragon.

"Grandma, don't bother Brother Jiang, I have a Dragon Teacher," Cao replied.

"Your dragon teacher, how can you compare with my good grandson? In my opinion, he is an idiot."

When talking about Cao Lang's dragon teacher, Cao Ying immediately showed a disdainful expression. From her point of view, his teacher is too normal.

I don't know how Cao Lang thinks that the other party is a good teacher.

Coincidentally, this sentence was just heard by Cao Lang's teacher. The other party came in to look for Cao Lang. He didn't expect to hear someone say that he was an idiot.

"Side Teacher"

Seeing his teacher walk in suddenly, Cao Lang said hastily.

Looking at the ugly face of Teacher Bian, I wondered if I heard what my aunt said just now.

"Elder Cao, although I'm only in the early stage of Elite, I still learned from Xia Shang Elite. If you say that about me, it's really disrespectful to Xia Shang Elite."

Cao Ying sneered and said, "After listening to Xia Shang for a few lessons, I feel that I am his disciple. If you stand in front of Xia Shang, can he recognize you?"

Xia Shang is the current Dragon Elite and also the head of the Xia family.

It seemed that Cao Ying had poked the sore spot, Bian Fu blushed and said, "Of course Teacher Xia Shang remembers me, but I can"

"Remember you bastard"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Cao Ying, and it was still a swear word.

Jiang Oreburgh has a hot temper, and Cao Ying's temper is actually even hotter than Jiang Oreburgh's. Don't look at her age, but her temper is not minimized at all.

Bian Fu was a little confused by Cao Ying's sudden swearing.

The dignified Cao family is old, why is their quality so poor.

The corner of the mouth of the head of the Cao family twitched slightly, and he signaled Bian Fu to leave quickly, otherwise you will feel what it means to speak profanity.

"What are you staring at? If you say you are an idiot, you have to admit it"

"I'm almost sixty years old, and I'm still in the early stages of Elite. If I were you, I would have been killed."

"My grandson will be in the early stages of Elite when he is less than 20 years old"

"After living for sixty years, you and I are not at the same level in love"

The Elite level doesn’t really care about your age, as long as you are an Elite level, even if it’s just the early days of an Elite, you’re still an Elite, and you’re also a high-ranking Elite.

However, the truly talented people basically become Elite around the age of 30.

Like Ginger Oreburgh, Cao Ying․ Xia Shang and the others all became Elite at about the same age.

If Cao Ying didn't put all her energy on Pokémon later, otherwise, she is very likely to be the quasi-champion Trainer now.

Even so, she is at the peak of Elite, surpassing most Trainers.

"I dare not agree with Elder Cao's words."

"I am indeed early Elite, but your grandson's early Elite is definitely not comparable to me. On the Breeder of Dragon Pokémon, I must be better than him"

He has been in the early days of Elite for more than ten years. Jiang Qing is only so old. In terms of background, he must be better than Jiang Qing.

"Fart, my grandson will not be as good as you," Cao Ying scolded.

"Is it right, you will know after one game," Bian Fu said.

Jiang Qing didn't expect that the fire would burn on himself.

"My dear grandson, what do you think?" Cao Ying asked.

"Since Mr. Bian wants to compete, let's compete - 760 games."

Jiang Qing originally wanted to be called an idiot, but after thinking about it, let it go, he has already been bullied like this by his grandmother, and it feels a bit too much to bully him by himself.

And you're getting old, don't get excited and faint from anger.

"Okay, let's compete," Bian Fu said loudly.

Of course he knew Jiang Qing, but like most people, he felt that Mei Qing's record was a bit exaggerated.

And he has eaten more than 40 years more food than Jiang Qing. In terms of battle experience, he feels that he will definitely kill Jiang Qing in an instant.

Cao Lang walked up to Bian Fu and whispered, "Teacher, you are too impulsive."

Bian Fu snorted coldly: "You think I'm not his Rival"

"Teacher, don't you know that his Dragonite defeated Pokémon, the main force of the national rock system gym?"

The main Pokémon of any national gymnasium owner is at least the peak of Elite.

Bian Fu: I have never heard of this.

Now his complexion is a bit exciting, if he knew, how could he challenge Jiang Zhi.

Looking at Bian Fu's uncertain expression, Cao Lang guessed that the other party must not know the news, so Cao Lang didn't know what to say for a while.

"Teacher, you need to practice vibrato more"

With Jiang Qing's current traffic, once he does something, it will appear on Douyin immediately. .

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